Chapter 3

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  "Hey Alya?" My Aunt Kelsey calls. I run down stairs.
  "Yeah?" I ask going into the kitchen.
  "So those boys you brought home yesterday... who are they?" She asks softly. I bite my lip.
  "Oliver and Mason. They just moved here. They actually... saved Jake and I from Liam." I say softly. Her eyes snap from her cutting vegetables to me.
  "Liam hurt you?!" She asks. I shake my head.
  "No no. Not at all. Oliver and mason took him down before anything bad happened." I say. I pull my long sleeves down further and hide my burns from yesterday.
  "Good. If that boy lays a hand on you..." she says. I nod. 
  "I know. I know. We will take him down." I say. She sighs and looks at me but slowly begins to smile as I smile at her.
  "Maybe I can meet their parents. We can invite them over for dinner." She says. I gulp and clear my throat.
  "They um... actually don't have parents. They live alone. Over at the old lake house." I say. Her eyes widen. But Before she can respond there is a knock on the front door. I look toward it and hold up my finger.
  "Hold on." I say. She nods and I run and open the door. Jake comes down as I do and walks up behind me. I smile as I open the door. "Oliver! Hi!" I say. He smiles at me.
  "Hey love." He says. I smile and open the door wider.
  "Kelsey. Oliver is here." I call. Oliver doesn't make a move to come in. I look back at him as I start toward the kitchen. "Are you gonna come in?" I ask. He smiles and nods. He takes a step forward then completely comes into the house.
  "Oliver. Hi. I'm Kelsey. Jake and Alya's Aunt." She says coming out and shaking his hand. He smiles.
  "Hi Ms. Montgomery." He says shaking her hand. I smile and look at him.
  "Oh gosh no. Just Kelsey please." She says. I laugh a little and Oliver smiles.
  "Right. Sorry." He says. Then he looks at Jake and I. "I thought I could give you guys a ride to school." He says. Jake smiles and nods.
  "Yeah. Thanks man. Let me just grab Alya and i's bags." He says. Oliver nods. I smile.
  "Do you want some breakfast real quick Oliver?" I ask softly.
  "Oh yeah. Sorry. Um I have some eggs and bacon in here if you want some." Kelsey says. I look at her and raise an eyebrow. Giving her the look that says "play it cool!" Oliver laughs and shakes his head.
  "That's okay. I just ate. Thank you though. Maybe another time." He says. Kelsey nods.
  "Okay. You and your brother should come over for dinner sometime. How's Friday?" She asks. He smiles.
  "Yeah that works. Thank you Kelsey. Alya you ready? We can load up." He says. I nod.
  "Yeah sure. Let's go. Kelsey don't forget. Mia and I are doing stuff tonight." I say as I walk out the door. Kelsey nods. Oliver helps me into the car and then climbs in as Jake gets in too.
  We pull out and quickly head to school as Jake hands me my backpack.
  "Okay now today... nothing will go wrong and you can actually get through a day of school." I laugh looking at Oliver he laughs.
  "We can only hope. It seems you are a danger magnet if I didn't know any better Alya." He says. Jake scoffs.
  "You can say that again..." He says. I gasp.
  "Excuse me?! You two better watch it before I send some of that danger your way!" I say. Jake laughs as I reach back and smack his leg. Oliver laughs.
  "Okay okay. Sorry." He says throwing up his hands after parking. I smile and shake my head getting out of the car and heading into school.

"Sorry I'm running late. My mom had me do some stuff before I left. I'm on my way. I'll be there soon." Mia says over the phone. I laugh and nod.
"Okay. No worries." I say. Then I hang up and sigh throwing my phone on my bed. I fall back onto my bed and close my eyes. I furrow my eyebrows as I remember I needed to ask Jake something. I stand up and go through my bathroom that joins to his room. I open the door.
  "Hey J-" I get cut off as I run into someone square in the chest. I scream as I almost fall backwards. Arms grab my waist and pull me into them to stop me from falling. I can tell by the way the hands feel that it isn't Jake or Ryan. My eyes widen as I see Mason. "Mason! Omg you scared the crap out of me!" I say covering my face and banging my head on his chest as he holds me close. He grunts a little as I do it.
  "Hey Alya. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't think you were home. You kinda scared me too. I was just gonna use the restroom." He says softly. I see him looking me up and down again. I look at him kinda funny and nod putting my hands on his chest and a take a deep breath.
