26 • 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖕𝖊𝖗

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A/N: i listened to 27 while writing the last part and I really regret it- big mistake.

To say the least, he was unhinged and wanted nothing more than to smash Nick's face into a wall- and I didn't know what to do to help him. We had been walking for hours and he still couldn't calm down, which went to show how much he cared about all this. I would too but I knew better than to get my panties in a twist over Nick and his ignorant ways.
But all I could do was just walk by his side, his hand still wrapped around mine and just let him get all this out of his system. I glanced up at his flaring nostrils as we walked down the empty street, the cold night air blasting us with the familiar cold, spring air.
His angry words were carried away with the wind as he spat them out into the air,
"Can you believe that fucker? Fucking ridiculous."
I nodded along to his ongoing rant, glancing up at the distorted expression on his face every once in a while. You could tell he was mad and that nothing would help to calm him down- and the fact that he was intoxicated did not help the matter.
I wrapped my coat around me a little tighter as we continued walking down the dark Cleveland street, my breath coming out in short little puffs,
"Kells, it's alright, okay? I'm still here, you're still here- we're fine."
His grip on my hand grew a little tighter as he took in my dismissive words, my tone probably not helping him calm down one bit. I looked back up at him, expecting to see his clenched jaw, except his dark eyes were now trained on me, his steely glare turning even darker the longer I met them,
"What do you mean 'it's alright'? It's not alright- its not alright of him to fuckin' do that shit to me. Does he know what I could do to him? Does he know how much shit I could've done by now? If it wasn't for you, he wouldn't be alive right now and he doesn't fuckin' get that!"
I bit my lips again, forcing the words back down my throat. I wanted to tell him that there was no use mulling over his idiotic actions but I knew better of it. Besides, he was right- if it wasn't for me, Nick would probably be dead and stranded in a ditch somewhere and he doesn't even get it.
I sighed as I squeezed his hand back, trying to calm him down at least just a little bit. I leaned my head against his arm, rubbing his denim-sleeved forearm with my free, cold hand,
"I know, I know- but just know that he can never get between us, okay? No matter how many times he wants to try. So what if he can't get that shit into his head? All that matters is that I'm with you and I only wanna be with you,"
I felt him vibrate a little, a tiny scoff escaping his lips at my words. I glanced back up at the taller man, noticing the unfamiliar smile now replacing his grimace,
"Good- 'cause that asswipe will never be able to have you again. You're all mine."
For some reason, I knew he was right- no one would ever be able to have me again. I was all his.
I felt a smile of my own grow on my lips as I stared up at Kells, his bone structure mesmerizing me like usual. I laughed a little as I felt his hand start to relax around mine along with his whole body,
"Can't argue with that."
Kells glanced down at me, his hard stare now softening up to a gaze. His voice lowered another octave as his whole mood changed, forcing goosebumps to rise up my arms and legs,
"No one has to get it- it's just you and me against the world."
There was something beneath those words and I knew there was a deeper meaning to it- which made me realize that I was really in love with the man and he was really in love with me. We were all we had at this point and no one could do shit to take either one of us away from the other.
I clutched tighter on to his arm as he bent down, planting a kiss onto my waiting lips. It was a kiss that felt unfamiliar due to the fact that I felt something i've never felt before. It was as if I could finally see everything clearly and that I was seeing and feeling Kells for the first time all over again. It was unexplainable but I knew it meant something and I felt it, deep in my bones the second his lips made contact with mine.
I smiled against them before he pulled away, leaving my lips cold again. I felt the familiar burn in my cheeks as I tore my eyes away from his smirk,
"Just you and me- I like the sound of that."
Kells chuckled in response before slowing his fast pace, his eyes checking out the gas station a few feet ahead of us. There were only a couple of cars stationed in front of the gas pumps but the rest of the area seemed abandoned. A couple of hooded figures stood by the door to the store, the light from inside illuminating the puffs of smoke that the men let out as they smoked.
I felt nervous as I took in the strange place, knowing very well that this part of Cleveland wasn't always the safest at night.
