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Maisie left Jon's house the next morning with a bounce in her step. She had forgotten what it was like to have a room to herself, or even what a clean mattress felt like.

She had pulled her long blonde hair back into a tight ponytail, and she was glad she had; the sun was already high in the sky and tendrils of hair were clinging to her forehead and the back of her neck.


Maisie turned and the air left her lungs for a moment before she cracked a wide smile as a clean shaven Rick Grimes strode towards her.

"Well, well, if it isn't Officer Friendly," she teased, rocking back on her heels.

Rick rolled his eyes and allowed a small smile to play on his lips. "You gonna go get your jeep?"

"That was the plan."

"Wanna make a supply run out of that trip?"

"I guess so."

"Daryl!" Rick called, his eyes traveling over Maisie's shoulder.

Maisie turned and saw the man walking by with his crossbow slung over his shoulder turn to his name. A shadow crossed his face when he saw Maisie and reluctantly made his way over.


"You're gonna go with her back to that road," Rick told him, a set of car keys dangling from his fingers.

Maisie snatched them before Daryl could. "I'm driving!"

"Whatever," Daryl snapped, walking away with long strides. Maisie jogged to catch up to him and soon they were walking side by side.

"Glenn!" Maisie called as the Korean left his house.

He looked up, startled, his face softening when he saw it was just her.
"What's up, Mais?" he asked, jogging over to break the distance.

"Daryl and I are going on a supply run and to get my car, wanna come?"

"Yeah, why not?"

As they passed one of the houses, Carol made her way down the steps. Maisie bit back a snort and cocked a silent eyebrow; Carol was dressed in khaki slacks and a pale blue button up shirt under a flower patterned cardigan. In other words, a complete one-eighty from the day before. A Tupperware container was tucked under her left arm. She gave the trio a smile and opened it.

"Hey, kids," she said brightly. Maisie and Daryl exchanged puzzled looks.

"Want a cookie?" Carol asked, holding one out to Maisie.

The woman accepted it and turned it over in her hands. "It's... pink?" Maisie questioned, breaking it in half.

"Beets. It's what makes them sweet," Carol informed her, before giving them another smile and walking off.

"Who is she and what has she done with Carol," Maisie joked, handing Daryl half of the cookie.


Maisie slammed the brakes, her eyes wide. A figure appeared at her window and she turned to it to see none other than her smiling older brother.

"I'm coming with you."

"What?" Maisie demanded, her tone exasperated.

"I'm coming with you," Jonathan repeated, pulling open the back door and sliding in beside Glenn.

"Don't do it," Daryl growled, watching Maisie's hand reach for the radio from the corner of his eye.

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