Chapter 4

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"That took a while..." Jake says. I roll my eyes and go sit down on the couch between Mason and Oliver as he sits on my other side. I see mason give Ollie a look that I can't quite read.
"What was going on up there?" Kelsey asks me. I raise an eyebrow at her.
"You wanna know why it took me so long to come down here?" I ask kinda snappy. She looks at me.
"Watch your tone young lady. It was just a question." She says. I glare at her.
"It took us forever because Ollie here was trying to get me to calm down. You guys keep bringing Liam up and resurfacing horrible memories. Okay? So I had a moment or two and freaked out. Ollie here cared enough to check on me. Unlike the rest of you. So excuse me for breaking down because of you two! And taking a while to contain myself." I hiss at Kelsey and Jake. They bite their lips and look down at their laps. Oliver looks at me and wraps his arm around my shoulder.
"Okay... Easy. Calm down love." He says moving my hair out of my face. I sigh and close my eyes as he touches me. Slowly calming down. I take a deep breath. "Okay... I'm sorry. I should just... leave. I said I wasn't gonna ruin your night and here I am ruining it. So I'm gonna leave. Have fun." I say standing up. Oliver grabs my hand.
"Alya." He says. Kelsey stands up and looks at me.
"No. Sit down. I'll leave. It's your guys night and I said something I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. Plus... who wants an adult in their crew anyway. Also it's getting late. I'm gonna head to bed. Don't do anything stupid. Any of you." Kelsey says. I gulp and make Oliver let me go as Kelsey turns to leave.
"Kels..." I say. She turns to me and looks at me. I sigh. "Have..." I trail off and gulp a little. I take another deep breath and walk up and hug her. "I'm sorry. You are the best aunt in the world. You are just trying to take care of me and I'm making it way harder than it needs to be. I'm sorry." I say. She lets out a breath and smiles as she hugs me back.
"It's okay. I'm not the easiest person either. I think my personality went through your mom and into you. I think that's why we clash so much. So I'm sorry too." She says. I laugh a little.
"Well I learned my sassiness and attitude from the best of the best so... can you blame me?" I ask. She laughs.
"Yeah yeah. I know. I'm getting my payback for teaching you my ways. I got it." She says. I laugh.
"Okay. Go to bed. I love you." I say. She smiles and kisses my cheek.
"I love you too. Be good." She says pointing her finger at me. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She says. I smirk and raise an eyebrow.
"What wouldn't you do?" I ask. She pauses and bites her lip.
"Good point..." she says. I laugh and so do the others. She smiles. "But seriously. At least try to behave. Don't make people call the cops on us. Please." She says. I nod.
"Yeah.... I'm not promising anything." I say. She gives me a look and I smile. "Okay! Okay. I'll do my best." I say. She sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Aye caramba. I've created a monster. I'm going to bed." She says. I laugh.
"Goodnight!" I say. Then sigh and collapse on the floor sprawling out and staring at the ceiling.
"Goodnight Kelsey." Everyone else says. I look over at Mia.
"You still mad at me?" I ask with a small smirk. She looks at me and tries to hide her smile as she rolls her eyes. I raise an eyebrow. "Oh come on princess Mia. You can't stay mad at me... I got you your man didn't I?" I ask looking at Ryan and Mia's hands laced together. Ryan tries not to smile as he nudges Mia. She bites her bite and tries not to look at me. I smirk and crawl to my hands and knees and crawl over to her. "Oh come on. I deserve some of the credit." I say pouting my lip and giving the puppy dog eyes.
  "Oh there they are. The puppy dog eyes. God they are adorable. How can you say no to those?" Mason asks.
  "You don't." Oliver says. Mia groans and lets Ryan go as she dives off of the couch and tackles me to the floor. I screech.
  "Oh gosh!" I say as she wraps her arms around my neck and pins me to the floor in a hug. I groan as she lands on top of me. "Good gosh woman. Get off of me. This is not what I was expecting." I groan. I cough and start spitting. "You're hair is in my mouth..." I gag. She laughs and sits up. I push her to the side and she laughs as she lands on the floor next to me.
  "Alright. What's next?" She asks.
  "Truth or dare?" Mason asks. I smile and turn my head to him.
  "Dare." I say. He smiles.
  "Oh god... don't go to crazy please!" Jake says.
