Chapter 8 - The council

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When Anakin and Ahsoka arrived at the temple they immediately made their way up to the council chambers. As they navigated through the temple Ahsoka carefully took in her surroundings, looking for anything that may have changed while she was gone. She soon realized that while the temple did not change in the slightest, she had. Beeing back in the temple felt oddly weird and surreal, yet relieving. As they continued on their way, the two of them passed several other Jedi, all looking extremely curious as to why Ahsoka was there.

When they finally reached the council chambers after what felt like an eternity, Ahsoka stopped at the door. "You alright?" Anakin asked, concerned for her as always. "How will I be able to talk to them? I left all those months ago, wanting nothing to do with the Order anymore. I can't just walk in there like nothing happened, things were way too serious fo that. I turned my back and probably disappointed them beyond belief" Ahsoka explained to him, finally talking about what had been on her mind for the last few hours. Anakin put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her and make her face him. "If anyone should be disappointed about that situation it's you. The Order practically turned its back you when you were accused of bombing the temple. The whole incident made it clear that the Jedi have changed, and definitely not for the better. I'm pretty sure that the council is not disappointed that you left, but rather proud that you managed to make such a mature choice, even though it was hard and that you stuck to Jedi ideals throughout it all.
I can understand if you're not ready to face the council yet. You can go back to Padmè's place now and I'll cover for you if you'd like. But I think that if you and I walk in there now they will all be happy to see you. And if they say anything about what happened, I'm sure their apology will be the first thing on that topic" he told her, making sure she'd stop thinking she was the disappointing factor.

Ahsoka took a deep breath to collect her thoughts and regain her composure. She knew Anakin was right and what he said had taken away the guilt she had felt, yet she was still nervous to see everyone again.
"Alright, I think I'm ready" she said, smiling nervously. The two of them turned back towards the door and pressed the button for it to open. When it did they entered the room, walking right in the center of it.

Ahsoka tried to hide how nervous she was while setteling back in to standing where she was. The whole room was silent for a minute and she could not say if it was becaus the Jedi Masters wanted her to feel more comfortable before beginning or if it was because they knew didn't know what to say as much as she did.
"Master Skywalker, Padawan Tano. It's a pleasure to see you" Ki-Adi Mundi was the first to break the silence. "It's just Ahsoka, Master" Ahsoka corrected him, the regret clearly audible in her voice. The Jedi Masters exchanged nervous glances, only Obi-Wan making eyecontact with Anakin. As Anakin sent his former Master a look which ment to say as much as 'Keep calm, let her do her thing' Mastes Yoda took a moment to watch Ahsoka a little more closely. "Of course Ahsoka. I meant no offence" Master Mundi apologized. "None taken Master" Ahsoka replied, her uneasiness starting to show in her voice.

"Apologize, we'd like to again" Master Yoda finally began to speak. "Every right you have, to still be disappointed by the Order. Disappointed by you, we are not however. The contrary, the case is actually. Proud of you, we are. Shown us, a powerful Jedi you are it did. A great loss you were, to the Order. Glad to see your face again, we are" he explained to her.
Ahsoka looked around, everyone seeming like they were waiting for her to say something. She glanced up at Anakin who gave her a reassuring nodd, before she finally spoke once more. "I'm not disappointed either, at least not anymore. I was at first, but I've spent enough time away from the Order to know that there was no way I could ever not forgive everyone.
I spent almost my entire life at the temple. When I left, I stopped feeling and acting like myself. All this time, I tried to find that same determination and confidence in myself again, but that search only let me to one place: The Order. I know now, that the Jedi are not perfect, and don't live up to their own ideals more often than they'd like. But I also know that there is always room for change, and that after all this time it feels good to be.... home"

The whole room was silent, many of the Masters not prepared for the kind of powerful statement Ahsoka had just made. The truth behind her words was undeniable and noone dared to speak for the fear if saying something wrong. "Leave, everyone may. Heard enough for today, we have. Continue this tomorrow, we shall" Yoda concluded the the meeting. One by one the Jedi Masters left the room untill only Ahsoka and Anakin were left. After making sure that they were alone once more Anakin hugged his former Padawan, making her return the embrace. "I'm so, so proud of you" he told her as they started making their way towards the door. "Thank you, Master she" replied, still a little perplexed by what had happened in the meeting. "Let's go back to the apartment. I'm sure Padmè will be fine with you having the guest room for as long as you'd like" Anakin offered and Ahsoka gladly accepted.

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