Chapter 5

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That epic moment when it's been over a year since you last updated


After staying in Mike's embrace for as long as I felt fit, it must have been about a minute, I pulled away softly. My arms still laid around his waist, fingers intertwined behind his back as his arms rested on my shoulders, I simply placed about 30cm of space between us. I looked up to meet his gaze and half-smile. My smile was still beaming. "Mike, well", I began, Mike cocked his head in confusion and waited for me to continue. "What- what are we?" Mike seemed as equally confused as me, but it was as if we both knew the answer but where to afraid that the other wouldn't agree. Twenty seconds of ugly silence passed, "Are we together?" I finally spat out now tired of waiting. Mike lifted one hand from my shoulder to behind him to scratch his neck, refusing to make eye contact with me. "I'd like that" he finished his statement by looking down at me and smiling.

That was it, I, Pete was now dating Mike Makowski. I, a goth kid was now dating a vamp. "I'm supposed to hate you, you know." I said to him and almost chuckled. We both removed our arms from each other from the realisation we both had made in our heads. We couldn't take this public, under any circumstances. Mike finally spoke "If the other vamps found out about this, they'd drive a stake through my heart." He almost genuinely looked afraid as he spoke. "The goths would never speak to me again, they'd call me a conformist." I muttered out sadly. I didn't care about being conformist anymore, if this was what being conformist felt like I wanted as much as I could get. But I couldn't stand my friends disowning me, calling me the worst possible insult in their eyes. Mike said what we were both thinking. "We're never gonna be able to tell anyone about us." He spoke softly, voice laced with a trace of sorrow. "Mmhm." I agreed and my now boyfriend looked sad, but I looked up to face him. "But I still want to see you! The goths won't mind or get suspicious if I miss a couple hangouts! I'll spend as much time as I can with you!" This made Mike visibly happier and he let out an almost giggle. "That sounds perfect, but I have to go now, I'm due to go out at 5." I felt saddened by his need to be anywhere but with me, but there wasn't much I could do apart from smile and wave as he walked out the gates of the cemetery.

I waited about another five minutes before making my exit. Spending them walking around, reading the tombstones me and Mike had missed before. The walk home was not as long as I'd hoped, it didn't give me nearly enough time to think about everything that happened, everything I anticipated to happen later. The now much less prominent snow still crunched under my feet as I made my way to the trailer park. In my mind I traced the features of Mike's face over and over, from his eyes to the lips he kissed me with. He was so perfect, I can't believe I had hated him for so much time. So much time I could have spent kissing him instead. It saddened me that I had nobody to be happy for me, but that's what happens when you date your best friends mortal enemy.

After arriving at my caravan I swung the tin door open as the too familiar sound of metal clinking and clunking together rattled out loud. I closed the door behind me as I entered, creating the sound once again. Before a sound I was much happier to hear rang out from my pocket, my phone's notification tone. It was Mike, texting me over Instagram. "Hey Pete, do you wanna hang out tomorrow before school? Just behind the oval trees?" I read his message aloud to myself softly as I swung my body onto my back on my bed and extended my hands infront of my face to hold my phone. "That sounds alright." I replied to Mike's message, trying to be as low-key as I possibly could. He doesn't need to know that I'm head over heels just yet.

hey y'all, so yeah, it's been over a year. and I oop-. I'm really interested in this story and want to continue it but I only do that if people still actually read it. Does anyone even want more lmao? This chapter was like a snapshot of what the next parts will be like. Please comment if you'd like more chapters y'all!! :)

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