I'm stuck

16 5 1


"So i guess you like strawberry the most?", i know even if I hear his voice for thousand times, i'll still feel like this . Feel like my heart is gonna pop out of the cage any moment and shout that i'm yours. Only yours.

"I think i like all kinds of berries, from blueberries to cranberries . The sweetness and the little zing that you get by eating them is just mhmm.

"Well  you like things like yourself , sweet with little surprise elements in the middle that make me indulge in you even more", his words are like caffeine, you wanna listen to them all the time but you also know that they can cause you a whole lot of damage that even years of happiness can't fix.

I feel like I should enjoy this moment, forget that i'm with him because of some bond and just drown in his soul but i can't do that. My mind keeps thinking of the fact that the bond is going to be over very soon and then i'll be stuck again, in my life with my thoughts that just aren't as clear as others.I want to ask him, want to know what is going on in his mind , why is he here with me and not home studying like always ? there are many things in the world that i can bear but silence and not getting to prove myself are not one of them. 

I got the chance to prove myself, prove him that i'm good , maybe not good enough but im ready to be good enough for him , show him that he has not wasted these days of his life talking to a person who has no values. I know i'm not like others but as always , every person in this world is different , different in their lifestyles and traditions . 

Now i just want this silence to break, to find an answer , maybe not one that i like but i still want one. Life has taken a lot from me but for once .... i want him to stay . To read to me when i'm tired tired during night time , to solve questions with me and hit my head when i solve one terribly wrong or when i ask him to make a smoothie for me cause my mind needs it to do anything else. 

we walk across the seats in silence, eating our gelatins and me trying to match my foot rhythm with him but as usual.... im failing . he looks at me with his hooded eyes and I feel my heart on fire with affection and fondness . the feeling of asking him is growing in my mind, so much and i know i'm just gonna blurt something up . Something that will make no sense at first ....

"What's gonna happen?", a question that can have about hundred answers right now but i said.... i'm gonna say something stupid.

"About what Erica ? and if you thinking about Evan and that guy.... something is going to happen and it will either be very cute or absolutely horrible ", he throws his cup in a dustbin nearby and comes back flashing a cute boyish smile.

"No....about us? After someday this bond will break so you will not have to do this all then....", i keep my eyes, trying to judge his expressions but they are just so neutral and this hurts.... it feels like he doesn't care about what i say or what i want him to say.

"I have been thinking about it a lot for the past days...... and ", his voice has a hint of certainty to it, like he knows what he is going to say ans he also knows that i will be able to bear the pain.

"Will if you don't want to say anything then you can just leave but just let me say something first", i have to say it cause if i will not then i'll regret this moment for the rest of my life.

"Say Erica"

"I know i'm childish , fretful, mind deep in some feelings and insecurities  that i cant even fathom . I know i'm hard to handle but i'm madly in love with you , my crush ."

I stand there , staring at the boy to whom i just declared my love to and finding one hint of regret in his eyes but i can't .

And then finally he speaks , sending my heart into a frenzy .

"Erica, every thing in my life has changed from the moment you arrived in it, i understood that everyone doesn't leave you and if they love you then they will always think of you first and then about themselves .... and i found myself doing the same for you. thinking if you have eaten or not and if you are laughing thinking  about some inside joke that we have . i found myself smiling around you more than i ever did in my whole life, i found myself unable to get away from you. Everybody in my life went away , left me but you didn't ..... even after seeing how heartless i can be , you didn't . I will always be thankful to you for this bond cause it made me realize how much i need you and also made me realize that...... i'm quite in love you. I love you Erica and this love will only grow stronger every day cause i'm helpless without you . I can't imagine what you went through when you sang that song to me and i didn't understand , when you said me that you love me for the first time and i cried but i'm ready to make up to you , give you every happiness that you deserve . I love you Erica , do you accept me to be a part of your life ?" his eyes had tears in them and i'm pretty sure mine had too . i still think this all is a dream but the emotions in his voice made me realize that he means every word that he said.

He wipes my tears and gives a chuckle and then goes on to hold my hand waiting for my answer which i'm pretty sure he already knew.

"Yes ...... how do i even deserve you?", I hold his hand tighter and he smiles at me again mirroring my own smile.

"We both deserve each other , actually we both are perfect for each other"

Well ..... dreams do come true.


hey friends! i hope you like this chapter a lot cause i myself got a little teary eyed while writing and i love it a lot . I was planning for this chapter for so long that i had every detail in my mind. This story is going like i want it to and i'm so happy with that. If you like the chapter then don't forget t vote and comment.                                                                                                                                               Love,                                                                                                                                                                                           Monxxxx

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