Chapter 6

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Walking into school didn't change in the slightest, but still felt so horribly different. I still held my face low, strands of my hair softly laying themselves across my forehead as they swayed with each step I took. The snow still made the noise of dry leaves in summer underneath my eccentric purple platforms. The path I took remained the same, just as the people surrounding it did. Gathering in the same places as they always would. Bitter laughter filled the air, it wasn't early enough in the morning to escape from the "freak"s and "fag"s that accompanied it. But that was the least of my concerns today. With every step I took, every face I made, I feared giving the fact me and Mike were together away.  It was like I was walking on eggshells, avoiding taking a single step out of the ordinary.

While it wasn't early, it also wasn't late. Meaning I had no fear of the goths seeing me walk past them to reach the oval, where I would wait to meet Mike. I strode past the spot where I sat everyday with ease, my friends weren't here yet. Despite the vamp kids judging from where they were sat, failing miserably at whispering about me, nobody seemed to care let alone notice at all. But the trip across the oval was going to be a whole different story. That's where the jocks and cheerleaders spent their time before school began. People like Clyde Donovan and Bebe Stevens. "Conformists." I grunted aloud at the thought of them, despite knowing that the insult had no standing to me anymore.

My shoes changed from landing on red brick scattered with snow to dew covered green grass. The oval. I could feel the stares already, but I wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone today. I wanted to see Mike and Mike only, so I held my head low once more and began walking around the edge of the grass, a sad attempt at not becoming the focus of any wannabe high school bully's torment. I heard the laughs first, stifled giggles and whispers that I didn't really care about. What were they for? Because I was goth? I muttered that meaningless word once more "conformists". Turning my head to face them, flipping my fringe up in the process, I saw all eyes on my as I approached the tree hidden away that Mike wanted to meet at. One of the guys playing football grasped it in his tiny brain that I was walking towards the tree and he gave me a smirk and a thumbs up and whispered to his friend, who them yelled "AYO, goth freak is getting some!" How could I forget, the only place hidden in this treacherous school is renowned for couples getting 'together'. I just looked down at my feet and kept walking, ignoring the few fading cheers and juvenile whistles that could be heard from the jocks.

I slowly maneuvered my way through the busy tree branches until i made it to the tree that Mike spoke of over text, he was sitting there with his headphones in facing the other way. I felt my heart melt at the sight of him. That, sitting there, was mine. That was my boyfriend. I walked up to him still smiling softly and tapped him on his shoulder, while he briskly turned his head to face me as I stood next to him I spoke "hey loser" and sat myself down next to him. He chuckled next to me and my heart skipped a beat. "took you long enough" Mike muttered to me "I missed you," he concluded. 

Then it happened. Those little seconds where everything is peaceful. Those little millisecond long moments where everything aligns in your life, and nothing but here and now matters. Right there and then, everything felt right. My head rested on Mike's shoulder, my eyes resting on my legs folded in front on me, leaning onto his stretched out ones. His minty breath being the only scent I could smell. Everything was exactly as it should be, as it was intended to be. I felt myself physically relax at this, despite the feeling fleeting just as suddenly as it appeared. I moved my body silently to sit in between Mike's legs as they lay out in front of him. Forcing us to make eye-contact.  He tilted his head and half-smiled at me. I almost felt my lips literally start shaking. I rested my legs on either side of his waist, and he moved his arms to fall around my shoulders and meet behind them. "How are you, vamp queer?" I asked Mike, at the fault of my newfound mentality of him being more important than me, more important than anybody. He pouted at the stupid nickname, causing us both to erupt into a cheesy smile 

Mike responded by leaning forward and smiling. I felt my body gravitate towards his. Our lips didn't crash together like yesterday, instead out lips landed softly on each others. He tightened his grip ever so slightly around my shoulders, lulling myself towards him. There was no force behind this kiss, I could feel his fake fangs and the feint taste of tomatoes. Every few seconds for a moment he'd stop to breathe and then kiss me deeper. After what must have been at least a minute he pulled away, "So you're good then?" I asked him with a smile, earning just a smile back with a "definitely."

A.N// hey edge-lords so here's another update cause I'm genuinely falling in love with this ship again. They're so babey :'(. Anyway, I wanted to ask y'all if you, my readers, would like some uhh CuRSed smut content in this story? I'd fit it in somehow with the overall fluffy theme, but I just feel it would be fun to write oop-. But it's up to y'all ksksk so comment about it idk, i won't change the direction of the story without asking y'all so make sure you tell me what you want haha

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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