I glanced up at Kells whose eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were set in a straight line. It was if he was scoping out the area, which he probably was doing. He was a drug dealer after all- he was bound to have some enemies around here.
To confirm my suspicions, he hissed under his breath as he glanced back the way we came, his tense shoulders making me even more nervous,
"Fuck, I forgot my handgun."
I raised an eyebrow at that statement, my hands starting to grow clammy the longer we stood in the dark,
"Your handgun? I never knew you had a handgun,"
He glanced at me briefly before jokingly rolling his eyes, staring back at the men now watching us stand by the curb,
"Every man in our house has a handgun- you can't expect us not to have one."
It's not like I didn't expect them not to have one but just the realization that I slept in a house filled to the brim with them sent shivers down my spine.
I let Kells' words drift away with the wind as he huffed, digging his free hand into his pocket.
I could hear the buzzing and I knew it was Slim calling for the millionth time. Kells' groans confirmed my suspicions.
I watched him tap the red button, denying the call for the millionth time, as well,
"Can he fuckin' not?"
I shoved his shoulder a little as he started walking again, me stumbling along,
"Hey, he's just probably worried about us. Maybe you should answer him?"
Kells scoffed at my inquisitions as we passed the gas station and the watchful eyes of the men that took their time puffing on the cigs,
"Oh, please, as if he should be worried 'bout me."
I finally caught up with his gait again, matching my footsteps with his as I kept talking,
"Well, I mean, you seemed pretty worried back there-"
My observation earned me a tiny glare from the much taller man, his smirk growing deeper as he rolled his eyes. I just got the feeling that he was too proud to admit the fact that maybe he was a little worried,
"Not even."
I pursed my lips at his denial, pretending as if I didn't care anymore. I sighed as I stared up at the half moon shining it's moonlight down on the two lonely figures that were us,
"I don't know, just call him back- let him know that we aren't dead or stranded."
I felt Kells' eyes turn to me as I evaded his stare, his calloused hands loosening up around mine. I knew he didn't wanna answer that phone but he knew I was right- it would save Slim a lot of trouble even if he wasn't left alone, like he wanted to be.
Kells sighed into my ear as he bumped into me, flashing his signature smirk as I glanced over at him,
"I will in a bit, 'Kay? I just wanna be alone- with you."
My heart warmed up at his words but I couldn't help but feel a little anxious with the whole situation, seeming that we were walking around Cleveland in the middle of the night, somewhat tipsy with no protection.
I managed to flash a smile of my own back up at him but I didn't hold myself back as I voiced my concern. I glanced back in the direction we came, expecting to see the men following us or some sketchy shit like that,
"Me too but I'd rather spend some time alone with you in the safety of your house- Upstairs. In your bedroom."
I felt my smirk start to grow at the mention of the room in which we did every, single dirty thing imaginable. His hand immediately tightened around mine and his stare intensified, making my knees feel weaker than they already were.
He spoke up, a little breathlessly, as he stared down at me, his eyes turning even darker the longer his eyes were on me,
"Well, shit, since you put it that way,"
He immediately grinned, goofily, as he started tapping on his phone, suddenly all giddy at the thought of getting laid.
I giggled a little at the sight of his sudden mood shift, admiring how he could switch from a badass motherfucker to a little, cute ass kid in a matter of seconds.
I turned my gaze downwards to our feet as Kells sighed, putting the phone up to his ear as we continued walking down the street. The sound of passing cars on the street caught my attention but I honed in on the conversation as Slim picked up the phone.
Kells sighed deeply as he stared up at the stars peeking through the clouds, and I immediately knew Slim was going off,
"Man, chill, bro we're fine."
I turned my gaze back up at Kells as his eyebrows started to slowly knit together, his eyes growing wider with each silent second that passed.
The sudden look of fear that overcame his face wasn't a good thing- and I was smart enough to realize that.
I shook his arm as he forced us to stop right in our tracks,
"Kells, what's wrong?"
