Chapter 1

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Pete's P.O.V

I grumble as I come to the realisation I am in fact, awake. Reluctantly I push myself to sit up atop my trashy bed as I run my hands through my black and red hair. I can think of one thing, 'I need coffee.' Before I do anything else, I walk the short distance between my bed and so called "kitchen". I brew and sloppily make myself morning coffee "Fuck.." I whisper to myself as the drink falls from the mug as I pick it up, landing on my counter. At this point I didn't care. I picked up what was left of my coffee and slowly drank it as I sat down in my large sofa-chair. When I reach the bottom of my mug, I walk over to my closet. Sure, I live in a trailer. But at least everything was close. I pull my pajamas over my body and replace them with my usual outfit. I put on black jeans and a grey button up shirt before reaching for my purple platform shoes. Flipping my hair out of my face, I tie the laces of my shoes and slowly stand up. Grabbing my phone and shoving it in my pocket I swing my backpack which was practically empty apart from a few cigarettes and a lighter, I head out of the door, slamming it closed. Displeased by the fact I have to attend school, even if I don't go to classes. The walk to school is short as the snow crunches beneath my feet with each step I take, after several minutes of spacing out I finally reach Hell. Or school, as some like to call it. I don't respond to the "Fag." And "Weirdo." Remarks made as I walk through the middle of the school on my way to the back of it. "Conformists." I grumble under my breath as I open the door to the back of the school, greeted by Henrietta, Michael and Firkle all looking at me. "Hey." Henrietta says to me with a monotone and I nod at her before closing the door behind me and walking over to sit with them. I lean against the wall before I notice everyone is the group's scowls of disgust looking across from us. Leading me to look up too, finding the vamp kids near us. I scowled too. What they fuck are they doing here? Ugh I need a cigarette. I fling my bag onto my legs as I reach for the packet of cigarettes at the bottom. "Shit." I grumbled, "does anyone have a lighter?" I asked. Michael rolled his eyes at me as he threw a lighter at me. "You really need to remember your own lighter, Pete." I nodded, not really listening as I lit the cigarette in my hand. I took a long drag of it before letting out a sigh. Maybe the smoke of our cigarettes will make the vamp kids go away? I look up again to see them again. Jesus Christ, that fucking vampire wannabe kid pisses me off. I just hate everything about him. Standing around me like it's nothing, smiling that fucking smile. I roll my eyes, realising I'm being a total conformist as I take another drag of the cigarette held in my hand. Leaning back further into the wall that's supporting me, I turn to face Michael again. He's focused on his phone. I turn back to face In front of me, seeing that the vamp kids have gotten closer to us. The fuckers. They actually have the nerve to be near us? "Whatever." I scoff, thinking aloud. Michael looks up looks up from his phone to me, just giving me a questioning glare. "The vamp kids." I say to him, as I motion to in front of where we're standing with my head to point out the three of them standing there. "Thinking they can be around us and bullshit." I say to him finishing my point. Flicking my red and black fringe out of my eyes. "Ugh, I know right." Michael began. "They're such wannabe conformists." I nodded at his statement. He was right, that was what we where supposed to view them as anyway. But I don't know what it is about their faggy leader. 'Vampir', well actually Mike but I guess he couldn't take such a stereotypical jock name. Just something. I still have no idea but I hate him more than the others. He makes my face go red with 'anger' and whenever I see him I feel like I'm going to explode. I see Mike turn to us and wave, finally noticing us as he didn't pay attention to the other two assholes for a split second. He smiled at me as we made brief eye contact. I frown at him, that expression he gave.. I feel a wave on an unexpected and unknown feeling cross my body. It's not particularly pleasant but not unpleasant either. I don't know what it is, but that kid Mike is always the cause of it, and I hate him. He's turning me into a conformist. I'm supposed to be emotionless but he just ruins it for me. I still don't know why or how he does it. Maybe it's some vampire thing or some bullshit.  "Ugh." I groan out loud again. "What a fucking conformist." My voice grew quieter as the sentence continued. What was I feeling for Vampqueer over there?

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