1 🔗 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖙𝖗𝖚𝖑𝖞, 𝖉𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖑𝖞, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗.

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There... perfect. Wait, didn't he say he didn't like ciroc anymore? wait, fuck-
"Can you stop worrying? Those forehead crinkles may become permanent if you keep frowning like that. Relax."
I snapped out of my daze as I glanced over at the teasing smirk on Slim's lips, nothing but amusement dancing in his eyes as he observed me stressing out about everything I possibly could. I rolled my eyes in return as I went back to arranging the hundreds of alcohol bottles on our kitchen island, from tallest to shortest. I completely dismissed his snag about my forehead crinkles as I let the good-natured teasing fly right over my head,
"That's the least of my problems right now."
All I got from him was a scoff and probably a roll of his eyes- I didn't know because I was too busy making sure the bottles looked physically appealing. I was so engrossed in rearranging the bottles, that would soon be in disarray and emptied into stomachs of a hundred plus people, that I didn't notice Slim slinking off.
Probably because you're being one hell of a buzzkill right now.
I groaned under my breath as I flipped my hair over my shoulder, giving up on the bottles as I stepped back and just looked around the kitchen to find something else to obsess over- possibly some crumbs on the counters that went undusted or the dust floating in the air. I couldn't seem to find anything wrong with the spotless kitchen so i settled on scrutinizing every helper in the kitchen as I watched them stock the fridge with more cases of beer and hid extra back-up bottles of vodka and whiskey in the cabinets, in case of alcoholic emergencies like the lack of any. And as if on cue, Rook came shuffling into the room with a big white box in his hands, the big black cursive lettering of the local cake shop's logo on the top catching my eye.
I felt a sudden weight lift off my shoulder as I found one problem taken care of- one less thing for me to worry about. I sighed in relief as he flashed a toothy smile my way, his voice raising higher than the hustle and bustle around us so that I could hear him clearly,
"Where'd you want this?"
I returned his smile with a big one of my own as I nodded towards the general direction of the garage, giving him a quick side hug before i released him, "the garage fridge, thank you!"
He gave me a nod and an "uh huh" before slinking off, giving me the opportunity to turn all my attention on to the woman that had walked in behind him. My smile immediately softened as I registered the softer smile on Lola's lips while she, herself, studied her mess of a best friend. I probably looked like a wreck, what with my messy hair in an even messier bun and my loose hoodie, shorts, and flip flops.
She let out a little tinkle of a laugh as she put down the, what seemed like, 10 boxes of a variety of pizzas that she had been holding as i shuffled closer to her, my arms already stretched out into a waiting hug,
"You need to stop worrying, love."
I groaned into her shoulder as she engulfed me with her own arms, my words muffled by her shoulder as we stood in place and swayed side to side,
"I know but I can't. I just want him to be as happy as he can be tonight, that's all I want."
Lola scoffed a little as we stayed embraced in each other's arms, letting the chaos around us ensue while we were trapped in our own little bubble of sisterly love,
"You're insane if you think he won't be. He'll love this, I promise- especially since it was your idea and you planned all of this yourself."
She was right- I was the one who had proposed a surprise party for him and the idea cemented itself into my brain once i found out he never had a birthday party where they celebrated him in that manner, let alone a surprise one. I made it a point to his friends that they sucked for not wanting to plan one for him but they claimed he just wasn't that type of guy to want anything spontaneous. The thought had scared me but the longer I thought about it, the more I knew he'd love it- he was nothing but spontaneous nowadays. It was as if being with me made him love little things such as that and it made me wanna make sure he got to experience as much as he could. I knew i'd regret it if I didn't do things like these for him before I couldn't anymore.
I smiled against Lola's jacket before i leaned back, looking into the eyes of my best friend. I don't know what I would've ever done without her- these past three years would've been much different without her around, i'll tell you that much.
I sighed, squeezing her arms before letting go of her, "You're right, you're right, I just need to trust the process."
She nodded in response as she stepped back to move the pizza boxes into the dining room, her green eyes flashing me a stern look as she readied herself to pick up the heavy food,
"Yeah, trust it and trust me when I tell you that you need to go get ready. I'll get everything down here in order, promise."