It was as if I wasn't even there, his horror-stricken face turned upwards towards the skyline in front of us. I felt my heart start to drop as I heard Slim's incoherent voice start to grow louder, except it was filled with fear instead of anger.
Fear for his friends, fear that the worst is about to happen.
I watched Kells' mouth gape open as he finally made eye contact with my waiting eyes. It was honestly as dramatic as it sounded when I say he let his arm drop, his wide eyes trained on me.
My eyes flickered down to the phone in his hand and back up to the shocked expression on his face, not knowing what to do or say.
I let my hands travel up to his face as I forced him to come closer, my eyes drilling a hole into his as I spoke with urgency in my voice,
"Kells, what's wrong?! What did he say?"
It was as if he had been holding his breath the whole time as he gasped for breath, my eyes being greeted with the unfamiliar sight of building tears in his usually-clear eyes.
He looked broken and fear-stricken- something that I wasn't used to seeing.
Worry was the only fuel that flooded through my veins as I felt the immediate urge to calm him, to help him feel better.
I shook his shoulders a little, my fingers starting to tremble the longer he stared at me.
In an instant, as if my own worry was a trigger, he snapped out of his daze as he closed off all the emotions he was feeling.
He blinked the tears away as he clenched his jaw, taking my hands back down and into his own,
"Just... we gotta go. Now."
I opened my mouth to question him again about his weird behavior, but he cut me off by putting the phone back up to his ear, dragging me back the way we came,
"Slim, can you pick us up? I'll send you my location-"
I ignored his words to Slim as I tried pulling my hand away, demanding answers right then and now,
"Kells, stop! Tell me what's going on!"
He simply ignored me as we neared the gas station from before, already stuffing his locked phone into his jeans' pocket.
I grunted as I tried resisting his iron grip, my mind fully set on being as stubborn as I could until I was told what the fuck was going on.
My stubbornness was apparently the last straw as Kells immediately halted, causing me to slam into his back.
I gaped up at him as he whipped around, his firm hands now around my shoulders so that I had no choice but to stop moving.
There was no hint of anger on his face so I knew he wasn't mad, but there was something still off.
He sighed as he glanced behind his shoulder, cautiously, before returning his stare back on me,
"We're in trouble. Deep trouble. Actually, I'm in deep trouble- but as long as you're here with me right now, you are too."
His words confused the shit out of me and I didn't know how to comprehend that statement. I raised an eyebrow up at him, feeling incredulous the longer his eyes stared into mine,
"What- what does that even mean?"
He grunted as he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to gather his bearings before speaking again.
The crease between his eyebrows deepend the longer he kept his eyes closed, his lips twisting into a slight grimace,
"Nick lied to Diddy. This muhfucka told Diddy that I told him not to deliver a package to one of our most valued customers. This fuckin' bitch is really out to get me,"
His eyes fluttered open again to see my gaping mouth and wide eyes. I honestly couldn't understand his words, that's how shocked I was. To hear those absurd words slip through his lips shocked me to the core and I wished I could unhear them- the last thing I need is to hear how much of a monster one of my ex-best friends were.
I stammered over my words as fear started to creep into my veins, filling my whole chest with suffocating anxiety,
"Wha- oh my god, what the-"
Kells gulped a little as he nodded to my words, my fear mirrored in his eyes. He was definitely scared but more than that, he was angry. I could see the fire in those cold eyes and I knew there was no restraining him.
And I wasn't going to- Nick can get what he deserves and he deserves Kells' unholy wrath.
I felt the panic start to close my throat off as I stared up into those familiar, tired eyes,
"Wait, how does Slim know that?"
Kells' grip on my shoulders loosened a bit as we stood there in the dark, our fast breathing matching the others',
"Diddy was at the house, waitin' for them- waitin' for me. He had a fucking gun out and everythin'!"
Kells started to visibly lose his shit as he started laughing, his face starting to crumble the longer he kept laughing.
I felt tears of my own start to burn my eyes as I watched him freak out- because of something a guy I used to know did. I bit my lip as I grabbed onto his arms again, dragging them down from his head as he clutched his hair,
"I'm so sorry- I'm so sorry he did this. God, I don't even know what to say-"
Kells shook his head in response, tearing off the bandana wrapped around his forehead with anger flowing through his movements. He growled a little as he threw it against the brick wall we were standing next to.
