Chapter 1

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  "Alya! It's time for school! You are gonna be late!" My Aunt Kelsey calls up to me. I sigh and grab my school bag. I'm already dressed and my makeup and hair is done. I walk downstairs and join her in the kitchen. She smiles. "Hey sweetheart. You alright?" She asks. I nod.
  "Yeah. I'm good." I say softly. I feel arms wrap around me in a hug. I smile a little and hug his arms back as my brother kisses my forehead. "Morning Jake." I say softly. He smiles and sits at the table next to me.
  "Hey. Are you ready to go? It's our first day back at high school." He says. I shrug.
  "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." I say. Kelsey sets plates of pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage in front of us.
  "Junior year for Alya and Senior for Jake. That's exciting!" She says. Jake and I look at her and smile a little. She smiles then after a second she sighs. "How are you two holding up?" She asks.
  I bite my lip and look down at my food. I slowly nibble on it.
  "I'm fine. I just miss daddy. I'll be fine tho. It's a new school year. Maybe it will be better than last." I say. Jake nods and rubs my shoulder.
  "It will be. We will be there for each other. And our friends will be there too." He says. I nod.
  Our dad was killed about a month ago in a car accident. Jake and I are the only ones that survived. Someone T-Boned us just outside of town. It hit the drivers side. Jake and I were on the passenger side.
  Now you may be asking, why is your aunt taking care of you? Where is your mom then? Well... our mom left us when I was born. Jake was 1. I have no memories of her at all. I don't even know what she looks like. So my aunt Kelsey stepped up and became our guardian.
So Jake and I have kinda been rouge this past month. We haven't really left the house. So going out and going to school I'm sure the town will be talking about us. We live in a smaller town called Deep Haven, Louisiana. It's not really known by anyone. Very few people move here. Most people leave this place. Not come to it.
The point is... we are gonna be the talk of the town. I'd bet money on it. Word travels fast here.
"Alright. I love you guys. Have a good day at school. Don't listen to stupid people." My Aunt laughs. I smile and finish my food.
"I love you too. I'll do my best." I say. She smiles and hugs me gently kissing my cheek and then doing the same to Jake.
We grab our bags and Jake wraps his arm around me. We walk out the door and get into his car. He pulls out and we head to school.
"You ready?" He asks after a while and he parks the car. I take a deep breath and nod. He smiles and nods. We get out of the car and all eyes turn to us. I go to Jake and wrap my arm around his waist. He hugs me close to him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my temple. I smile at him and he smiles. "Let's do this." He says. I nod and lean into him as we head toward the school.
"Alya! Jake!" A voice calls behind us. Jake and I stop walking. I look up at him and he smiles at me. Then we both look toward the voice. "Oh my gosh hi! How are you? Are you okay?" The girl says coming up and wrapping us both up in hugs. I bite my lip and sigh.
"Hi Mia. Can we not talk about this? Please? Just drop it. Okay?" I ask. Jake looks at me and sighs.
"We are fine Mia. Thanks for asking." He says. She gulps and nods at me.
"Yeah of course. Sorry. Um..." she says. I close my eyes and sigh.
"I'm sorry. Hi. I missed you." I say to my best friend. She smiles a little and hugs me gently.
"It's okay. It's my fault. I shouldn't have asked about it here. I missed you too." She says. I smile a little. "Hey we brought something for you!" She says. Jakes best friend Ryan runs up and smiles at us.
"We brought you coffee. We all know you will need it today." Ryan says. I smile and take my coffee.
"Thank you Ryan. Thanks Mia. I do need it." I laugh a little. Jake grins.
"Thanks bro. Thanks Mia." He says taking a drink of his. Ryan and Mia nod. Ryan looks at me.
"Hey kiddo." He says. I can't help my smile as I hug him. He kisses my cheek and tucks my hair behind my ear.
"Hi Ryan." I laugh a little. "You are only a year older than me Ryan. I don't know why you insist on calling me kiddo." I say. He laughs.
"We have known each other since you were born Alya. You are kiddo." He says. I laugh and nod.
