t w e n t y - o n e

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Carl couldn't believe his eyes... eye.

"Open the gate!" he yelled down to Tara.

She threw him a startled glance before dragging the heavy gate to the left, opening it in time for the motorcycle to loudly glide through and stop a few meters away.

Rick came running out at the sound and stopped short at what he saw.
"Daryl," he rasped, stepping forward and wrapping the man in a tight hug that the redneck returned.

His brother in arms was back.

"Where's Maisie?" Carl asked eagerly as they broke apart.

Daryl turned to the teen. "She didn't come with me. She couldn't come with me," he grunted in response. His grunt was different. Sad.

Carl's face fell. "Oh," he replied solemnly, walking away.

She had forgiven him, but he was still mad at himself, and that wouldn't change until she was back inside the walls of Alexandria without the looming threat of Negan.

Something had changed for them that night. A bond had sparked, and it was strong despite the circumstances.

Maisie's room was six floors above the bike lot, and she was sure to keep her window open. She smiled to herself when she heard the strangled cry followed by rogue gunshots and the sound of blood spilling onto the concrete.

She had known damn well that she forgot to properly execute the night guard.

Next, she heard the door swing open, another gunshot, and a body dropping. She was, however, truly surprised to hear the angry roar that followed two minutes later. Negan. And he was mad. Putting on a concerned face, she left her room and joined the throng of concerned people headed towards the commotion.

"Clear out," Negan snapped, glaring around at all the faces. "Except you," he growled, as Maisie turned to leave.

"Why me?"

Negan ignored her. When the last person left the hallway, he grabbed her by her biceps and pinned her against the wall.

"Wha—?" Maisie spluttered, her eyes wide. Negan's face was dark.

"Did you have anything to do with Daryl escaping?" he demanded, pushing her harder against the wall.

"No!" The lie slipped right through her teeth ever so easily.

"How can I trust you?"

"Why would I help him escape?! You'd probably go kill him and everyone I love, right down to my dog, if I did!" Maisie shouted back, wrenching herself from his grasp once again.

Giving him a cold glare, she straightened her jacket and walked away with her head held high.

When Maisie took her jacket off later, she noticed faint bruising peeking out from under the sleeves of her T-shirt. Sighing, she replaced her jacket and flopped back on her bed.

Negan and twenty of his best men — and women — had left for a 'run' and Maisie feared the worst. She had a twisting feeling in her gut that Negan was headed to Alexandria. She hoped at least Rick would have the brains to make Daryl lay low for a little while. Or, maybe, send him to the Hilltop.

Maisie suddenly wondered how Maggie was doing at the Hilltop; she'd been in pretty rough shape the last time Maisie had seen her, but to be fair, they were all in bad shape that night. When her heart began to ache, she forced herself to push the thoughts away.

Negan and his Saviors returned hours later, sweaty and red faced from the heat. Maisie avoided Negan, choosing to stay in her room, until a runner arrived at her room to summon her to Negan's office.

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