Ares: My God Of War (malexmale) Chapter ι

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Mount Olympus

Lord Hermes couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched Marcus interact with his mate. What surprised him the most was that Lord Zeus wasn’t doing anything about it, the King Of Gods just sat there with a bored expression. Lady Hera and Lady Hebe were squealing and ahh-ing at the scene. Lord Hermes had a message for Lord Zeus but didn’t know how to enter now. “Why are you cowering in the doorway? MOVE!” said the cold voice of Lord Hades behind him, fully alerting the others in the room of his presence. Cursing his luck under his breath he moved aside so that the Lord Of The Underworld could enter. Filling in behind the slightly bigger man, he was spared a few seconds of condescending comments from Lord Zeus.

Lord Hermes waited patiently until his presence was recognised by Lord Zeus before delivering his message from another Pantheon. This is what he hated the most about being the God Of herds, travel, trade, heraldry, language, athletics and thievery nobody gives you any respect. It’s not an easy job running around delivering messages on time and keeping track of his UPS and DHL work. Once he did (Lord Thor from Norway wanted his opinion on something) he was dismissed at once with a wave of his and Lord Zeus returned to his conversation with Lord Hades. Seething on the inside Lord Hermes left the throne room walking into his mate “Are you alright love? You don’t look to well.” Lord Hermes delicate, lovely mate looked worried. Putting his hand against her cheek “I am well, my love. Just father being his usual condescending self.” It broke his heart keeping a secret of this magnitude from her, if she ever knew it would literally break her heart. But he was sworn to secrecy when he learned of several other Gods being displeased about the way they were treated, like himself. With one last smile he was off to only he knew where.

Human realm: Café

Marcus was shocked when Landon didn’t want to let go of his hand, he didn’t understand it at all. He needed that hand to do his job, something he really needed to get on with. After working a lot of extra hours he was back on track; he was back on the level he was on before he disappeared for months. Landon shook their hands lightly “Well, then it’s nice to finally meet you properly Marcus.” he says with a smile. The smile took Marcus’ breath away; it was so pure and full of love for him. For him and him alone, the smile made Marcus instantaneous possessive of Landon. Landon saw it and it warmed him from his toes to the top of his head. Getting up from the chair Landon briefly let go off Marcus’ hand who growled at the loss, only to hold his hand again when he rounded the desk and stand in front of Marcus. Landon was looking expectantly at him; Marcus was a bit at a loss for what Landon could want from him. Noticing this Landon shook their hands again “You’re supposed to say nice to meet you too Landon.”

Marcus could just die of embarrassment when he shook Landon’s hand “It is nice to meet you Landon.” He had turned his chair to properly face Landon, giving Landon a clear view of his delicious thighs and stomach. Shifting uneasily under Landon’s burning gaze, Landon knew from the way Marcus reacted to shaking his hand that he had his work cut out for him. It was clear that Marcus never really knew how to handle these heavy emotions, Landon had a few times he was in love but it never was this consuming. This hot, this burning. Biting his lip Landon was fighting the urge to run his hands through Marcus’ dark tresses and feel if they are soft as they look. As Marcus himself runs a hand through them Landon losses the battle and groans as he feels that indeed Marcus’ hair is as soft as it looked. Marcus on the other hand stilled as he heard Landon groan as he gently massages his scalp. Flopping his head back at the nice warm feeling, Marcus closes his eyes and enjoys the feel of Landon massaging his scalp.

They were so lost in the feeling they didn’t notice the door opening and Gabe entering the room. His eyes widened at the scene before him before his eyes soften and he steps back out and loudly knocked on the door. He heard some shuffling and a chair scrapping, Landon must have sat back in the chair. He looked around the door “Hey boss, night shift is here. Thought you’d want to know.” he nodded at Landon as he closed the door smiling to himself. “What’s up Gabe? What happened that got you smiling like that?” Glenn asked. “Looks like Marcus found something precious, something that he holds close to his heart.” Gabe shook his head at Glenn’s questioning look at his reverence to Marcus finding a lover.

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