chapter 3

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When the bus arrived at school, Jordan walked straight to her math class. Math was always Jordan’s strong point. Her teacher, Ms. Herbert, saw that her eyes were all red. “Jordan, what’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing Ms. Herbert.” Jordan said trying to hold back more tears.

“Are you sure? Where’s Amy you two always come into class together. Wait, did you too have an argument?”

“I guess you can say that. Just please don’t worry about It.” begged Jordan. Ms. Herbert gave me a smile filled with pity and walked to the door.

“Ah Amy.” said Ms. Herbert.

“Yes ma’am?” answered Amy, almost reluctantly.

“What’s going on with you and Jordan? You two have walked to class together for as long as I can remember.”

“Nothing’s wrong.”

“Okay then. Just so you know you two have been friends for too long. Don’t let a silly little fight break you up.”

“Okay Ms. Herbert.” said Amy. She walked into the class room and went straight up to Jordan. “I can’t believe you told the teacher on me. What, are you in the third grade or something?

“I didn’t tell her anything! What did she say to you?”

“Oh, nothing really, she just told me not to fight with you.”

“I didn’t tell her anything. She knew when she saw me crying. I’m sitting somewhere else today.” Jordan got up and walked to the other side of the room. She took a seat at the desk in the very back of the room.

“Come on Jordan. Don’t do this. You are falling right into “His” trap. Please be friends with her again.” Kammy appeared at Jordan’s side.

“Kammy, I can’t do that. The only way to have her back is to tell her the truth.” replied Jordan.

“What exactly is so wrong with that?” asked Kammy

“You don’t know Amy. If I tell her the truth, she’ll think I’m insane.”

“Jordan? Who are you talking to?” asked Ms. Herbert.

“Oh, sorry ma’am, I was just talking to myself.” answered Jordan nervously as the whole class turned around to stare at her.

“Jordan may I have a word with you in the hallway?”

“Yes Ms. Herbert.” Jordan walked out of the class room and into the hallway. “Oh, Kammy what am I going to do now?”

“Jordan.” began Ms. Herbert, “You really don’t seem yourself today. Do want to go see the guidance counselor?”

“No Ms. Herbert I’m fine. I’m just a little tired I guess.”

“I still think you should go to the guidance office. Now go on and I will e-mail the counselor and let her know you are coming.”

“But, Ms. Herbert-”

“No buts about it. Now go on. I’ll send the e-mail.”

“Ugh yes ma’am.” Jordan said reluctantly and set off down the hall. When she reached the guidance office, she couldn’t help but over hear some of a conversation being held in the room.

“I’m very sorry to hear about your sister Jared. If you don’t mind me asking, what was her name?”

“Her name was Kammy, she was eleven years old, and nobody knows how it happened. She just turned up in the back yard.”

“That’s just horrible. Well, you are a straight A student, so I don’t want you missing anymore of your class. If you need to talk again just come see me.”

“Yes ma’am.” That Jared boy stood up and turned the knob. Jordan backed up and came around the corner when the boy went the other way down the hall.

“Oh hello dear, you must be Jordan.”

“Yes I’m Jordan.”

“Right in here please.” She sounded really nice, so Jordan followed. “So, what’s the problem today?”

“I’m not really sure. Can I please leave now?”

“Are you sure?” Jordan nodded “Okay then, have a nice day.”

“You too.”

Jordan decided to call her mother to pick her up, so went to the front office.

"Hello is this Leslie Cambol?” asked the school secretary.

"Yes, who is this?"

"Hi this is Linda, the school secretary; your daughter says she isn't feeling well. She would like to know if you can pick her up."

"Of course, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you Ms. Cambol."

The secretary told Jordan to take a seat by the office. A few minutes later, Jordan's mother had arrived. "What's the matter sweet heart? You seemed fine this morning."

"My head and stomach really hurt and I just want to go home."

"Okay then. Let’s go."

When Leslie and Jordan pulled into the drive way, Jordan saw gigantic blue and orange flames covering the house. "Mom the house... the house is on fire! Hurry! We have to call the fire department" screamed Jordan.

"Jordan, what on earth are you talking about? The house is perfectly normal, just like I left it this morning."

"Jordan, it's him.”He" is making you see this. Don't believe it. It's not real." Jordan could hear Kammy's distant voice echoing in the back of her head.

"Jordan! Answer me!"

"Huh? What? Oh, uh I was just kidding. Well, I’d better get inside. Love you mom. See you later."

"Um okay sweetie. Why don't you go take a nap or something?"

"Okay mom." Jordan ran inside and locked the door behind her.

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