Chapter 7

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The next day.

"How are you feeling today?" Kelsey asks as I come downstairs. I smile and nod a little.
  "I feel good. I'm better. So yes. I'm going to school. I'm practically late already so I gotta go. Bye Aunt Kels. I love you." I say softly kissing her cheek as I grab a banana and my bag.
  "Bye Aunt Kels!" Jake yells to her as he pushes me out the door and we hurry to the car.
  We get in and Jake hurried his way to school.
  "Remember to come to the field after school. We have practice." Jake says. I nod.
  "Okay. I will. Remember. I'm a cheerleader. I kinda have to be there." I laugh as he parks. He smiles and I get out of the car and I see Ollie, Mason, Ryan, and Mia across the school lawn. I smile as throw my backpack over my shoulder. I run over to them and they smile. I run into Ollie's arms and he picks me up and spins me around as I wrap my arms around him in a hug. He kisses my cheek.
  "Hello gorgeous. You look better today!" He says. I smile and nod.
  "I am! Much better." I say as he puts me down. I smile as hug Ryan next. He hugs me close.
  "Glad your better kiddo." He says. I roll my eyes at the nickname and smile at him. I kiss his cheek then look at Mason. I bite my lip with a small gulp and He bites his lip when he looks me over.
  "Good morning, Angel." He says softly. I walk over to him and raise an eyebrow. "Hey... I'm sorry about yesterday." He says. I nod at him.
  "I forgive you. But you need to please stay away from me. Us actually." I say. He nods and sighs.
  "I can't do that. I joined lacrosse here. So I'll be playing with the guys." He says. I force a smile.
  "Great...." I say. He smiles.
  "It will be fun angel." He says. I nod as I hug Mia. Looking at Ollie over her shoulder. He sighs and mouths.
"I'll fix it." I nod at him a little and smile.
  "Hey girl." I say softly go Mia. She smiles.
  "Hey. Glad you feel better." She says. I smile. The bell rings and I take a deep breath. I hold my hand out to Ollie.
  "Come on. Let's try not to almost get killed this time yeah?" I ask softly. He laughs and nods taking my hand.
  "Yeah. Let's go." He says. I smile.
  "See you guys at lunch!" I call to the rest of the crew. They nod slowly as they watch Ollie and I leave hand in hand.
  "Are they... ya know..." Ryan asks.
  "They better not be..." Jake says. Mia laughs.
  "Guys relax. Even if they are... if he makes her happy... that's all we could ever ask for, for her..." she says. I look at Ollie and smirk a little as we walk away.
"Also what was that all about?" Jake asks mason.
"I have no idea..." mason says. Ollie laughs and we disappear into the halls filled with kids.