  "I dare you to take Oliver and go put a face mask on with him." Mason says. I laugh and stand up. I hold out my hand to Oliver.
  "Come on handsome." I say. Oliver groans and grabs my hand standing up. I lead him upstairs and into the bathroom again. I grab my face masks and let him choose the one he wants to do. Once he chooses one I put it on his face after he washes his face. Then I let him do the same to me. I look at him when we finish and I giggle.
  "Am I still hot enough for you?" He asks. I laugh and nod kissing him softly.
  "Oh heck yeah. You look sexy." I giggle. He rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around my waist.
  "Alya... don't take this the wrong way but... mason... be careful. Don't get too close to him. In fact I'd like it better if you weren't associated with him at all. Please. Just trust me... please." He says as we walk downstairs. I furrow my eyebrows at him and don't have time to respond as we get to the living room so I just give him a confused nod. I grab his hand and swing it as we walk back into the living room. The guys laugh and so does Mia.
  "I think this should be your new look brother." Mason laughs.
  "Shut up Mason." Ollie says. He sits back down and I sit on the couch between him and mason again. Ollie looks at me and smiles a little with a small nod to make sure I got what he said. I smile back. Then smirk at the others.
  "I think he looks adorable." I giggle looking at Ollie. He looks at me and shakes his head.
  "This is humiliating." He says. I laugh.
  "Hey. I'm right here with you." I say pointing at my mask covered face. He nods.
  "Yeah but you actually look kinda hot in yours." He says. I smirk.
  "Thank you. So do you." I say with a cheesy smile and a wink. He can't help his smile as he laughs at me. "Now. Ryan. Truth or dare?" I ask.
  "Truth." He says.
  "How long have you liked Mia?" I ask. He looks at Mia and smiles a little. He blushes dark red.
  "For a while now..." He says. I smile and nod as I see Mia blush even harder than Ryan.
"So are you gonna do something about it?" I ask. He bites his lip and looks at Mia. He takes a deep breath.
"Mia... would you go on a date with me?" He asks. I smile and look at Mia. She blushes and nods at him.
"Yeah. Of course I will." She says. He smiles.
"Good. How's Friday?" He asks. She grins and nods.
"Yeah. That's perfect." She says. He nods and then looks at Oliver and mason.
"I have one for both of you." He says. "Truth or dare?" He asks.
"Dare." They both say. He smiles.
"I dare you to tell us if there are any girls in town that you guys are growing attached to or have crushes on." Ryan says. Oliver and Mason look at him and I look between them as they stay silent.
"This is a really bad idea..." Oliver says. Mason slowly turns his head toward me and I look at him. I smile a little and look at Oliver and see he is looking at me too. My eyes widen a little and I look between them. Jake clears his throat.
"Alya? You guys both want Alya?!" Jake asks. I bite my lip and look at Oliver. He smiles a little bit shrugs at me. I look at Mason and he searches my eyes.
"Yeah... I want Alya." Oliver says. Mason clenches his jaw.
"Yeah. I want my angel. But... she really doesn't know us yet. We aren't good for you Alya. Trust me. Especially me..." Mason says. I gulp at them and look at Ollie as mason says 'especially me' and take a short breath before looking at Jake. Ollie gently slides his thumb over my hand without anyone noticing.
"Jake..." I say standing up.
"No! No! No one gets Alya! She's been hurt enough! No more boys!" He says standing up and coming toward Mason and Oliver. I go stand in front of him and push on his chest.
"Okay... first of all... calm down." I say calmly to Jake as I plant my feet and try not to let him by me. "Second of all I get to choose. You don't get to tell me I can't be with someone." I say.
"You barely know them Alya! And they are brothers!! They both like you! Do you realize how big of a disaster that is gonna be?! Especially knowing you!" He says. I gulp at that last sentence and he pushes by me as I stop fighting him.
"JAKE!!!!" Mia and Ryan yell. I stay where I am and Mia stands up and comes to me. Ryan goes to Jake and the twins and forces Jake to stop fighting them as they fight over me.
"Alya?" Mia says. I shake my head and turn and go to the kitchen. I sit down at the counter and stare at the wall as I start eating my ice cream again. Mia sighs and stands behind me as she starts to massage my shoulders and neck gently so she doesn't hurt my burn.