"Okay. Fine." I laugh. Jake and Mia smile at us. Ryan is like my second brother. He has always been protective of me and I've always been protective of him like I am with Jake.
"Oh look. There they are. You are alive! I was starting to think you guys had actually died in that crash." Liam my Ex Boyfriend says walking up to us. I clench my jaw. I turn around and face him.
"Alya..." Ryan and Mia say. I ignore them.
"Liam. Don't. You need to turn your pig butt around and leave. Leave us alone." I spit at him.
"Easy Alya..." Jake says softly putting his hands on my shoulders behind me. "Liam. Leave."
"Oh look. Little Jakey coming to our rescue." Liam says. "What are you gonna do Jake? Poke me?" Liam asks. "Remember last time? You pushed me and I beat the crap out of you." I clench my fists and jaw. I glare at Liam.
"Oh we can't forget the part where he over took you and made you cry like a little baby." I say. I throw a fake smile at him and he clenches his jaw.
"Careful princess. Or I might just break your brothers nose again. Or yet again... maybe I'll break yours." He growls. He smiles and pushes Jake. Ryan catches Jake and I lose it.
"I SAID LEAVE!!" I yell and shove him backwards as hard as I can. He nearly hits the ground. "Don't touch him!" I yell pushing him again. He jumps up and shoved me back sending me to the ground. Jake runs up and socks Liam in the eye.
"DONT TOUCH HER! You don't ever lay a finger on her again! Or I will report you to the cops like I should have done the last time!" Jake snaps. Liam growls and jumps up going to tackle Jake. But I see two guys run up and one tackles jake to the ground getting him out of the way, while the other grabs me and knocks me out of the way as the one that tackled Jake jumps up and takes Liam to the ground. Jake crawls back and looks at them.
I gasp and look up at the guy who tackled me. My breath hitches at the sight of him. I've never seen him before. He looks down at me and breaths heavily as he looks me over.
"Are you okay?" He asks. I bite my lip and nod to him as he tucks my hair behind my ear getting it out of my face.
"Yeah... I'm good." I say still searching his face. He smiles at me and I practically melt. He is probably one of the most beautiful things I have ever laid eyes on. Brownie blonde hair. Blue eyes. Wow...
"I'm Oliver." He says softly. "I'm sorry I tackled you. But I wanted to get you out of the middle of the fight." He says. I nod and smile a little.
"It's okay. I'm Alya." I say softly. He grins.
"Nice to meet you Alya." He says. Jake looks over and crawls over toward me.
"Alya!" He says. I break eye contact with Oliver and look at my brother.
"I'm okay!" I say to him. Oliver gets off of me and helps me up.
"I'm not hurting her! I just knocked her out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt." He says holding his hands up. I bite my lip and then look back at Jake. Jake comes to me and wraps me up in a hug as he looks me over.
"I'm okay Jake. I promise." I say softly. He nods and kisses my forehead, hugging me closer. I bury myself into him and Ryan and Mia come over and join the hug. I let them all go and look toward the other guy as he gets up and pushes Liam away and Liam almost looks like he is running for his life as he runs away. The guy runs over and looks at Oliver then at me. His eyes widen a little and he freezes.
"Wow... well hello." He says. Oliver groans and rolls his eyes. "I'm Mason." The other says. My gosh he's sexy too. brown hair. Blue eyes. Oh man where did these guys come from? Heaven? They are insanely attractive!
I laugh and so does Mia. I let Jake go and walk up to mason and Oliver.
"Hi Mason. I'm Alya." I say softly. He looks me up and down.
"You're somethin'..." He says looking me up and down. I laugh and shake my head. I look at Oliver.
"Alya, this is Mason... my twin brother." Oliver groans. "I'm sorry. He's so embarrassing." He says. I laugh and shake my head.
"No it's fine. Thank you Mason. For taking care of Liam. He's stupid. And thank you Oliver for pulling me out of the way." I say. They nod.
"Anytime." They both say.
"If I may... What was that all about anyway?" Oliver asks. I sigh.
