Ares: My God Of War (malexmale) Chapter θ

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Mount Olympus

Lord Zeus knew he needed to do something about the banishment of Calliope and soon. He knew that Ares would ask about it first thing when he came to visit. He tapped his chin in thought, he had promised her freedom from her banishment and as a God he was bound by it. Sighing as he saw no way to weasel out of the promise he snapped his fingers and he felt her presence leave to join those of her deceased family. He drummed his fingers as he waited for Ares to arrive, today was the start of the summer solstice. And there is nothing he hates more than waiting.

Luckily Ares knew this and arrived shortly after making him wait for only five minutes. Lord Zeus took a good look at Ares and was pleased to see a healthy Ares stand before him. The last time he saw Ares he was severely dehydrated, sickly pale and malnourished. Ares bowed his head lightly in acknowledgement, "I was told Mother wanted to see me." His voice was a soothing deep timbre, something nobody would associate with a God Of War. But somehow it suited him. "Ares!" Lord Zeus didn't turn around to see who said that, the warm tingling feeling in his gut told him everything he needed to know.

Lady Hera smiled as she took in the glow that surrounded Ares. He still stiffened a little as she hugged him, he was still getting used to being touched that frequently by her. It was an improvement from the other times she tried touching him; he would flash away every time she reached out to him. Must be because he finally found his mate she mussed as she couldn't help but feel undiluted joy that he found a part of him he was hiding for so long. Taking his callused hand in hers she tugged him away from the throne room "Come with me" With one last look at Lord Zeus, Ares followed his mother out of the throne room.

Ares said nothing as Lady Hera led him through the lush green garden, courtesy of Persephone. He had a feeling he knew where she was taking him. His gut feeling was right; she took him to his favourite spot on the whole of Olympus. She took him to the place where the trees hide most of the little clearing with crystal clear water and a waterfall. It was the place where he would hide whenever he felt sad or angry at the other Gods for ridiculing him again. He sighed as happy and sad memories flooded his brain; all the times he came here he took his anger out on the surrounding nature. The landscape still bared the scars of his anger; deep cracks in the rock near the waterfall where he had struck the stone instead of Apollo's face like he wanted too. Uprooted trees when he was told he would never find his mate, his eyes hardened as he was filled with self-loathing for losing control like that. Lady Hera squeezed his hand "Don't worry about it honey, nature can take a few punches. I admire yourself control that you never hit any of your siblings for what they said about you." Turning down a path that wasn't there before he curiously followed her deeper into the heart of the clearing. Once he arrived he saw her sitting down on the ground, her skirts carefully arranged around her. "Come sit with me and tell me all about your mate." she smiled at his startled look "Yes, I know you found your mate. The glow that surrounds you says so."   

Mindful of her skirts he seated himself down on the ground beside her, not clear on where to start. Lady Hera waited patiently for Ares to sort out his thoughts and feelings before starting his tale. Lady Hera felt her anger spike when she learned that her husband had banished him for something he hadn't done yet.  Her heart broke when he told her his powers were bound and banished to a world he didn't really know. He told her how he landed his first ever job as a manager of the Café where she visited him when she asked him about the choice he had to make. That made her smile again, she could see it in the way Ares was speaking he cared a great deal for those people who took him in after everything that happened. He was silent for a while before he started the part where he first met Landon Miller's father and Landon himself. He described a familiar feeling when he first laid eyes on Landon standing on his porch with an envelope containing a letter of gratitude of his father and some money. She didn't tell him she had watched that part from Mount Olympus, she didn't want to break the fragile trust there was between them. 

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