I kept to myself as I allowed him to get it all out of his system, my own body going into shock as I let it settle in my mind- Kells was now being haunted by the Reaper and so was I.
I wiped away the tear that slid down my heated cheek, the cracks in my voice making me sound weaker than I really was,
"Maybe you can explain to him what Nick's tryna do- explain to him what's going on-"
Kells panted as he stared back at me, his heaving shoulders making him appear as menacing as ever. His clenched jaw and teary eyes made my heart ache as we stood side by side, not knowing what the fuck to do,
"There's no talkin' with him- there's only killin'. Nick probably put up a good argument anyway, since he really came to the goddamn house to fuckin' shoot me."
I let his words sink in again as I fully realized the extent to Nick's ridiculous, absurd actions-
Kells was now an outcast with nowhere to run or nowhere to hide. He had a target on his back and it was partly because of me.
I managed to speak up again, my mind still unable to comprehend that this was really happening,
"Kells, I'm so sorry,"
He shook his head in response but was cut off from the sound of guns cocking, the metallic sound ringing down the empty street.
My heart dropped as our heads whipped over to the source of the horrid sound, our eyes landing on the two hooded men from before.
Kells cussed under his breath, his eyes flickering from the shadows down to the guns in their hands,
I felt my whole body freeze up and my breath bitch in my throat as the two men stepped forward into the light, Kells stepping in front of me like a shield the closer they dared to get.
One of the men, who I recognized as a man Kells was in charge of, pulled the hoodie off his head, a blank expression on his cold face,
"Bad news, playboy."
Kells scoffed under his breath, using his tall demeanor to keep myself from view,
"What are you doin'? Just... why?"
The only response he got was from the second man, the light from the street light revealing the familiar face that used to greet us at the warehouse.
I felt my heart sink as his cold eyes flickered from Kells' and down to mine, his lips pursed into a thin line,
"Boss' orders."
The first man stepped forward again, a small smirk playing on his lips as his eyes landed on me clutching onto Kells' hand for dear life,
"Don't worry, honey, he's the one we wanna kill. We'll save you for ourselves."
The two men cackled at his dirty comment, making Kells tense up again. His hand tightened around mine as he flared his nostrils and pursed his lips in disgust- and yet, he didn't dare say a word.
I was expecting him to but I didn't bother wandering why as the heartwrenching sounds of firing bullets filled the air.
Kells immediately covered me as he pushed me forward, running the both of us back the way we came, away from the two men and our friends fighting for us.
I glanced back for a quick second, my eyes landing on the black Escalade with the flashes appearing every once in a while as Slim, Rook, and Ryan shot at the two men.
I had enough time to see the two men shooting back but also making their way towards us before Kells dragged me around the corner. My heart started to race at a million miles per hour as we ran for our lives, our pants and fast footsteps being the only sound we could hear.
As fast as my feet were moving, my mind was moving faster. It was as if my brain was crashing from this overload of new information- it was shocking and incomprehensible.
Nothing will ever be the same again.
I squeezed Kells' hand as he kept dragging me with him, his longer legs carrying him further than mine ever could.
I panted for breath as we turned another corner, coming to a dead stop in an alley. Kells let out a loud growl, his hope at escaping slipping through his fingers as we stared at the brick wall.
What little hope I had left had diminished the second I saw the guns so I wasn't as disappointed, but I felt the fire to live again spark up as I glanced over to my side.
My ears picked up the sound of the men running towards us and I knew we were running out of time. The absence of gunfire told me that something had happened to our friends and it brought me out of my hopeless daze- I wasn't gonna give up like this.
It was my turn to drag him as I pulled him with me, slamming my body into the metal door that led into the building.
We were greeted with a stairway that led up to many levels, the winding staircase making me feel dizzy as I stared up at it. I didn't know whether my weak, unathletic self could ever do that shit but I didn't have a choice as Kells took over the dragging again.
