chapter 5

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"Jordan, wake up sweetie. How are you feeling?"

"Much better momma." Jordan lied. (Who could possibly feel better after everything that's happened? Jordan asked herself.)

"Remember what I told you Jordan." Kammy's voice echoed. "You have to act as though you don't know anything."

Jordan sat up in bed, but was forced to lay back down by her mother.

“I think you need to sleep a little more Jordan. Before you go back to sleep I’ll fix you a nice, hot bowl of soup. You just stay put now.”

“Yes Momma,” Jordan spoke in a fake sick voice. As she lay in bed, Jordan could not get the image of her burning house out of her head. Every time her eyes closed the scene played on and on in her mind, followed by Kammy’s voice repeating their previous conversation.

Before long, Jordan stirs to the sound of her mother’s voice, “Jordan, Jordan wake up! Can you hear me? Jordan! Oh thank goodness!” sighed Leslie as Jordan’s eyes began to flutter. “Sweetheart, thank god you’re okay. I was shaking you and yelling your name, but you weren’t responding. I called an ambulance; even though you are awake I still want you to go to the hospital. Oh I was so worried.” Leslie grabs Jordan and holds her close.

“Mom, I’m fine. Please don’t make me go to the hospital again,” pleaded Jordan. She wiped the sweat off of her brow, to show she was fine.

“I’m sorry Jordan, but you have to go. I’m worried about all of this. You almost never get sick, you were yelling that the house was on fire earlier, and just now I couldn’t get you to wake up. I am utterly terrified.”

Five minutes later, the paramedics wheel a stretcher into Jordan’s room. As she tries to resist, the medics bind her to the stretcher. Then, in the back of her head, Kammy’s voice tells her to relax.

“Calm down Jordan. You will be safe there. Please stop fighting them, they will get you away from “him”, they will.”Jordan quickly stops trying to get away and lays still, slowly blacking out from a strange medicine the medics injected into her arm.  

When she awakens, Jordan is still strapped down to a hospital bed. Across the room, asleep, was Leslie. Kammy appears at the foot of Jordan’s bed.

“Wh-what happened Kammy? Where am I, and why am I strapped down?”

“You don’t remember anything from your house?” Kammy asked suspiciously.

“No, the last thing I remember is my mom waking me up and telling me she called the ambulance.”

“Um, okay. Well, when the men in white suits got to your house, you wouldn’t let them put you on the bed. They stuck something in your arm to make you sleepy and I told you to calm down. You listened to me then fell asleep, and here you are.”

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