I parted my lips to object but she raised a finger and widened her eyes, shooing me away right after. I dramatically groaned loudly as I walked past her,  jokingly grumbling under my breath as to show her that I wasn't happy about being chased away from my own event.
I may not like it but I knew she was right- I was no good use if I just fretted over every single thing instead of focusing on myself. I left her to her own devices as she yelled to one of the boys working under Kells, probably sending the poor boy into a panic by her raised voice and quick order,
"Hey, pizza boxes. My car. Now."
I pushed her and everyone else to the back of my mind as I let her wreak her own kind of havoc on the inferiors, making a mental checklist of everything else that had to be put up or put out as I walked into the bedroom I shared with the love of my life. The sudden thought of him brought a big smile onto my lips, his smile almost disrupting my train of thought as I slipped out of my lazy/party decorating outfit and into tonight's outfit.
His pure, unique smile was the kind of gesture I wanted to wake up to every morning for the rest of my life and lucky for me, i have been and I couldn't feel more blessed. I kept the smile on my lips as i popped the collar of my leather jacket and smoothed down the bodysuit and the high waisted jeans as i made my way into the bathroom. After what seemed like 3 minutes, I had my now-tame hair pinned back into a bun with a few free strands at the front and a full face of subliminal makeup. I was just about to walk out when I stopped at the mirror dresser, the lack of color on my face catching my eye.
I pursed my lips before plucking a rouge red lipstick off the wood dresser, swiping some on as a last minute decision and spritzing on some tommy girl by tommy hilfiger before rushing out.
In less than a minute, I found myself already making note of everything around the house- making sure the alcohol didn't go missing, the junk food of a spread was laid out and ready to feed, and that the metallic gold streamers and "29" balloons were ready to be inflated and hung everywhere it could be. With a building smile on my lips, I made a beeline to the garage to get the balloons and the box of streamers and confetti just to find it missing.
The sudden absence of the last thing on my list sent my heart into a frenzy as I started to panic a little, "Fuck me, fuck, fuck, fuck-"
Anything could've happened to it and i settled on the thought of one of the younger boys snatching it and placing it somewhere it shouldn't be. The annoyance rolled off me in waves as I made my way through the house and past the other boys, their wide eyes on me at all times as they watched me with concerned and confused eyes.
I rounded the corner of the dining room that would lead me into the living room, with parted lips ready to spew out obscenities, just to find the wood floor littered with the golden confetti and streamers and the huge number balloons already inflated and placed by the wall. That wall almost looked like a staging area for pictures and it made my smile deepen.
This had to be Lola's work.
I looked on as I watched Slim slump back onto the couch with a blunt between his lips, in deep conversation with Rook next to him and Ryan on his other side, some other acquaintances filling into the house with presents in hand and greetings slipping out of their smiles, and nothing but joy and good vibes filling the room. I almost yelped in surprise as Lola perked up from next to me, her eyes glued to the wistful look in my eyes as i returned my gaze from her and back onto our friends and colleagues,
"See, you should trust me more often."
I smiled as I waved her off, enjoying the scene too much to care about her gloating,
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
I left her and her smug smirk as I stepped forward, greeting everyone that walked past and filled the empty house with their laughs and good energy. It was exactly what we all needed- a night of good fun and drinks. I couldn't help the beaming smile that overcame my lips as I continued to usher everyone in, receiving and giving hugs when the time was right with kisses on cheeks here and there. You'd think i'd get tired of it all, the being nice and cheeky to everyone filing into the house that wasn't even mine, but surprisingly, all I felt was warmth and joy.
I let my eyes wander off as I watched a woman leave a boxed bottle of wine with a red bow taped to the front on top of the table overlaiden with wrapped gifts before my attention was diverted elsewhere. My head swiveled forward again as I heard a clearing of a throat, the familiar deep notes of the voice sending a wave of apprehensive goosebumps down my arms,
"You look ravishing tonight,"
I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes until they got stuck at the back of my head as i zeroed in on the man standing in front of me, shoulder against the door frame and lips tipped up into a deep smirk- a smirk so deep that his dimples looked like cavities in his cheeks and eyes so icy blue that they looked like wide, frozen pools.
I sighed defeatedly as i returned the smirk with a sadistic one of my own,
"Hi, Damon."