  "Yeah sorry go ahead." I say softly moving to the side and giving him room to go into the bathroom. He nods and gently rubs my side as he heads into the bathroom when he lets me go. I look at his hand as he rubs my side and furrow my eyebrows. "Wait... why are you here?" I ask turning back to him and grabbing his hand. He stops and turns back to me looking at my hand in his. He rubs my hand with his thumb and looks at me.
  "Jake invited us over for a boys night. Aren't you going to Mia's?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head.
  "No... Mia is coming here... I told Kelsey we were gonna do stuff tonight." I say. He raises an eyebrow and nods.
"Okay... well... looks like you are just gonna have to put up with me all night long." He says with a wink. I smirk.
"Oh I can handle being in the same house as a bunch of crazy hot guys. Trust me." I say with a wink. "Especially with my best friend. It's you, that you should be worried about love." I say with a small smirk. He smirks right back.
"We will see about that, Angel." He says. I smile at the nickname he used for me. I roll my eyes and shake my head with a grin as I push him into the bathroom.
"Go do what you came to do." I say with a laugh. He laughs back and closes the bathroom door. I smile and turn toward Jake's door. I gasp and jump again as I come face to face with Jake. I crouch down and cover my face with my hands. "Good gosh! You guys gotta stop doing that!" I say. Jake looks down at me.
"What was that? Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be at Mia's?" He asks. I sigh and stand back up looking at Jake.
"It seems we may have had a misunderstanding with Kelsey." I say softly.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"Mia is coming over here. I'm not going to Mia's." I say. Jake raises an eyebrow.
"Sooooo no guys night?" He asks. I shake my head.
"No no no you can have guys night. That's perfectly fine. I'll talk to Kelsey and see what I can do. Okay? I don't want to ruin your night with the guys. You need it." I say kissing his cheek. "Come on. Let's go talk to Kelsey." I say grabbing his hand and we turn and head downstairs.
"Uh... Kelsey..." Jake says as we come downstairs. I hook my arm with Jakes as we walk into the kitchen and I see Oliver and Ryan. I smile at them and Ryan jumps up and comes and swoops me up in a bear hug. I laugh and wrap myself around him and kiss his cheek.
"Hi Ry." I say with a grin at him. He grins back.
"Hey gorgeous. What are you doing here?" He asks spinning me around. I laugh and let my arms go around his neck and lay back as he spins. He comes to a stop and I pull myself back up and wrap my arms around his neck again.
"It seems that Kelsey and I had a misunderstanding." I say softly. Looking over at Kelsey. Ryan nods and sets me down.
"Ah. Gotcha." He says kissing the top of my head. Oliver smiles and stands up hugging me gently.
"Hey pretty girl." He says. I smile and hug him back.
"Hey Ollie." I say softly. Then turn to Kelsey. She furrows her eyebrows at me.
"I thought you were at Mia's." She says. I nod and walk over to her and lean into the counter stealing some of the cantaloupe she just cut up and popping it into my mouth.
"Mhm. That seems to be where everyone in this house thinks I should be." I say with a smile and a wink at her. I stand back up and go to the freezer grabbing my Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. I walk over and put it on the counter opening it up and grabbing a big spoon.
"Did she cancel on you?" Kelsey asks. I take a spoon full of my ice cream and lick some of it off the spoon
"Nope. We are still going on. As planned. You just misunderstood me I think." I say leaning into the counter again. Taking another bite of my ice cream.
"You said you and Mia were hanging out tonight." She says. I nod.
"Mhm. She's spending the night tonight. Here. Remember? I talked to you about it like... a week and a half ago. You said it was fine and I specifically remember saying it would be here." I say raising an eyebrow at her. She looks at me.
"Oh god you did..." she says. I nod and take another bite of ice cream. Mason comes back down and comes and stands by me. I see Oliver eyeing mason. As I go to take another bite of my ice cream He swoops in and snatches it off the spoon before I can. My jaw drops and I can't help but smile a little as I look at him.
"Oh dude... you don't touch her ice cream. The last time I did that she nearly killed me." Ryan says. Oliver and mason raise an eyebrow at me. I smirk a little at Mason.
"Yeah but he wasn't nearly that smooth. He got my ice cream all over me. I gotta give you props Mason. That was really smooth." I say with a smile at him. He grins and winks at me. I smile at him then see Oliver clench his jaw a little. I take another spoon full and hold it up for him to take. He grins at me and takes the bite.
"Thanks Angel!" He says. I smile and nod at him. Ryan gasps.