"Um... liam is my ex boyfriend. He's a jerk and a horrible person. He was just being stupid." I say. They both nod.
"He's worse than that. He hurt you Alya. I swear if he lays one more finger on you, I'll-"
"Thank you Jake!" I say turning on him. He stops mid sentence and gulps.
"I'm sorry..." He says. I close my eyes and sigh. I turn back to Mason and Oliver.
"We just... aren't exactly friends. At all. He's still got some beef with Jake for beating him up when he found Liam hurting me. And Jake hasn't forgiven Liam. I haven't forgiven Liam. Our dad just got killed. Liam is a horrible person and likes to torture me. It's all just a big mess and he likes to cause drama." I say. Mason and Oliver nod.
"I'm sorry... about your dad... and he shouldn't have hurt you..." Oliver says. Mason nods.
  "What a douche." Mason says about Liam. I nod and sigh.
"Yeah. Thank you. You guys are new." I say changing the subject. They nod.
"Yeah. We just moved here." Oliver says. I nod.
"Why?" I ask. They laugh.
"We just needed... fresh, I mean a fresh start." Mason says. I furrow my eyebrows and nod. Oliver sighs at mason.
"We actually were born here. We are just moving back." Oliver says. I nod.
"Cool. Okay well... Um..." I say looking back at Jake Ryan and Mia. "Since you guys are new... you are gonna need some friends. Do you want to hang with us?" I ask. "Ryan and Jake are seniors so they won't be here all the time. But... you can hang with me and Mia." I say. They nod.
"I would love that. Thank you." Oliver says. Then looks at Mason. "Mason is actually not going to school. He is already graduated. He skipped a grade or two. He was heading home. But we thought you could use some help over here." He says patting Masons shoulder. Mason glares at Oliver. I look between them and nod.
"Okay. Well... mason you are welcome to hang with us after school any time." I say. Mason looks at Oliver and smiles.
"Thank you Alya. That's very sweet of you. I'll have to take you up on that offer. Have fun at school. Be good little brother." He says to Oliver and claps him on the back. Oliver clenches his jaw and rolls his eyes.
"He loves doing that to me..." he mumbles. I raise an eyebrow and smile a little.
"Sibling rivalry?" I ask. He laughs.
"Something like that. I'm sorry about your coffee." He says. I look at the ground and see my coffee is spilt everywhere. I nod.
"It's okay. I'll survive... I hope." I say. "Come on. You don't want to be late for your first day." I say. He nods and picks up my bag and hands it to me. I smile and take it. "Thank you." I say. We walk back to my group and Jake wraps his arm around me.
"If you need me text me. I don't care if we are in class or not. I'll leave. I love you Alya." Jake says. I nod and kiss his cheek.
"You do the same. I'll be there. I love you too." I say softly hugging my brother. Ryan hugs me next and kisses my forehead.
"You can text me too. We will be there." He says. I nod.
"Thanks Ry." I say softly.
"Bye." Ryan and Jake say before heading to class. I wave at them and then sigh and look at Oliver.
"Let me see your schedule." I say. He pulls it out and hands it to me. I smile.
  "Almost every class with me. Just stick with me and you won't get lost." I say with a smile. He nods and smiles back. Mia smiles and we all head to our first class. Mia goes to algebra 2 and Oliver and I head to chemistry.
  We walk in and the teacher walks up to Oliver and I. I sigh and force a smile as he wraps me in a hug.
  "I'm so sorry about your dad honey." He says softly. I purse my lips and nod.
  "Thanks Mr. Peters." I say pulling back from him. "Mr. peters this is Oliver. He's new here. He can be my partner if that's okay. I'm the only one he knows here." I say. Mr Peters nods and smiles at Oliver.
  "Yeah of course. Show him the ropes here." He says. I nod and grab Oliver's hand and pull him to my table. "Alright class! First day of school! I thought I would do something fun and have us all do an experiment." He says. I smile and sit down putting on my safety glasses. I hand Oliver his.
  "You ready for this?" I ask. He smiles.
  "I was born ready love." He says. I grin and get started on our experiment.

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