It took everything in me not to knee him in the groin as he leaned forward a little, his lips now a few inches away from my nose as he peered into my soul with those hungry eyes of his. They reminded me of the all-seeing eye- I felt like he could see my deepest, darkest secrets by staring into my eyes just by a mere glance into them,
"Hey, L. I guess the party can commence, now that I have arrived."
His cockiness was enough to nauseate me, making me wanna ban him from entering the house. He's always been an uptight prick but for some reason, I didn't feel like dealing with his big ego tonight. I rolled my eyes as I made a move to shut the heavy front door on his face, the sickly sweet tone in my voice being more than enough of a hint that he wasn't wanted here by me,
"Oh, would you look at that- the party is suddenly cancelled. Bye-bye, now."
But to my dismay, he pushed his way through anyway, making me roll my eyes. Damon sneered my way before he coolly walked past the groups of people, acting as if he owned the place and the people in it,
"C'mon, sweetheart, being a bitch doesn't look good on you."
All i could do was gape after him and the way he strode through the crowd, holding his head high and keeping his eyes trained into the distance as if he was too high and mighty to acknowledge anyone else but himself. He was quite honestly notorious for being an uptight dick and it was honestly clear why.
I mentally cussed him out as i went back to greeting the other guests, some people i met from three years ago and some i've just recently gotten to know- all people that loved kells for himself and nothing more. It was an immensely great feeling- almost liberating and heartwarming- and i really hoped he'd see this ordeal the same way i did.
Before i knew it, everyone invited was inside the house with their gifts stacked on top of the other on the designated table and drinks in their hands with laughs and simple conversations slipping through their lips.
I smiled at the sight as I tuned back into the conversation happening before me, my tired eyes registering Lola and another member of Kells' company standing before me. His light green eyes grew wide every now and then as they lightheartedly argued over who was the better joint roller between the two.
A high pitched cackle racked through his ribs as he screeched, as if he was fed up with the lies she was spitting out by trying to defend herself. All he could muster was a half-assed answer in that sometimes-incomprehensible british accent of his that i absolutely adored,
"you're kiddin', righ'? absolute bullshit, you are. i'm baffled,"
I smiled as he feigned shock and disbelief all over his face and his body language as he ran his slender fingers through his loose waves, causing Lola to roll her eyes as she groaned. She was clearly done with the conversation because she knew she would never win, "God, whatever, forget it. Keep living a lie, see if I give a shit."
A slight smile grew on his pink, full lips and I could tell he was amused more than anything- we all knew he was right and that he was better than her in that area of expertise and yet she still kept fighting and he found that endearing. He had always had a soft spot for her, I saw it the day they first met. The connection clicked the second she had asked him if he was named after van morrisson- which we'd later find out that he indeed was.
Ever since then, he had vowed to protect Lola and I no matter what and two years later, he's kept true to his word and i couldn't be more grateful for someone as loyal as him. In ways, he was like the boy that replaced the one that got away.
Oh no, not again.
I winced inwardly at the sudden thought of the boy that had me screwed up for lord knows how long- the same boy I hadn't heard a word from in three years. the boy i had vowed to never think about again as long as i loved kells and had him in my life.
I cracked my neck as i dragged myself out of my own head, finding myself in the same spot i had just been standing in, inbetween Van and Lola who had seemed to move on to a different topic. I was thankful that they hadn't noticed my little mental vacation but i had thanked the high heavens way too early. Van nudged my shoulder as their words drifted into oblivion, their focus of conversation now being me,
"Aye, you alright?"
I didn't hesitate as I flashed that signature smile everyone seemed to love all too well. It always got me out of trouble or out of confrontations that would save me the time of having to open up about my feelings and whateverthefucknot but I could tell he wasn't buying it as i nodded,
"Yeah, i'm fine, just feelin' a little anxious, is all."
All I got in return was an eye-roll and grumbles under his breath as he went back to nursing his drink and pestering Lola, leaving me to my own devices, still by his side. I didn't have much time to insert myself into their conversation considering my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket with spam texts.
The incessant buzzing drove me to check it without brushing it off like i wanted to. Something told me i should look and i was glad i did. My lips immediately slipping into a smile and my eyes widened with excitement at the texts waiting to be replied to on my lock screen:

the strangers series. (mgk ; machine gun kelly)Where stories live. Discover now