"Alya! You traitor! You didn't give me another bite!" Ryan says. Kelsey laughs a little and keeps cutting up the cantaloupe. Jake laughs and pats Ryan on the back. I smirk at Ryan.
"He didn't get ice cream in my hair and down my bra Ryan..." I say. Oliver and Masons eyes widen a little and look at me and then at Ryan. Ryan bites his lip.
"Fair point..." he sighs. Everyone laughs and I look back at Kelsey.
"I don't want to ruin their night Kels. Jakey needs this. I can call Mia and tell her not to come over. Or to see if we can stay at her place. Jake spent all summer taking care of my mess of a life. He didn't get to spend a day with Ryan or anyone else. He stayed with me. He needs this guy night. I'm not gonna take it away from him." I say softly. Everyone looks at me with small smiles on their faces. Jake stands up and comes to me making me put my ice cream down.
"Alya... I love taking care of you. You took care of me too baby girl... you didn't see Mia most of the summer. I don't regret taking care of you sweetheart. You took care of me when I needed you most and I took care of you when you needed me most. It went both ways, love. You need Mia just as much as I need these guys. Don't call Mia. Let her come over. I sure the guys won't mind. We can make this one big group sleep over. How about that?" He asks running his fingers through my hair. I smile at him and grab his face kissing him real hard on the cheek making his face get all smashed up.
"God I love you!" I say with a grin. Kelsey smiles and nods.
"That's okay with me as long as it's okay with the rest of you guys." She says. Ollie, Mason and Ryan all nod.
"Yeah. Let's do it." They say. I grin and hug Jake tightly kissing his cheek again then moving to Mason and hugging him tightly as I kiss his cheek. I do the same to Kelsey and Ryan and I hug Ollie and kiss his cheek as well.
"You guys are the best. Thanks guys!" I say as they all come over and group hug me. I grin and hug them back as they do that. They all start to squeeze me tightly and I choke.
"Guys... can't. Breathe." I choke out. They all let go and I gasp and lay down on the floor. "Good lord you guys are strong." I gasp sprawling out on the floor wincing a little as I lay on my burn. They all laugh and shake their heads at me.
  "Come on. Get up gorgeous." Ryan says. I sigh and grab his hand. He pulls me up and tickles my sides. I screech and shove him away from me and jump away from him.
  "RYAN!!!" I say. He laughs and Mason and Oliver look at me.
  "Oh she's ticklish..." Mason says with a smirk. My eyes widen and I look around at all the guys and slowly start backing up.
  "Kels.... little help please..." I say softly. She holds her hands up.
  "My hands are tied love." She says. I gasp.
  "You traitor!!!" I say. They all laugh at me. The doorbell rings and I hold my hands up. "I'm getting the door! Don't touch me! I'm saved. By. The. Bell." I say. They all laugh and go back to the kitchen. I sigh and turn to the door. "Ryan don't you dare touch my ice cream! I will suffocate you!" I yell back and I hear the spoon fall to the counter. I nod. "Mhm. I have eyes in the back of my head sweetheart." I say. The guys laugh and I open the door.
  "Hey! Sorry I'm late." Mia says.
  "No trust me you had perfect timing. I was gonna get tickled to death." I say. She laughs and comes in. Then her eyes widen as she sees all the guys.
  "Oh. Hey guys." She says.
  "Hey Mia." They all say. Mia puts her bags down and we go into the kitchen. I see Mason eating my ice cream. I walk over and open my mouth. He smiles and gives me a bite. I smile.
  "Don't eat it all. Remember it's mine. I'm just being nice to you." I say with a wink. He smiles and takes another bite off of the spoon. I smirk and narrow my eyes at him. He takes some more into the spoon and I use his trick back on him and swoop in and take the bite off of his spoon. "Thanks Handsome." I say with a grin. He grins and bites his lip.
"Yeah... Ryan it looks like you need some lessons on how to be smooth..." Jake says. I laugh and look at Jake and Ryan.
"Oh... I can teach him..." I say with a smirk and a wink. Ryan's eyes widen.
"No. No not happening." He says. I laugh. Then smirk and look at Mia.
"Or... Mia can help you." I say. I grin evilly as they both look at each other with wide eyes and turn cherry red. Then look away. I look at Mason and Oliver and wink at them. They raise an eyebrow at me. "That's right. I know what I'm talking about. Right Mia?" I ask. She glares at me and I smile sweetly.
"Alya!" She says. I laugh and take off running out of the kitchen out to the back yard. She comes running out after me and I stop in the middle of the yard and turn toward her as the guys follow us out.
