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Chapter 24

Jace's POV

I drove out the parking lot and finally i was parked up at Nyco and Trisha-Kay's house.

I ring the doorbell and Nyco open the door.

"Oh hi"

"Hi Nyco"

I walk in the house and Meeki rushed down the stairs to see me.

"I have missed you so much,"she hugs me.

"I've missed you too baby,"i say.

Trisha-Kay walk in the living room with my babies and i went over to them planting a kiss on Stephanie and Stephaun.

I missed them so much and i really don't want to go away from them again. It was my first time at work but i think i must quit.

"I think i must quit,"i say.


"Its not good for us,"i say. Meaning? I really don't understand myself.

"Well then,quit!"Meeki said excitedly.

"I'm going to tell them and try to get a new job."


I take Stephanie and Stephaun out of Trisha-Kay's arms and started to play with them.

*Next Morning*

Meeki's POV

"We're leaving the house to see the baby's gender so stay until we come back. But if your leaving lock the doors,"Trisha-Kay told me as i ate breakfast.

"Ok,i'll make sure,"i say.

"I have to quit!"i hear Jace roaring like a lion on the phone.

I walk in the living room and saw Jace's face looking miserable.

"Are you ok?"i whisper.


Stephanie played with Stephaun as they played with their toys. Jace doesn't look good as he roars again in the phone.

Minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"I'll answer it,"i say.

I walk over to the door and look in the glass to see who it was. Its the Cops!

I open the door politely and the police asked,"Where is Nyco!?"

"He's not here,why?"i ask.

"You don't need to worry,we'll be searching the house a bit then we're gone,"he said and i let go a breathe i didn't know i was holding.

"Its the law,"he adds.

I step aside for the man to get in and he stepped in with force. He went in the Living room and luckily Jace was finished talking on the phone. He searched and searched. I see Jace walking over go me.

"Why are he here?"He asked.

"He's searching the house,he said its the law,"i say.

"What kind of law is that?"

"I wondered too"

I go upstairs where the police was going and he goes in the room where i was staying in. He searched the whole house but didn't find anything illegal.

"You're good,"he smiles and i was relieved.

Does that happen all the time? Maybe? Maybe not? I am not as happy here but its fine.

Jace's POV

"Bae, am quiting this job,"i say😐.


"Well a few reasons one a girl is stalking me and i think her name was Rebecca. You know i would never cheat on you with her and if your thinking how i know her name i didn't ask for it. Two i am not getting enough pay for the family,"i explain.

"A stalker?"she laughs.

"Wait....was i a stalker?"she asks laughing.


"Well you were hot,i liked you,your not like others and i love you madly,crazily,seriously,"i smile at her.

"That's real romantic,"she laughs.

"I runs in the family,"as i say family my phone vibrates.

Its Dad.


"Hello Lamontino,dad,"i smile.

"You ok?"he asks.

"Yea am very good,"i say.

"I went to your apartment today and you weren't there,but i saw a girl opening the apartment you were in,"dad tells me.


"Have you and Meeki broke up?" What? What? What?

"No! I....what's going on!"

This book of mine is getting nicer and nicer more interesting and more interesting. I hope you feel that way too. Vote,co,,ent and follow me on wattpad,instagram @shanoya_oliver so yeah bye guys! Love you!

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