Lexie's P.O.V.
"Wait a prophecy?" I squeak
yeah" Will responded
~well great! ~ my thoughts are interrupted when Jack bursts in, his nose no longer bandaged and most of his cuts are gone, "Hey Lex your ok. Jack hugs me and sits down,
"well more or less" I answer. Jack smiles and then walks out with Will, I hear murmuring through the door, and as much as I want to listen I decide not to intrude.———— 2 hours later ———
I walk towards the pavilion as seeing it is breakfast time I decided to have pancakes, and it also meant that I had been asleep for at least a day, Great! ~sarcasm~
The food was great, the pancakes tasted great,
"Hey!" I sit up and look around a little trying to find the voice... nothing I continue eating my food
"HeY!" I look towards whoever was yelling and see a cute Latino boy "your Alexia right?" He asks I nod my mouth full of pancakes, he thrusts his hand forward."I'm Leo I'm gonna help you find your weapon"
"My what?"
"Your weapon"
"You mean like a sword or bow?" I look at him with an eyebrow raised
"Yeah and daggers and hammers, spears, long swords, scythes, double bladed swords"
You could see the excitement in his eyes almost as if he loved building or tinkering with things
"And"I start to laugh "Okay I think I get it, hi Leo nice to meet you!" I stick my hand out and shake his hand,
————— time le skip ——————
"So Leo... what cabin are you in?" I ask
"Cabin 9"
"And which god is that?" I question with my eyebrows raised.
"Oh right your new, Hephaestus." He said, he stoped and pointed to the dull looking shed. "We're here"
I open the door and look inside , weapons of every kind sir along the wall and some scattered on the floor.It was strange to think that some of these weapons had owners, a past. Every. Single. Weapon, had a story.
I looked through and grabbed a long sword, it felt unbalanced, I moved on.
Walking through, I notice something behind a stack of spears. I grab the end of the stick and attempt to pull it out.Key word being = Attempt
As I pulled it out the stick it hit something and. Every. Single. Spear. Fell Down... laughing as I remain standing holding the stick, I look at the bottom... nothing ~okay~ I look at the top nothing "it's a stick"
"Good eye" Leo says sarcasm dripping
"Harr harr" I mock,
"So I fight with the one I was drawn to right?" I ask
"Yeah basically" Leo answers
"Well shit... I'm fighting with a damn stick, well at least it looks cool right?"
The stick was gold with beautiful engravings of suns and light rays all over.
"It's actually a staff," Leo said, tinkering with a piece of metal in his hands."What am I now? A wizard ?" I hold up the staff and say " you shall not pass"
And slam it down."But seriously what could a staff possibly do for me?" I ask
"Well that's for you to find out" he says, the one last spear leaning against the wall Sits for a few seconds before falling.I jump and so does Leo
"Hahahahaha." Leo looks at me strangely, almost like he didn't know what I was laughing about, hell even I didn't know, but I knew I needed to get my mind off this prophecy.
~yo Apollo could you make sure I don't die on this quest? That would be great Thanks~A/N
Hey everyone sorry I've been taking so long, I seriously have really bad writers block. But I finally finished a chapter!!! Yay 😁

The Curse of Icarus.
FanficHopefully we all know the story of the boy who flew too close to the sun ☀️ Alexia Jones is a daughter of Apollo with the curse of Icarus, she has beautiful dark wings, black as night. The only catch, the closer she flies to the sun, the weaker she...