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impudent. People like to use this word for me , trying to inform me how I'm disrespectful and rude to others in a fancy way but the sting that I used to get or feel at first vanished with time and more use of it n I try to show respect, show interest in their matters but sometimes the whole world is such a big filthy mess that the passive look just comes on my face itself and indicates my state of mind . People sometimes blame mum for it , say that I got pampered more than Presley and sis so the 'kindness' that I'm supposed to show the world never got inside me .

I remember Presley saying to me once that I was bound to go to purgatory . I got to know about the meaning if this after 1 hour when mum told it to me and he used it on me . Purgatory is like a bimbo place.... it's neither hell nor heaven but a place where sinners clean their sins to reach heaven . I cried about this first as when we were small doing or committing sin means not getting heaven and that was like a shame but now it all just seems so pointless to me . Now it's like 'oh fine ! I can't go to heaven nor to hell!  Guess I will just swing on a wrecking ball in the middle with no shame .'

"Oh bro! Zach is down , wants some notes from you " , and there ends my philosophy 101 by some encouraging words of Presley Grayson!

"Go down , I'm coming in a bit ", I shifted from the bed to pick up the noted from physics class and hopped on my feet to go down . The fresh smell of Yorkshire tea hits me as soon as I reach down and before my eyes are these people sitting and sipping on it .

"Hey! I got the programs that you asked for " , Zach waved some computer programs in his hands while sis and Presley both kept talking about god knows what to each other.  I make myself some tea as well and sit on the sofa opposite to Zach placing the notes on the small yet good centre table .

"Thanks buddy! I appreciate the help and by the way ... I got to know that some student got full marks in English speaking skills ? Who the hell is that person getting a 20  from a villain like Charles sir? "

"Yeah ..  that was a big blow to many people's face! But half of them agreed and said that it was well deserved " , he stumbled over his words as he kept on not giving the name of the person ! It's like I talk to myself !

"And the name is.... " , I propped my fingers to make a question sign and an annoyed look made it's way towards my face.

"Its her.... "

My hand dropped and face became  empty . I was not surprised on the fact that she got full marks but was surprised on the fact that she is my 'her' now . A person whose name isn't required to feel then but just the thought is enough.  It's like we meet each other up somewhere in the sky and cry about how messed up we both are .... or are going to be .

I left my believe in whole soul love a long way back and I'm not ready to go and find it again in the roads of my dark memories.

"Hey ! Cheer up! I got you some mixed tapes that I made sometime back.... hope you enjoy them " , he picks up his notes and smacks the door on his way out while sis signals me to play the mixed tape.

There was no message , no pre audio on it which meant Zach just did this in his free time . A slow romantic ballad started to play on it and soon I recognised it . It was 'mystery of love ' from Call me by your name . I use these slow ballads to calm my agitation and frustation sometimes and this one is a new entry to the list .

The disconnected but still promising lyrics of the song Brings out a comfortable feeling from the song . There was a sudden deep thought look on Presley's face that made me touch my own face for any traces of frown but it was much worse .... the slight coolness on my cheek suggested the fact that I was sobbing up without even knowing why or how .

"Why are you doing this?  " , sis picked up her face from her hands and looked me in the eyes with an angry expression .

"Doing what ? Do you want me to shut the song or  slow it down ?"

" You know what I'm talking about ! You are not only making her suffered but also yourself! Why are you making her go through the torture ? Are you insane ? Are you mad?" , a sudden hit took on me , she knows about what happened ! What am I going to do?

"Answer me Will Grayson cause I'm sure as hell not going to leave you till I don't get one ! " , her eyes were flaring with anger ..... I wonder how her eyes were at this moment .

"Because i don't want her to suffer ! I don't!  And she is only going to suffer if she will be with someone like me !  Someone who will never understand her,  her feelings and that will just make her more weak ! I care for her!  I do too much and I know it's better for her to be alone than to be with someone who has more problems than her ! "

"Oh Will ! We need to clear your mind ..come ! Me and you are going to brandon's ", and just like that sis picked me up and dragged me out the door while Presley kept the smug look fixed on his passive face .

Hey friends!  I hope you enjoy the chapter!  If you do then don't forget to comment and vote on it ! It gets the writers motivated
Love ,

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