t w e n t y

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Maisie ran up and hugged him immediately. Although Eugene wasn't her absolute favorite person in the world, he was still a familiar face.

"I should beat the holy fucking fuck fuckity fuck fuck out of you," Negan growled, advancing on Dwight.

Maisie saw the malicious glint in his hazel eyes. "Don't kill him," she said, moving away from Eugene and standing between Dwight and Negan.

Negan eyed her, licking his lips. "God damn, Maisie, you just about have me wrapped around your little finger, huh?" he boomed, casting a glance at the fallen Dwight before striding away. "Eugene. Come with me."

Eugene gave the woman a frightened glance before waddling after Negan. Maisie shook her head and turned to Dwight, holding her hand out to him.

He grasped it and pulled himself to his feet. "Why'd you do that?" Dwight asked, lowering his guard to her in his confusion.

"You're in my dept now, angel," she replied coldly, walking away without another word.

Daryl's heart simultaneously fluttered and sunk at the sound of footsteps approaching his cell.

"Daryl?" the heavenly familiar voice whispered. He heard scuffling as she crouched down beside the door.

"Maisie?" he asked, getting up from the floor of his cell to crouch on the other side of the door.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, alright? Tonight."

With that said, she got up and walked away. Seconds later, the music stopped and the hallway went quiet.

Maisie assumed her position in the brightest, dimmest corner of the library, her feet up on the table and her book propped against her thighs, but she wasn't reading. She was really just waiting for the time to pass. Now normally, Maisie had the least patience, but this time was different. This time her patience was needed to royally fuck up Negan's day, and that's what made it worth the wait.

Negan's flowers sat in chipped vase on the window sill, holding onto their beautiful exterior while they slowly died. Maisie sighed heavily, saddened by how much she related. As she watched the flowers, with the sun glinting through the glass vase, a dried petal fell and landed on the window sill.

Maisie's cat-like eyes flicked away from the dying flowers at the sound of quietly approaching footsteps. Negan smiled bashfully when he came into view.

"Guess I can't really sneak up on a fucking ninja, now can I?"

"No, ma'am," Maisie replied simply.

"Sir," he corrected, pulling a chair out and sitting across from her.

"I say ma'am to everyone, don't take it personal."

"Noted. Tell me about yourself, you're a fucking mystery."

"Yet you asked a fucking mystery to be your wife," Maisie mused, her lip curling. Negan gave her a look.

"I don't reveal my past to people," she said sullenly, thinking back to when she told Glenn and Rick about herself.

Negan made a face. "Not even the littlest bit?"

Maisie countered his hopeful expression with a cold glare.

"I see what this is about," Negan said slowly, after a few moments of tense silence. Maisie raised her eyes from the pages of her book.

"You're mad that I killed your little friend. The Asian one."

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