Still alive for you

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Will's POV

"I'm just doing my work,I'll come down in sometime mum", it's been a hour since she is calling me for dinner but I'm still frustrated over this school work. I love to study but copying one thing to another thing is just madness.... that's the reason my work is never complete on time . I jumped up from my bed when my phone buzzed making me come out of my thoughts . I switch the cover off to see that it's Zach , oh god ! Did he tell me something to do or what? My memory is like a chinese product... "hi Zach !" ,"hi buddy ", "umm what's up?" ...this is my traditional question, "The ceiling lol", and this is his traditional answer. "Do you know something?", I don't get this.. do people think I'm a astrologer or something that they ask this to me "I know many things but not sure what you are talking about Zach", " The computer quiz that's gonna start is for pairs " , i can feel my face drop to the ground as soon as he send that, I really want to take in it but from where will I get a partner?maybe Zach is taking "so, will you take in it with this will ", I have a tendency to crack bad jokes and I'm proud of it! Haha . "Umm no, im in the working department , I cannot take in it " "ok , I will talk to you later bud " , "yup fine but will, don't worry if you don't get a partner ! You are still the topper and you always will be my Will" , "Yeah yeah... fine ".

I groaned hard, every time I think something will go good, our school fucks it up. Who the he'll is gonna agree with me to come in the quiz but... I really want to take in it , i like computer and I'm pretty good at it too .Presley entered the room with his headphones swinging on the beat that he was listening, "This beat is sick!! Ac/dc is great! Agree bro ", I glared at him, I don't listen to music much but when I do it's only classical , "If I agree with you then we both would be wrong" , "bro! Go and have dinner, mum is literally gonna shout on you when you go down " , I flipped my copy close and went down to see my plate arranged on the table with food on it. "Will you study so much, I'm proud of you! You will surely earn a huge money baby " , i gazed at her for a second to understand what she wants to say but then I thought of suggesting my opinion to her "Mum !! I'm not studying for money, it's for knowledge that brings happiness to me", "my baby! I know money can't buy happiness but it sure makes misery easier to love with ".

I walked to my room checking my phone for updates! Yeah I'm tech savvy . Presley was sitting on the chair with physics book in his hand when I reached up there " hey ! Wanna tell you something ", "shock me, say something intelligent bro " , "Yeah! Sass master! Did Zach tell you about computer pairing ?", "Yeah..... he did ! I'm gonna fucking kill the school department ! " "wow wow bro , calm down , all people are mad about this " , "I don't care, I know you won't take in computer ! Zach cannot take ! Am I gonna divide myself into two ? " , he started laughing and soon fell out of the chair but still couldn't stop laughing, people don't understand my problem .... and I neither have time or the crayons to explain it to them . "Hey bro! You are in computer class...ask any other topper , I know they will be struggling too."

We both were watching orphan black but my mind was still roaming around to search for a topper. I don't ask people there marks, so I don't get to know who is good or not . The main character of the serial was giving some small speech when her name popped in my mind, Erica! I remember sir telling the whole class how good she is in computer.. but ... Will she take in it with me? She said me she is gonna take in it but did she have a partner? Did she have a boyfriend who will take in it with her? "Ah.. Yeah she might be having one.. she is beautiful and probably taken ", suddenly Presley dropped his phone and started staring at me " bro, still alive? I thought you were dead for sometime " , I huffed at him and asked "umm do you know Erica? " , "haha bro! We both are in the same school! In same class and we also talk online ! , need any other proof ?" , "see my sweet brother! This is why you loose marks! You give a 4 marks answer for a half marks question, you just had to say yes not give me details of her life " , I started to scold him but... I never knew that they both talk to each other? I never thought Presley talked to her ! " ok bro!! You are not in a good mood today!" , "Just ask her if she is taking in computer quiz and if she already has a partner " , "Yeah ok I will don't stress out, eat a chocolate and sleep " I hugged the blanket close to me .. what if she says she doesn't want to take in it with me ? What if she rejects me?

Erica's POV

"Evan , the question is simple.. You are mad ! " , I shouted at him when he brought another stupid question to me . "If it simple then solve it for me ", I stood up to get my pen when my phone rang ... Who the hell is calling me at 11 in night? I'm not a vampire or owl...I checked to see that it was unknown number , "hello?" , "Hi , am I speaking to Erica " , " yes yes you are ", "Hi Presley here !"what? Presley ! Well does Will want something? My heartbeat raised to thousand at just thinking of him "Yeah buddy? " , "Sorry for calling so late but do you about the pairing in computer quiz?" , ughh yes .. The pairing ! I cannot find anybody for it "yes I do ", "Ok so do you have your partner? " , "umm no not till now ", "ok so will you take in it with my brother or the school topper Will "? My heart stopped, I can literally feel it going numb ! He wants me to take with him! I literally have to keep the phone and shout for one hour straight! I'm so happy! Oh god...... " ye .. yes sure" right now it's difficult to even speak... "ok he will talk to you tomorrow ", wow Will Grayson will talk to me , am I dreaming? I don't think I am since I have pinched myself four times till now... "ok bye "

It's gonna be the best day tomorrow for me ! The best !

Hey friends !
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(And the pic at the starting is me ) haha

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