Chapter 3

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Why did Mike want to meet with me? What's going to happen? Oh God what if he's just trying to get back at the goths for what we did to him? Oh dear god, does he hate me? What, of course he hates me. I shake my head. What am I thinking. Why am I upset that he hates me. It's currently last period, and I haven't gone to a single class today. I've contemplated telling Michael and the others about this silly cemetery meet up thing multiple times but decided to keep silent about the whole ordeal. They'd probably never speak to me again. I retrieve my phone from my pocket to check the time, 2:47. School finishes in three minutes. I have three minutes until I have to meet vampqueer here. My heart is racing and I can feel my face growing as red as the acne that covers the cheeks of it. What is this feeling? Anxiety? Why do I care about whatever is going to happen anyway? I've tried to tell myself hundreds of times to not meet him here but a part of me is so drawn to the thought of seeing hi- I'm harshly dragged out of my thought by the school bell ringing obnoxiously through the P.A speakers, and kids running out of their classrooms, ecstatic that it was now the end of the day. I stood there in silence, waiting, scared about what to say when 'he' arrived. Although I didn't have much time to be worried at all. As he appeared quicker than I would of imagined. Walking up to me as I saw him and he waved at me, smiling wide and showing off his fake fangs. They were almost enticin- what am I thinking? There's no way I'm actually attracted to that vampire poser, am I? He reached where he was standing. He was..blushing. Sweating too. Oh dear God, was he nervous? What's gonna happen. "H-hey conformist." I said to him before I realised what I had just done. Did I just..stutter. I had to think of something quick. "Tell anyone and I'll drive a steak through your heart." I said to Mike, as seriously as I could. I think he got the message as he just nodded and motioned towards the back exit of the school, the one you walk down to reach the cemetary. "Shall we being walking, per se." I rolled my eyes at his stupid catchphrase, and tried to muster up any kind of sarcastic response but all I was able to do what nod, and follow him. The walk to the cemetary was filled with awkward silence, allowing me to drift into deep thought about what I had thought earlier. Am I attracted to that vamp poser? I mean, he is all I've thought about for months. Now that I think about it he'd look really good if- "no" I said out loud, stopping myself. Mike heard me and looked down to me confused, "pardon?" I looked to the floor after meeting with his brown eyes. "Oh, just thinking." Mike asked no further questions as we approached the cemetary in the distance, out feet scuffling across the ground awkwardly. Each making petty non verbal attempts to force the other into speaking, none working. Until Mike's hand brushed against mine briefly. I shot up on the spot. And I felt myself go completely red. I shot Mike a quick glance to find that he was doing the same. Which gave me a strange sense on relief as we walked through the Victorian-style gates of the cemetary. We walked around the cemetery first, without discussing our reasons for being there. Reading the headstones of different graves as we travelled around the rather large space. Until Mike placed himself on a wall, on the side of the abandoned church in the middle of the cemetary. "Pete." He said, getting me to turn to face him. "So what's the reason you brought me here vamp queer?" Mike responded by going red and clearing his throat. "I'd like to..tell you something." He said to me. I felt myself get rather intrigued. After all my thoughts about him, I think this was connected. "Well, speak up conformist." I said growing impatient as he continues to face his feet. "Well, Pete, you see." I looked at him on the side of the old rundown church. He looked like a model. A dark and mysterious, tall and slender man sitting on a wall on the side of it. It was really a sight. I felt myself observing all of his features, his makeup, his piercings, his eyes, his lips. He looked perfect- I stopped myself once again and just in time as Mike was just finishing his sentence. "Well, to be honest, I brought you here because I wanted to." I frowned at him. "Get to the point, poser." For the first time, I felt bad for calling him that. It seemed to make him stop and stare in what seemed to be sadness. I have a look of sympathy. "I...m sorry. Take your time." I didn't have time to regret apologising. In the moment, Everything seemed fine. "We'll, Pete, I wanted to tell you that there's someone I really, really like." I felt my heart drop in my chest. Sadness like I've never felt before. He liked one of my friends or something. That's what it sounded like. I was starting to tear up, for reasons unknown until he continued his speech.
"And that someone..."
Silence seemed to drag on forever after that statement. Lasting years. I listened intently to it though.

"Is you, Pete."

I'm in love, with you."

A.N// I low-key feel evil for leaving such a short chapter on a cliffhanger, but I hope you like my little 2am spark of inspiration.

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