"You might want to stop while you can princess. We both know I can take you." I say with a smirk. She glares at me and tackles me to the ground. We hit the ground and I hiss in pain as I land on my back.
"Alya!" The guys yell. Mia's eyes widen as she realizes what she just did. She gulps.
"Now we are even." She says softly. I glare up at her.
"We both know that I don't play to get even Mia." I hiss. She shakes her head.
"Alya... no!" She says. I clench my jaw and flip backwards taking her with me so that I have her pinned down. She gulps as she looks up at me.
"Hey... Alya..." Oliver's voice says behind me. "Alya you gotta let me look at your burns love." Oliver says. I clench my jaw and then sigh and push Mia into the ground as I stand up and grab Oliver's outstretched hand. He laces his fingers with mine and takes me inside.
"Oh come on brother. A chick fight. That stuff is sexy. Why did you stop it? Let her get her anger out." Mason says. I smile at Mason and shake my head.
"You. Are obviously the bad boy brother." I say. "You like fighting." I laugh. He smiles and nods.
"That's me, Angel." He says. Oliver glares at mason. I smile.
  "What's with the angel thing? Really?" Oliver kinda growls a little. Jake nods.
  "I was just about to ask that too." He says. I look at them.
  "Hey! I like it. He can call me Angel if he wants to. I like it." I say. I look at Mason and grab his hand. "I like it..." I say. He smiles.
  "I wasn't gonna stop whether they wanted me to or not." He says. I smile.
  "Rule breaker... I like it." I say. Jake shakes his head.
  "No. No no no. I think you may have hit your head. Get inside. Ryan go get your girl. I gotta deal with this one." Jake says. He takes me from Oliver and pulls me into the house and up the stairs. As he pulls me I see Oliver kinda pin mason against the wall and talking to him.
  "Ow. Ow Jake!" I say as we go up the stairs.
  "Alya? What's going on with you? Why are you saying ow and why do you always wince?" Kelsey asks stopping us on the stairs. I glare at Jake and dig my fingernails into his arm. He clenches his jaw and looks at me.
  "Nothing Kels. I'm fine. Girl stuff. I'm good." I say. Oliver and Mason look at me. I smile at Kelsey and she narrows her eyes at me.
"Okay... if you are sure... it wasn't Liam was it?" She asks. My smile drops and I look at her. She bites her lip as she looks at me and I let Jake go. He lets me go as well and looks at me. Mason and Oliver bite their lips and look down at the ground.
"No Kelsey. It wasn't Liam. I said it's girl stuff. Okay?" I ask. She gulps and nods.
"Okay. I'm sorry." She says. I look at the guys and then at Jake. He sighs and looks down at the ground. I turn and finish going upstairs. I go into Jake and I's bathroom and close the doors. I lean on the sink and close my eyes. I slowly pull my long sleeve off and look in the mirror. I pull my tank top strap to the side and pull the bandage off of my back. I pull off the one on my forearm and on my collarbone as well.
I hear a knock on the bathroom door and I sigh. I gulp and keep my head down not looking in the mirror.
  "Who is it?" I call. I gulp and look toward the door.
  "It's Ollie."
"Come on in." I say softly. The door opens and then closes again. I keep my back turned to him and close my eyes. "Why... does everyone keep bringing Liam up? All I want... is to forget him and what he did to me." I say softly. I feel him walk up behind me and he rubs my arms. I stand up straight and keep my eyes closed as I lean back into Ollie.
"Hey... come here love." He says. I turn to him and he cups my cheeks and slides his thumbs under my eyes. I look at him and gulp.
"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize I was crying." I sigh. He smiles sweetly at me.
"It's okay, princess. No need to apologize." He says softly. I nod and take a deep breath. "They are all just worried about you love. They love you. They just want to make sure you are okay." He says. I nod as I look at him. "Let's get you fixed back up, love." He says.
"Okay. Bandages and burn cream is in that cabinet over there." I say softly. He nods and let's me go. He grabs the supplies and comes back to me. He puts the stuff on the counter and then rubs my sides as he looks at me in the mirror.
"You ready?" He asks. I nod and he pulls my hair to the side so that it's out of the way. His fingers tickling my neck slightly. I lean my head to the side and watch him in the mirror. He slips my tank top strap down again and gently begins to put the burn cream on it. I gasp softly and close my eyes as he starts. "Sorry, love..." he whisper softly. I shake my head with a small smile.
"It's okay. You are being really gentle. Thank you for helping me." I say softly. He nods.
