Ares: My God Of War (malexmale) Chapter ια

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A dark place somewhere in the human realm

Several figures were huddled together as they were told about the change in plans; it wasn’t going to be easy to get Ares or Marcus to help them. This all because he had found his mate, they couldn’t use that information any more to pressure him into helping them. And that seriously messed up their original plans. Their original plan was to catch Ares when he was banned from Mount Olympus once again, but something went wrong and they didn’t find him until several months later. Annoyed and angered, they arrived at the Café; but they all got their asses kicked by an annoyed Marcus. That cemented their desire to have Ares with them and crown him the new king. Not that this was mentioned to Lord Hermes though, if they did he wouldn’t tell them all kinds of information he did, information they needed to make this plan work.

“So what do you think Lord Hermes?” the owner of the voice still had to reveal him or herself to him. But Lord Hermes was genially impressed by their huge numbers. “I have to say I am impressed, I never thought that the numbers would be this big.” he said looking down the little balcony they were standing on overlooking the group of bodies being separated into several groups. The voice chuckled “Do our numbers impress you Lord Hermes? Our numbers are greater than the Gods, because these are all creatures who once believed in their Gods but they dismissed them or made them sacrifice something they were sworn to protect.” Exactly how I feel at the moment he mussed, but unlike these people or creatures the Gods couldn’t really kill him. He would most likely be banished before returning to Olympus, but these would die and actually stay dead, unless Lord Hades decides otherwise. And knowing the sick bastard, he would most likely give Hermes the task of looking after them or something equally disturbing. All the more reason to stay unnoticed and under the radar of his father and family, so they won’t find out about his involvement in this.

 Human realm: College

Landon was quite aware of the fact that several people were trying to discreetly follow him. He could figure out why in the world they would want to follow him; he did nothing that he thought was notice worthy, unless it was now that he officially dated Marcus. He sighed as the mere thought of him made his gut feel fluttery and his head feel light. A bark brought him back from where ever his thoughts were going as he looked around as he walked around campus to his next class, until he spotted a black blur speeding towards him, knocking him down. He laughed out loud as Tromos licked his face; his hands fisted themselves in his soft fur and gently tug him away so he could get up. Still snickering he patted Tromos on his head “Hello Tromos, what are you doing here?” To which Tromos just bark and wagged his massive tail. “Sorry about that Landon, I told him to wait but he had to see you.” Landon stilled in his movement as he was bending forward to pick up his discarded books, notepads and pens. Hearing that lilting voice sent a shiver through his body, he swallowed thickly “H-he-hello Marcus” he managed to stutter, no matter how many times they met, Landon was still in awe of the magnificent creature that was Marcus and that they were dating.

Marcus just smiled at him as he held out all the books, notepads and pens he had dropped. Still blushing lightly Landon accepted them “So why are you here Marcus?” he knew Tromos couldn’t be the only reason; Marcus was about the answer when Landon was pushed into Marcus, courtesy of Tromos. Marcus wrapped his well-defined arms around him and sighed “He has been like this since you left this morning. So I went for a walk with him in the park but he ended up here instead.” Landon could feel all the stares from everybody on campus but he couldn’t care or less, he was immersed in Marcus’ scent and heat. “I am now very tempted to skip my next class and go home with you guys. But this is my last class of the day and I have some questions so I need to go.” Marcus squeezed him a little before reluctantly letting him go “We’ll be in the park if you’re looking for us. Come Tromos!” And with one last look at him Marcus turned on his heel and walked off campus, Tromos barked once before running after his master. 

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