t w e n t y - f i v e

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Maisie's legs shook as she made her way back to her room in the darkness. She felt even more disgusted with herself for sleeping with the enemy. While she was far from being a virgin, she still felt violated, despite consenting. Standing alone in her room, her anger at herself mixed with her sadness and she exploded.

Drawing back her fists over and over again, she punched the wall until it was smudged with blood and tears ran down her cheeks. Leaning against the wall, she slid down it until she could draw her knees to her chest and put her head down against them, her pained hand cradled close to her body. She needed to stop putting herself in these positions for people she cared about.

She loved both Daryl and Carl too much to watch them rot under Negan's hold, but now she feared that fate for herself. She flexed her hands until her knuckles cracked and readjusted, closing her eyes tightly against the pain. It was becoming harder and harder to keep up the tough wall that surrounded nothing.

Her future looked grim.

Maisie groaned inwardly at the knocking on her door. She hadn't slept well that night, and her knuckles still had a dull ache to them. When she finally dragged herself out of bed and opened the door, she was met with lips clashing with hers. The prickle of stubble against her skin told her it was Negan violating her space

There was more passion on his end than on hers.

"Now, let me tell you what the fuck I've been thinking about!"

Maisie stepped back from him, crossing her arms and giving him no inclination for him to continue, knowing he would anyway.

"We are gonna go to Alexandria, and tell them to admit defeat, because I have motherfucking won!"

"What am I, an accessory to your war path?"

"Oh, darlin', you think too much," Negan told her, reaching and holding her chin between his thumb and index finger.

"I want a gun."

"That's unnecessary."

"No, it isn't. The Alexandrians will be mad. Rick will be mad. I'll be deemed a traitor."

"Mais, my Saviors—"

"No. Their reflexes aren't nearly as fast as mine, I'm better off protecting myself." Maisie watched the man contemplate. "If I don't get a gun, I'm not going with you, and your point won't be as effective."

"You're really fucking serious about this, aren't you?"

"Damn right I am."

"Alright. You get a goddamn gun."

"One more demand."

At this, Negan cracked a smile.
"Well, aren't you just grabbing my balls in a fucking vice!" he exclaimed, leaning back slightly. When he straightened up, he ran his tongue over his lips. "Hit me with it, what the fuck are you waitin' for."

"Carl. He comes with us and he stays in Alexandria."

"I'm not sure if that can be arranged."

"Well arrange it," Maisie said fiercely, all traces of tiredness gone from her.

"You're just turning me on!"

"Good for you. Are we clear?"

"Crystal. But that's the last time I'm taking orders from you, girlie."

"Yeah, sure it is."

"You didn't have to do that!"

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