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Maisie had no idea how long she was in there, but she was on her feet the second she heard someone outside the door. A sliver of light shone through the crack in the door as the chair was removed. She didn't know who was outside the door, but she attacked them anyway.

With a growl, she burst out from the darkness, her knife drawn. She pinned the other person to the wall across from the closet with the point of her knife at their throat. Unfortunately, she figured out who she'd attacked pretty quickly as she was swiftly disarmed and pinned to the floor.

"Rude," Maisie groaned as Daryl got up from on top of her, drawing one knee up and spreading her arms like a T across the cool hardwood floor.

"Comin' from the one who attacked me with a knife," Daryl spat.

"I thought you were Glenn," Maisie told him from the floor. "What're you even doing here?" she asked irritably, propping herself up on her elbows to glare at the man.

"Glenn told me there was a rabid dog in your closet, and he ain't half wrong," Daryl said, smirking at her scowl. "Are you gonna lay on your ass and collect dust or are you gonna get up?"

Maisie stuck her arm out, groaning when he pulled her up.

"Do you ever take a shower?" Maisie asked, wrinkling her nose. Daryl scowled dangerously at her.

"One of these days I'm just gonna spray you with the hose," Maisie laughed, leaning her elbows on the counter. When she glanced outside, she saw it was already dark. She'd have to just murder Glenn tomorrow.

Maisie didn't sleep well that night. She tossed and turned constantly, unable to shake the feeling that something bad was gonna happen the next day. Letting out a low growl of frustration, she flipped onto her stomach and forced herself to go to sleep.

Maisie was drawn out of her sleep by a distant tapping noise. Ignoring the tapping, she closed her eyes once again, jumping out of bed when she realized the sound was someone knocking on her front door.

She flew down the stairs and skidded across the floor, barely managing to stop herself from crashing into the door before she opened it. She was surprised to see Maggie standing on the other side of the door. Although Glenn was Maisie's best friend, she wasn't close with Maggie.

"Hey," Maisie said breathlessly, slightly caught off guard.

"Did I... wake you?" Maggie asked, smirking at her disheveled blonde locks and rumpled sleep wear.

"No. I mean, you did, but it's my fault for sleeping in."

"Can you help me with something?"

"Yeah, sure, totally," Maisie rambled, stepping out of the way and letting Maggie inside. "Sit tight, I'm gonna go change," Maisie said, zipping up the stairs.

Maggie looked up when Maisie bounded back down the stairs, dressed in black jeans, a black T-shirt, and scuffed black boots. In addition to her funeral-esque attire, her bright blonde hair was thrown up in a sleek ponytail.

"So, what can I help you with?" Maisie asked, plopping down in the chair across the table from the brunette. In response, Maggie slid a pair of silver shears across the table. Maisie picked them up and cocked an eyebrow.

"I borrowed them from Jessie. Didn't trust myself to do it alone," Maggie explained.

"Alright," Maisie said, standing up and making her way around the table.

Maisie snipped the last section before putting the scissors on the table and disappearing into the washroom. She returned with a small hand mirror that she promptly handed to Maggie and watched her as she silently took in her new look.

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