"Anytime Alya." He says. He puts the bandage on my back and then I turn to him. We both gasp a little as he reaches forward for the cream right as I turn. Our faces only inches apart. He looks at me and I search his eyes. I bite my lip and gulp.
"Um... I'm sorry." I laugh a little. He smiles and laughs a little. He grabs the cream and backs up.
"Oh yeah. It's all your fault. Geez." He jokes. I laugh and push him a little bit.
"You are such a goofball." I laugh. He grins and points the burn cream at me.
"Don't make me use this." He says. I laugh again and shake my head. I grab his shirt and pull him closer.
"Fix me up already you goof." I laugh. He grins and grabs my waist lifting me up onto the counter. He puts the cream in his hand and steps between my legs and starts to spread it over my collarbone. Then he does my arm. He bandages them up and then puts his hands on my legs and looks at me.
"There you go beautiful." He says. I give him a cheesy grin.
"Thank you!" I say. He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist and slides me off the counter. He slowly sets me down and holds me up against him. I gulp and shake my head. "God you are making this really hard." I say. He scoffs.
  "I'm making it hard?!" He says. I nod.
  "Yeah..." I say starting to breathe heavier as he pulls me even closer and looks me up and down.
  "Jake might kill me... or at least try. And mason..." He says softly. I bite my lip and feel butterflies in my stomach as he touches me.
  "I can handle Jake... and mason we can talk about later. But at the moment I don't care what he thinks." I say. He nods and cups my cheek. Then looks at my lips. I look at his and run my hand through his hair.
  "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. I groan.
  "Omg just kiss me already!" I growl grabbing his neck and smashing my lips on his. He moans and wraps his arms around me already moving me and pressing me into the wall. I gasp and wrap my arms tightly around his neck and tangling my hands in his hair.
  "Holy crap. What are you doing to me woman?" He growls into my lips. Almost sounding like a wolf. But I know better. I gasp for air quickly then cup his cheeks and kiss him rougher. He growls again and moves down my jaw to my neck kissing my neck and collar bone. His grip tightens on my waist and I tangle my hands in his hair again. Leaning my head to the side. Giving him full access to my neck.
  "Ollie." I gasp moving my hands to his waist and sliding my hands up his shirt a bit. He does the same to me and starts to kiss me rougher. He moves us to the door and opens the one to my room. He pushes me back into my room and closes the bathroom door and my bedroom door. Never leaving my neck unkissed. I walk backwards pulling him with me to my bed. I turn and push him backwards down onto my bed and I climb on top of him kissing his lips roughly. He slides his hands over my body pulling me down on top of him. He moans kinda loudly so I kiss him harder to keep it muffled. He turns and flips me over so he hovers over me. He slides his hand up my shirt and rubs my side.
"Holy crap you are strong." I moan. I hear another growl and then next thing I know he is sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to me. I furrow my eyebrows and sit up a little bit. I look at him. "Ollie... are you okay?" I ask softly. I get up and rub his back as I kneel on the bed behind him.
"Ollie?" I ask. Grabbing his arm.
"Alya hold on..." He says. Turning away from me again. I gulp and pull my hand back. I turn and climb off the bed. I go back to the bathroom and grab my long sleeve shirt. I pull it back on and sigh looking back over at Oliver. He turns back to me and sighs as he sees me pull my shirt on. "I'm sorry Alya." He says. I shake my head.
  "It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's probably good you stopped us when you did anyway." I say. He shakes his head and jumps up, running over to me as I go to my door. He grabs my waist, stopping me from leaving.
"Alya... don't do that... It wasn't you okay? I swear. It's not that I didn't like it. It's that I liked it to much. Okay? I was... I was gonna lose control if we kept going. I had to stop before it went to far. It was not you're fault. Okay?" He asks softly, cupping my cheek and using his other hand to play with my hair. I look at him and bite my lip. I nod at him.
  "Okay." I say nodding at him. He smiles and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and lean into the kiss. "For the record... I've never felt that good... in my life. That was incredible..." I say softly as he kisses my forehead. He smiles into my skin and then lays his head on mine.
  "I couldn't agree more, love." He says. I smile a little and he gently pecks my lips again. "You better get back downstairs. They are gonna freak that we have been up here so long with each other." He says. I laugh.
  "Tell me about it. Ryan, Mia and Jake are gonna cream me..." I laugh. He smiles and opens the door. I kiss his cheek and then take a deep breath and head back downstairs. He follows me down. I walk into the living room.
  "That took a while..." Jake says.

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