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~I'm still the same me
The me from before is still here but
The lie that's gotten too big
Is trying to swallow me up~
       a few months later
'i shouldn't have agreed to do this. i should have told them no. he doesn't deserve this. he still young.'

mark walked down the school halls, his heart was beating fast. they told him if he didn't do it soon, they'd do it for him.

he spotted Donghyuk at his locker and walked up to him. "hey." donghyuk turned his head and smiled, "hey mark." marks heart broke, little by little, seeing how happy donghyuk was with him, knowing that this would end soon.

"hey hyuk, can i take you somewhere after school? its a secret place." donghyuk nodded and the bell rang. they parted ways.

the day seemed to be going by fast, which mark didn't enjoy. he'd rather spend the rest of his life in class, than do what he was going to do.

donghyuk, on the other hand, couldn't wait til the end of the day. he practically teleported from his class to marks locker.

"are you ready to go?" donghyuk asked once he saw mark. mark stared at him, holding the tears back, and nodded.

donghyuk took his arm and ran him out of the school and told mark to lead the way. "wait," mark said looking at donghyuk.

"what? why?"

"uhm nevermind. lets go."

mark took donghyuk to a forest, with an opening that led to a huge empty field, and a river.

"woah, its so pretty here!" mark nodded and looked down, letting the tears fall. donghyuk heard him crying and turned around.

"hey, hey, hey. whats wrong? its ok. calm down. tell me whats wrong." donghyuk said hugging mark and rubbing his back.

"i cant believe im actually doing this." mark spoke shakily. "what do you mean? are you gonna break up with me?" donghyuk asked sadly.

mark shook his head and said "worse." donghyuk was confused and looked at mark "what do you mean?"

"they said if i didnt do it soon they'd do it for me, and i dont want you to have your last moments chained to the floor, cold and hungry and scared."

donghyuk let go of mark a little and said

"do what?"


donghyuk felt a very sharp pain in his stomach. "oh my god." donghyuk said as he fell. "im sorry. im sorry. im sorry, i love you so much." mark said.

he kissed donghyuk one last time. and decided his boyfriend deserved a reason to all this, even if he wouldn't be alive to hear it.

so, mark held his boyfriend in his arms and started talking.
'donghyuk, im so sorry. i made bad decisions, with bad people, and they made me do bad things. they said that they knew your dad and that he was a bad bad man. they told me that you would grow up to be like him,"

"they said if i wanted to prevent that, i had to dispose if you. then i actually started liking you, and i knew i made a mistake. you were still young and you had such a good life ahead, i knew you wouldn't end up like your dad, but they wouldn't leave me alone'

Caught in a Lie||M.L & L.D.HWhere stories live. Discover now