chapter 4

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"Okay that was way to close!" Kammy said as she appeared out of nowhere.

Jordan jumped. "Kammy you can't just keep popping up like that. At least give me some warning."

"Sorry, but I really need to talk to you. Just not here."

"Why not here? There is nothing wrong with talking here Kammy."

“Yes there is. If we stay here, we will be watched and overheard."

"By who?" Jordan had a nervous look in her eyes.

"By all of them! You just don't understand. But the only I can explain anything to you is if we get out of here."

"Well how exactly do you plan to do that? It's not like we can just get up and leave. If my mom comes home and I’m not here, she will totally flip out."

"I can see that." Kammy spoke with a calm tone, unlike Jordan who went completely into panic mode. "Okay will you please just calm down?"

"How do you expect me to calm down? I am standing here listening to a ghost tell me that my life is in danger, and I haven't the slightest clue why! If you want me to calm down, then I suggest that you give me some answers!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Ugh I hoping I wouldn't have to do this. Come with me." Kammy turned and walked right thought the front door.

"Kammy I can't leave the house. My mom thinks I'm sick remember?"

"Oh I know. I was making sure that the coast is clear."

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"Just shut up and take my hand."

"How? You’re a ghost I can't do that."

"Just do it!" Jordan reached out slowly for Kammy's transparent hand. "Move a little faster please. We don't have all day."

"Oh alright. Gosh you are very demanding." Jordan grabbed Kammy's hand, instead of going straight through it; Jordan was teleported from the house and to the park. "Kammy! I’m not supposed to leave the house!"

"Technically you didn't. Your body is in your bed sleeping. Your spirit is here, but only as long as you are holding my hand."

"Okay this is very weird, but totally cool! Okay so start explaining. Why am I in danger? Who is "He", and what does he want?"

"Okay, "He" is the most powerful of all bad spirits. He thinks you hold the key to a special power. He's been wrong before, and has taken the lives of innocent young girls. This power that he so badly wants, he will stop at nothing to find."

"So why does he think I have this power? I have no idea what this is."

"Well, he knows that a young girl between the ages of eleven and seventeen. He also knows that she lives in this area. Just like the two of us."

"So is he the reason you, um, died?"

"Yes, he thought I had the power, so he killed me to try and gain it. It turned out that I didn't posses this power, and he dumped me in my back yard for my family to see my cold, stiff body."

"That's terrible." said Jordan as a tear began to run down her face.

"I guess. I still go back to my house and check on my family. My big brother Jared seemed more distraught than anybody else."

"I feel so bad Kammy."

"Well don't. Now I need your help. I know for sure that you are the one that posses the powers to defeat "Him". I know it seems crazy, but you do believe me right?"

"I'm not sure what to believe right now. This is all happening so fast."

"I'm sorry Jordan, but you have to believe me and we have to act fast. You only have a matter of days before "He" realizes your true identity."

"Okay Kammy I believe you. Now what do we have to do?"

"First, you have to go back to your body. Your mother is almost home. When you wake up just act as if you have no clue what's going on, you'll be less vulnerable this way. We will talk at school, on the bus, and anywhere we can that is not here. Got that?"

"Got it." Jordan let go of Kammy's hand and found herself waking up to her mother's voice.

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