Hey guys .... I haven't updated inna while ... This might be a little suckish but oh well :)
Princeton's P.O.V
As soon as the guys left I grabbed some Tylenol out of the medicine cabinet and grabbed a water out of the fridge .
I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door . I didn't want to bother her if she was sleep .
"Come In " she said silently said
I opened the door and laid next to her and handed her the stuff .
She half smiled , and closed her eyes .
"I have a question for you ." I asked
She sat up and took her medicine
" I might have a answer "
"What's up with you and Diggy ."
"We just go way back ."
"Way back. You not keepin any secrets from me are you ? "
Savannah's P.O.V
I had to think fast . Of course I loved Prince . alot . But he wasn't ready for the truth .