He pulled me with him as he clamored up the stairs, his pants echoing and filling the whole stairway,
"Fuck, fuck, fuck-"
I repeated those words in my head as I racked my brain for ideas on what we should do. At this point, the only thing we could do was hide but the further we ran up the stairs, the more my disappointment started to take control of me.
There were no doors that would lead us anywhere, just flights of stairs for as far as the eye could see. I resisted a little as I felt beads of sweat run down my back and my body start to overheat from the coat I was wearing,
"Kells... maybe we... should stop. I don't hear... them,"
I stared up at the man who had his arm stretched back for me as I lagged behind him, the crazed look in his eyes as he glanced back taking me by surprise.
He was in survival mode and there was no way he would stop. He ignored my comment as the sound of the door slamming open from 8 stories below rang upwards, reaching our ears in no time.
I felt the blood in my face drain as I heard them below us, the instant fear giving me an extra burst of energy. I finally started to match Kells' pace as we ran up the last flight, another metal door in our wake.
Kells grunted as he shouldered the door open, throwing his whole body into it. He stumbled onto the rooftop of the useless building, almost dragging me down with him. He let go of my hand as he ran up to the edge of the roof, peering over it at the buildings and passing cars below. All I could do was stand there and look at him, peering over the edge as if what he needed was down there, on the concrete.
The light from the bottom filtered up and hit his face from a low angle, giving him a somber look. He gulped as he glanced back at me, his sad eyes telling me more than his words ever could.
There was no other option for him, for me, for us.
My weak legs started to tremble as the realization hit me like a truck, his sagging shoulders making my heart drop to my feet,
"Kells, no,"
He sighed as he stepped forward, snatching my hand in his as he pulled me towards the edge. His eyes were filled with love as he stared down at me but they were also filled with a sense of morbidity-
He was saying goodbye.
Kells shook his head as he stared down at me, taking in the disbelief written all over my face,
"There's no other option for me. If they find me alive, I would wish that I had gone through with this-"
I felt my sorrow and shock switch to anger in an instant, the intense feeling take control of me. I snapped my arm out of his grasp as I shoved my palms into his chest, my cold fingers grasping onto the denim for dear life,
"No, Kells, please, you can't fucking kill yourself, no- I won't let you!"
My words went straight over his head as he unwrapped my fingers from him, his pursed lips quivering ever so slightly as he took in my crumbling state,
"It's better than me being tortured alive or shot and left to die. I'd rather die like this- by my own free will."
I felt nauseous as I realized what he was really implying- he wanted to throw his whole life away because of one dipshit. He was implying that he was ready to wipe his legacy, wipe away the mark he left by living in this world for the last 26 years.
I shook my head as he made a move to jump onto the ledge, my iron grip holding him back,
"Then if you go, I go."
I wasn't sure if I meant it but the longer I stared up into those wide, blue eyes, the more I was sure of it. A world without him in it was a world I didn't wanna live in.
Take him out of the picture, and it was a deal-breaker. I needed him and I wasn't ready to let him go- no fucking way.
I registered his shock as he took my words in, waiting for him to object at my absurd statement. But to my surprise, he didn't say a word, just hopped onto the ledge in a quick, swift movement.
He bent down to help me up, his lean arms easily pulling me up with him.
And that was when I realized what was really happening, what he really wanted to do, what I really agreed to do.
I felt at a loss for words as I stared down at the city in front of us, the concrete directly below looking as if it was a thousand miles away.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat as his hand slid around mine, his warm hand enveloping my cold one.
It was a heartfelt gesture and I knew this was really the end- no more going back.
I glanced over at the man that I never would've thought I'd fall in love with, his dark eyes already trained on me.
I managed to flash a small smile as his eyes took a hold of me, entrancing me like always.
He clenched his jaw instead of returning the smile, his free hand winding up around my cheek. I leaned my cheek into the rough skin as I allowed myself to reminisce in his touch for the last time.

the strangers series. (mgk ; machine gun kelly)Where stories live. Discover now