Chapter 5 - Touching down

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After landing on the sepratist command ship Ahsoka and Obi-Wan begane making their way to the bridge as quickly as possible. While Obi-Wan tried to contact R2 to get an elevator back online for them Ahsoka took care of the remaining droids which still seemed to feel obligated to shoot at them. "Stupid droids" she cursed as they had to stop yet again to destroy another group that was blocking their path. "Nice to know you didn't come back just for them" Obi-Wan said, trying to lighten the mood. "The droids themselves aren't the problem,"she responded "rather their tendancy to show up at the wrong time".
When they finally reached the elevator Obi-Wan was the first to speak. "R2 just informed me Anakin and the Chancellor are still on the bridge and trying to get in contact with our cruisers, something is blocking their signal though. I called for a gunship to pick them up but I don't think the cruiser is going to stay in stay in one piece long enough for that". "So basicly we're going to need a plan B" Ahsoka caught on. "Exactly" was the response Obi-Wan gave as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened.

The Chancellor and Anakin immediately turned their heads towards to door like they were expecting them to be droids. Anakin's mouth fell open and his eyes widened the second he saw Ahsoka. "Ahsoka?!" he said in disbelieve as he turned away from the console he was standing at and came towards her, almost running. He wrapped his arms around her and Ahsoka didn't hesitate to return the hug. "You were in that fighter?" he asked still not able to believe what he was seeing. Ahsoka gave him a nod, the smile on her face growing even wider.

"Anakin, I don't mean to interrup anything, but if you don't mind, we still have a ship that's about to crash and no way to get off" Obi-Wan reminded them. "Um, right" Anakin said, snapping back into reality. "Chancellor" Ahsoka greeted the man with another bow of her had which he, somewhat puzzled, returned. As R2 came towards her to greet her, she was already back in problem solving mode, scanning her surroundings for anything that may be useful. "Can you fly a cruiser like this?" she heard
Obi-Wan say as he and Anakin already started taking a seat at the control stations. "You mean, do I know how to land what's left of this thing?" was the only response the Jedi Master got. "Well?" "Well, under the circumstances I'd say the ability to pilot this thing is irrelevant. Strap yourselves in" Anakin stated. Ahsoka took a seat on the left side of the bridge, taking one last glance at the Chancellor to make sure he aswell had followed Anakin's instruction.

"Open all hatches, extend flaps and drive fins" Anakin ordered as the ship started to move. "Obi-Wan had barely just done so when the four of them where already getting flung forward in their seats as the loud sound of metal snapping in half could be heard. R2 let out a few nervous beeps and Ahsoka looked at the screen of the station in front of her in horror. "We lost something" was all Anakin dared to say. "Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship" Obi-Wan attempted to calm everyone down. "Now we're really picking up speed" Anakin stated, his voice giving away his slight panic.
"Eight plus sixteen, we're in the atmosphere" Obi-Wan told his former Padawan as the cruiser started burning and falling apart some more. "Grab that, keep us level" Anakin practically shouted back at him as R2 gave a few more nervouse beeps. They kept on gaining speed while getting ever closer to the ground of Coruscant. "Steady" Obi-Wan mumbled to himself as the ground finally came into sight. "Fireships on the left and the right and a landing strip straight ahead" Obi-Wan informed them, reading his console. "We're comming in too hot" Anakin noted like he wanted them to get ready for impact.

Getting flung forward once more the ship finally touched the ground. As they were sliding along the landing strip the cruiser drifted slightly to the left, taking out a control tower beforr finally slowing to a stop. Taking a breath they looked at each other, almost like they were surprised to still be alive. "Another happy landing"
Obi-Wan joked, moving his hair out of his face. "Easy for you to say" Ahsoka said sarcastically. "You're not the one who has to tell Senator Amidala she's lost her fighter in the midst of this"

"Now tell me, what happened to the dear General?" Anakin asked as all of them got off the ship. "I think dead is the word to describe it" Ahsoka answered, jumping off the cruiser to walk next to Obi-Wan. "His lightsabers?" "In a box  I left by his body for the clones to pick up" Master Kenobi replied. "For one days work, I'd say we did pretty good" Anakin joked as the group got on the speeder that was picking them up and took off towards the Senate.

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