gelato boy

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"I'm just saying that Chandler was the best friendzone surviver " , I mean come on!! We all can agree to that ....

"I'm sure you are right but then I also keep thinking about Ross and how he also survived it for a while " , Cody was sitting straight ahead of me with a notebook in his hand drawing meaningless doodles.

"Oh boy if you are talking about people like Ross then how the hell can we forget Danny of that 70s show " , I love the 70s just because of that damn good show .

"Whatever you say .... can I ask you something now cause we are at the topic ? " , he places his notebook down and I can see a beautiful looking sunflower drawn on it . Just like him , beautiful.

"Yeah sure , you don't even have to ask " , I'm pretty sure he isn't going to say that he has no idea what that 70s show is ..... please Cody,  don't break my heart like that ....

"Have you ever been friendzoned?  Like .... I know you are gay so did it ever happen with a  boy like ... you liked him and he was straight ? " , he picks up the notebook again and keeps it on his lap . I'm sure he did that cause he saw me seeing the sunflower. 

"No I haven't been ..... I can say that I'm  not who likes someone very easily. So ... basically liking someone takes time " , I've never been attracted to any one .... leaving the person sitting across from me .

"Do you like someone right now ? " , he looks at me ..... really looks at me now and I can see his eyes , the effect of strong coffee and shining sunlight on them and his whole lean face . I wonder how his past life was , was it like mine or what was it like sis ?

"Yeah I do ...... and that person is the most beautiful soul in the world " , and this time I really look at him,  i want him to understand that he is the beautiful soul , that any insecurity that he has about himself is false and at last I want him to be happy knowing how I feel .

We both keep staring for some time more , just talking through our eyes , asking each other what our favourite musical or ballad is , sharing the tunes of it with each other and dedicating it to the people we love the most .

And I just realised..... I'm the modern Shakespeare. 

The 'eye talking ' finally got over when sis came down shouting on her phone 'but why the hell do I have to make it on my arm ? Is there a fandom thing going on or what '.... and I just figure out that she is talking to ish . They both are widely connected to so many fandoms .....

She takes a notice of Cody who was still staring at me and yell at us "You both get a room , I can't handle the small cliche romantic things....... it makes me crave someone and I don't have that someone right now "

"Why don't you just go blind ? OR GO STARE AT THE BOY WITH WHOM YOU EAT GELATO " , I never thought that gelato parlour is also a dating area .......

"Shut up ...... and that boy will come here in some time so you better not do anything stupid..... and please go to your room if you want to continue all the ....... staring " , she says a bye to whoever she was talking on phone,  takes a lemonade and flies back to her .

"She seems really ..... interesting . " he tilts his head to right and I can see the smile making it's way towards his face . I'll be happy if some day the smile is there because of me .

I nod at his words and go back to doing whatever I was pretending to do when suddenly he drops his pad on the table and does a hand click to spark my attention to him .

"How was your childhood like?  " , he looks at me with excitement in his eyes,  like he really wants to know how it was ...

"My childhood ..... was good enough you can say . I was always the pampered kid of the house and got everything I needed without even asking for it much . Mum isn't that bad or angry on me anytime and dad also likes to talk to me much and ask if I have interest in any sports... which I don't.  I sometimes think i took sis place in this house,  that she got lost in the house and her existence went void ..... but she wants me to be happy so I always put those thoughts back in my mind and not think about them much " , I take a deep breath after saying this all and think about what would have happened with me if I was in her place . Would I go into depression , do self harm but still look like the most beautiful soul in the world ..... probably not .

"Evan she is right..... you shouldn't think about this all , you didn't take anybody's place in the house.  Everyone had their own duties and status and you have yours too , you are a child of the house and they love just like that and I'm pretty sure sis gets that love too and may be even gets more than you do cause she is their first child " , he is trying to explain something to me that I have been trying to explain myself for years now but I can't .... I just can't .

Deep into my thoughts I hear the doorbell go and I excuse Cody to go and open the door . I see that guy,  the guy sis is crushing over . He looks at me too and smiles .

I push the door aside and let him enter and I see how he is . He is not thin but can't be called the most healthy too , he is wearing black shirt with chinos which highlight his shoes,  black vans . He takes his phone out while sitting in a seat near the kitchen while i go back to where Cody was sitting , with his writing pad again . 

We both sit in silence when I see sis come down with her bag and talk to that guy , probably named will if I remember and gesture towards us. He looks at Cody and me too and asks sis something which makes her laugh and then she goes on to wear her hair up in a messy but good bun and put on her shoes .

Will leaves the house first giving me and Cody and wave to which  Cody and me reply  with a smile .  After sometime sis also reaches for the door handle and says to me that she is going out and says bye to Cody . 

"But where are you going ? " , I ask her as she exits the door .

She leans in again and exclaims " where will I go with the gelato boy....? "

I smirk at her as she leaves and see Cody smile too and then he interrogates me "What just happened ? "

"Well we just witness the start of something beautiful "

Hey friends, 
I'm really sorry for not updating for so long but I was being a lazy douchbag the whole time and not updating
This whole chapter is in honour of the pride month and I love the way how it turned out ...
I hope you like it and if you do then don't forget to comment or vote!

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