"Look! She gets to choose okay?" Oliver says. "I'm not gonna force her into anything! Like mason said... she doesn't know us. None of you do." He says. I hear him come into the kitchen and sit down next to me and Mason comes in and sits on my other side. I stay zoned out as I get more ice cream and put the spoon out toward Oliver. He takes the bite and I do the same for Mason.
"I'm sorry Alya." Mason says softly. I feel him play with my hair and tuck it behind my ear. I look at him.
"It's okay. It's not your fault Mason." I say softly smiling at him as I run my hand through his hair. Oliver clears his throat behind me and I bite my lip a little pulling my hand back down. Mason smiles a little and nods at me. I smile and then go back to eating my ice cream.
"What did he mean? By especially knowing you?" Oliver asks softly. I look up at him and then look into the living room as I see Ryan scolding Jake. A tear slips my eyes and I look down.
"Um... the night my dad died and we got in that wreck... Jake and I were at a party. I called my dad because I wanted to go home. I had gotten mixed up with Liam and his brother that night. They both had liked me and I chose Liam. The wrong one. His brother got mad at Liam because he was hurting me. They got into this massive fight and I got stuck in the middle because Liam pulled me in. I got beat up because I was to stupid to steer clear of them both. They are the reason I called my dad and we went home early. Jake just accused me of being the reason we got in that crash and why my daddy died." I say looking down at my ice cream as more tears fall.
"Alya it wasn't your fault. Jake is just being a jerk." Mia says softly. I sniffle and nod wiping my tears away and standing up. I walk out to the back yard and go climb up into my tree. I sit down and lay my head on the trunk as more tears fall. "Alya!" Mia calls. I see her turn around as Jake and Ryan go into the kitchen and she punches Jake in the chest. He coughs and bends over trying to breathe. "What is wrong with you?!" She snaps at him. I stand up in my tree again as Jake looks out toward me. I turn and keep climbing until I climb onto my roof.
  "Alya..." Jake's voice says. I ignore him and lay back looking at the stars as more tears fall. I sniffle and I hear someone come onto the roof.
  "Jake I don't want to talk to you! Go away!" I say.
  "It's not Jake love." Oliver says. I look over at him and laugh a little covering my face.
  "Oh god. I'm sorry. I'm breaking down again. I'm not... stable." I say into my hands. He laughs a little.
  "It's okay. I totally understand. I lost it too when Mason and I lost our parents. Mason used to blame me for it just like Jake just did to you. Actually he still does. I know the feeling, love." He says. I sniffle and look over at him. He comes and lays down next to me and I turn on my side so I'm facing him. He turns to me and tucks my hair behind my ear.
  "If I wouldn't have even gone to that party or got mixed up with Liam and Isaac my dad wouldn't have had to come get Jake and I... Ollie he's dead because I made him come get me... I shouldn't have called him. I should have just... suffered through it and walked home or something. It's my fault he's dead Ollie. He's dead because of me." I sob. "And Jake tries not to let it bother him but deep down... I know he blames me for it." I cry. Oliver shakes his head at me and pulls me into a hug.
  "No... no love. It's not your fault." He says pulling me into him. I lay on his chest and bury the rest of my body into him as he wraps his arms around me. "You had no idea that car would t-bone you. It was the driver of the other cars fault. He wasn't paying attention. It wasn't your fault at all Alya, and I'm sorry you lost your father. I wish I could have stopped it for you so that you weren't going through all this pain. I'm so sorry Alya." He says. I sniffle and look up at him. I lay my hand on his chest and bite my lip. I cup his cheek and kiss it gently.
  "It's not your fault handsome. You didn't even know me then. You couldn't have known I needed help. It's okay. It's not your fault either." I say softly. "And I don't think that your parents deaths could have been your fault either. You are the sweetest guy I have ever met. I don't think you could have been the cause, love." I say softly. He gulps and nods down at me. He kisses my forehead and sighs. I bite my lip and look back up at the stars. He grabs my hand that is on his chest and laces his fingers with mine. He plays with my fingers and I smile a little. I look back up at him and gulp. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to... but... how did your parents die?" I ask softly rubbing his hand with my thumb as we switch rolls and I play with his fingers. He takes a deep breath and looks down at me.
"They um... they got ripped to shreds..." He says wincing a little as he says it. My eyes widen and I look up at him.
"What?" I ask. He nods at me.
"I know. It's gory and disgusting." He says. I gulp and furrow my eyebrows.
