Ares: My God Of War (malexmale) Chapter α

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On Mount Olympus

Lord Zeus was pacing around in his throne room, for he had just received a very disturbing piece of news. It would seem that he son Ares the Lord of War would betray him in favour of his true mate. Unlike his siblings Ares was the only one who hadn't found his true mate, despite all his trails and challenges Ares was never granted the name of his true mate. Lord Zeus knew the name of Ares true mate, but he withheld the information because unlike his siblings Ares would become very powerful after bonding with his true mate. It was said that he would become powerful enough to overthrow Lord Zeus himself, not that he would believe it, for Ares hated Lord Zeus too much to take his throne.  Lord Zeus withheld the name of Ares mate for his own good, for the Fates had made a grave mistake for making a human Ares' true mate. Lord Zeus wouldn't allow it! Ares himself is very unstable, and mixing a human in it would only be a recipe for disaster.

"My Lord, do you really think it is smart to keep something of this grave importance from him?" Lord Zeus glanced up and saw Lady Athena standing there. "He is already very unstable, and once he learns that you knew about his true mate he will revolt against you." Lord Zeus stopped his pacing and sat down in his golden throne "He will drop everything at once when he learns that name, I will not have him run wild in the mortal realm looking for it." Although Lady Athena is the Goddess of logic and strategy she did something illogical; she started an argument with Lord Zeus.

"I strongly suggest that you tell him, and tell him soon, before he turns back to Ares. Seeing as he is Mars right now he might listen to your reasoning, for I know that if you tell him when he is Ares he surely will not listen and leave to find it." Lord Zeus said nothing as Lady Athena excuses herself and walked toward the big double doors of the throne room. "If he asks me something about it, I will not withhold anything from him. I will tell him the truth, for that is the most logical thing to do." With those final words Athena left Lord Zeus to ponder her words.

For once in a very long while Lord Zeus couldn't find an answer that was able to satisfy him. As his kept pondering dark clouds gathered, swirled, collided, and finally thunder rumbled in the distant sky.

Mortal realm: Northern Plains

The people of the mountain tribe of the Northern Plains were wary of the weather, for days dark clouds have been gathering around the mounts where they believe the road to Mount Olympus is. "Lord Zeus must be very displeased with our offerings." someone muttered, "How can that be we gave them the best of this year's harvest, it must be something else." another voice said. "Silence!" came the steady voice of the old shaman, "The Gods are restless because evil is coming." That got the attention of everybody in the tribe as the older man made his way to the front of the little gathering.

"The Ancestors gave me a warning dream about a man from the sky, and" the older man's words were cut off as they heard a giant roar of anger. "CURSE YOU ZEUS! THIS THE LAST TIME YOU WILL EXILE ME!!" after that a loud crash sounded, shaking the ground beneath their feet. Frightened, but curious at the same time people were murmuring about taking a look at what crashed to the ground not far away from them.

The younger more curious members of the group decided they were going to investigate. The son of the tribe leader was the leader of the little gang, as they made their way to the crash site. They were joking with one and other until they saw the size of the crater; it was at least 60ft in diameter and 17 feet deep. They were waiting impatiently for the dust to settle down, so they could sneak a peek as to what laid inside the huge crater. By the time the dust had settled down everybody from the tribe was gathered around the crater, all of them pushing and shoving the other to get a better look at whatever laid inside.

Much to their astonishment a man laid inside the crater, he was at least six foot something, had a lean muscled build, tanned skin and jet black hair. They couldn't see anything else as the mysterious man laid face down in the crater unmoving. Most assumed he was dead, for nobody would have survived a fall from the height he did. They were however very surprised when they saw some movement from the fallen man. Slowly but surely the man worked himself up into a sitting position, taking in his surroundings before noticing the group of people looking at him. Glaring at them they noticed that the man had an eerie red glow to his eyes; it glow just like the lava did on the inside of the earth. His eyes were cold and piercing, scanning everybody with great hostility.

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