  "Wow I should not be complaining. Omg..." I say. "Wait how could that possibly be your fault?" I ask softly. "Was it like... a wolf or something?" I ask. He nods.
  "Yeah. A wolf. It tore my parents apart limb from limb without hesitation." He says. "He says its my fault because I'm the one that convinced them to go on a hike for their anniversary." He says softly. My eyes widen.
  "Omg... Ollie I'm so sorry." I say softly as I look at him. He smiles a little at me.
  "It's okay. It wasn't your fault either. And it was a long time ago. I'm over it." He says. I nod a little and lay my head back on his chest as we play with each other's fingers. He takes a deep breath and rubs my back as we look at the stars.
After a while I look back up at him. He looks at me and smiles a little. I bite my lip a little and look down at the ground.
"Do you want to go in and watch a movie?" I ask softly. He smiles and nods.
"Sure. Let's go love." He says. I nod and sit up. He sits up and grabs my hand tightly. He helps me to the edge and slowly lowers me down into the tree again. I look up at him and help him down next to me. I help him down to the ground and see the rest of the group look out at us as he lifts his hands up to help me down. I put my hands on his shoulders and he grabs my waist. He slowly lowers me down to the ground setting me gently on the ground. He smiles at me as I wrap my arms around his neck and sigh.
"Thank you." I say softly. He nods and rubs my sides.
"No problem, beautiful." He says. Then wraps his arm around my waist and hugs me into him as we walk inside. I lay on his shoulder and wrap my arm around him as well as we walk inside. I don't look at Jake as we walk in. I look at the floor and keep walking. Ollie looks at them and sighs pulling me closer and rubbing my side as we walk. We go into the living room and I let him go. I grab a random movie and put it in. Ollie sits in the love seat and the others come in to see what we are doing. They all sit down as they see I started a movie. I see the only place left to sit is next to Jake. I grab a blanket and walk over to Ollie. He opens his arms and I slide into his lap on the love seat.
  "Alya..." Jake says. I throw my hand up.
  "Don't talk to me. Not yet." I say. I sigh and unfold the blanket and throw it over Ollie and I as he wraps his arms around me. I lean into Ollie's chest and lay on his shoulder.
  "Hey... it wasn't your fault. Okay? Remember that." Ollie says softly. I nod at him and he smiles pushing my hair behind my ear. "What are we watching, gorgeous?" He asks. I look at him and smile a little playing with his hair on the back of his neck.
"Star Wars. Revenge of the Sith. It's my favorite. But also the saddest." I say softly. He smiles.
"You?" He asks. "You are a Star Wars fan?" He asks. I smile.
"Yeah. Probably one of the biggest fan girls you will ever meet." I say. He shakes his head and moans a little bit laying his head back.
"Good lord and I thought the perfect girl didn't exists. I think I'm in love." He groans. I laugh and shake my head.
"And I love video games. Halo any type of halo. I rock at it. Star Wars. Racing. Fighting. Yeah..." I say. He looks at me and shakes his head.
"Yep. I'm in love." He and mason say at the same time. I laugh and shake my head.
"You two are goofballs. I'm not perfect." I laugh. "As you have seen tonight." I say. Mason looks at me.
  "No one is perfect, Angel. But you are pretty darn close." He says. I look at him and smile a little.
  "Thanks Mason." I say softly. He smiles and winks at me. Ollie bites his lip a little.
  "No problem." He says. I smile then sigh and lay my head on Ollie's chest. I start the movie and then curl up under the blanket with him.
  "If I fall asleep I'm so sorry. You can just throw me on the floor so you don't have to sleep like that. Okay?" I ask. "I'll move if you push me off." I laugh a little. He smiles.
  "I'm not gonna push you off of me." He laughs. I shrug.
  "I'm just saying." I say. He rolls his eyes and hugs me close.
  "Shush and watch the movie with me." He says. I smile and nod.
  "Yes sir." I say sassily and turn to the movie. He smirks and shakes his head.
  "You are so difficult you know that?" He laughs. I smile and look at him.
  "I'm stubborn. It runs in the family." I say looking at Jake. Ollie smiles.
  "I'm not to mad at it actually." He says. I smile and cover his mouth.
  "Shh my movie is starting!" I say excitedly and my eyes instantly glue to the tv. He smiles into my hand and settles down.
The room becomes quiet and we all watch the movie. Each of us slowly drifting off to sleep throughout the night.

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