After school I meet up with Mia and we head out to the field for cheerleading practice and to watch the boys practice. I smile as we get to the bleachers and I see all the lacrosse players warming up. I spot Ryan, Jake, Ollie, and Mason all warming up together. I bite my lip.
"God... why are lacrosse players so dang sexy?" I growl a little as I look at them. I see mason, Ollie and jakes heads come up. Jake shakes his head with a smile and Mason and Ollie smirk at me. I smile at Ollie and Mia looks at me. We put our bags on the bleachers and then we take off our sweats. Leaving us in our cheerleading outfits. I grab her hand and we go onto the field and start stretching. I hear a few whistles come our way and I look up seeing Ollie, Mason, Jake, and Ryan cat calling us. I blush and so does Mia.
  "Sttooooppp..." Mia and I say kinda hiding behind each other. The boys laugh and shake their heads.
"Look at my girl! Whoo! She's smokin!" Ryan calls. I smirk and grab her hand spinning her around for him. She does but then glares at me. I laugh and spin myself around as well showing myself off so she's not alone. She smiles as the guys not just our four but the rest of the team turn to look at us as well.
"Yeah girls! Work it! Dang!" Mason calls. Mia laughs and we shake our heads.
"Y'all need to focus! Stop getting distracted! Geez!" I call out with a laugh.
"We would... But that tiny little skirt on your sexy little body is very hard not to look at Alya!" Diego, the lacrosse teams captain says. I look at him.
"Hey!" Ollie, Mason and Jake all say turning on him. Jake pushing him a little. I smirk a little.
"I'd watch your mouth Diego. Or those boys might tear you apart." I say with a wink. Then I wrap my arm around Mia and we walk over to the rest of the squad and start stretching. Diego looks at the three boys and rolls his eyes, turning and walking away. Ollie and mason turn back around to keep warming up and watching me. Mia goes back to our previous conversation.
"I mean... Ryan is insanely hot. He still would be if he wasn't a lacrosse player. But you're right. Lacrosse players do tend to be hot." She says. Then looks at me and then at Ollie as he smiles at me and stretches himself out. "Mason and Oliver are pretty hot tho too yeah?" She asks. I turn from smiling at Ollie and look at her. I swing my leg up into the bleachers to stretch it out. I lean into it and narrow my eyes at her. I smirk a little.
"I mean yeah... look at them! They are the hottest freakin humans in the whole dang world! Look at them!" I say. I look back and see Ollie eavesdropping on our conversation from across the field. I can tell because he is laughing that I called him human. She nods.
"Yeah you are almost right. My eye is on Ryan... but... Oliver and mason... as far as I know they are single... why don't you go for one of them?" She asks joining me on the bleachers to stretch out our legs. "Unless you already did and didn't tell your best friend!!!" She says pushing my shoulder. I screech and fall onto the ground loosing my balance. I start laughing and just lay there. She laughs with me and stops stretching to help me up.
"Rude!" I laugh and shake my head. She laughs and grabs my hand. I yank on her hard, making her hit the ground next to me. I laugh and she screeches as well hitting the ground. She laughs and rolls over onto her back.
"I deserved that..." she laughs. I keep laughing and then look up as a shadow crosses over my face. Mason looks down at us and smirks.
  "You guys are gonna get in trouble..." he laughs. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. I look at him.
  "So are you..." I say nodding toward the lacrosse coach. "Plus. I'm cheer captain. I can do what I want." I say kinda vaguely. He shakes his head and helps Mia up.
  "Princess..." he mumbles. I raise an eyebrow at him and knowing I can't hurt him, I punch his arm anyway. He looks at me and I push him back to his team.
"What is your problem with me?" He asks. I turn my back on him and walk over to my team. Ignoring him.
"Okay let's get to work." I call. I put my hands on my hips and look at my squad. "Let's try the new routine. I hope you guys practiced." I say. I hear the lacrosse coach calling for the boys to start practicing their plays.
  "Five, six, seven, eight, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." I count off for my team as they start to do the new routine. I watch them closely as I keep counting the steps. I nod as I see where we need to work and when we are done going through it I call them to attention. "Okay. Obviously the place we need the most work in is the fliers and the catchers. We gotta get those throws clean and the catches even cleaner. So get into formation. Let's work on these. Preston and kyler. Come here." I say. They all nod and get into formation. Preston and Kyler come up to me. I look at them. "Okay. Y'all better catch me." I laugh. They smile and nod.
  I nod and let them lift me up. Mia comes up to help spot me. I get in the correct position and ready myself. I nod and take a deep breath.
  "Okay. Like this. Ready boys?" They nod at me. "Okay. Five, six, seven, eight." I call out and they bend down launching me into the air. I twist my body so that I flip a few times in the air and then land firmly and squarely in their arms. "You see? You catchers need to use every ounce of strength in you to launch the girls. Girls you gotta help them. Use their strength with yours to help launch you into the air then twist as quick as you can do that you get those flips in before you land back in their arms. Yeah?" I ask. Everyone nods at me. I smile. "Okay good. Your guys turn." I say. Everyone gets ready and as I go to start counting I hear yelling out on the field. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to see what's happening.
  "DONT TOUCH ME!!" I hear Jake yell. I see Ollie, mason, and Jake all going at each other. My eyes widen.
  "GUYS STOP!!!" Ryan yells trying to break them up. I turn and sprint out onto the field.
  "BREAK IT UP!!! MONTGOMERY!!! PIERCE!!!! BOTH OF YOU!!! BREAK IT UP!!!" The lacrosse coach yells.
"JAKE! Stop it!!!" I yell. I run up to the fight and grab Ollie's arm. "Ollie stop! What's going on?!" I yell. Oliver stops and looks at me. His eyes wide.
"Alya..." He whispers. I furrow my eyebrows and then look at mason and Jake still going at it.
"Jake stop!" I yell. I squirm my way into the middle and try to shove Jake away from mason. "MASON STOP I-" I don't get to finish my sentence before something hits me square in the cheekbone. I collapse to the ground hard and my vision starts going black. I moan painfully and just lay there unable to move for a minute.
  "ALYA!!" Ollie's voice screams as Jake and mason keep fighting not even realizing one of them hit me. Next thing I know mason is thrown backwards. I see Oliver is the one that threw him and is now holding mason down and back. Covering his face from everyone's view. I can't hear him but I know he's telling mason to get his crap together before people find out what he is. Ryan shoves Jake as he tries to go at them. "Jake stop it! What is the matter with you?!" He yells. I gasp softly holding my eye as I shakily stand to my feet with the help of Mia and another lacrosse player. Ryan and mason stop fighting as they see me and gasp.
  "Alya..." they both gasp softly. I hold my bleeding cheekbone and Ollie comes up and cups my cheek.
  "Omg Alya..." He whispers softly looking me over. I groan softly and look at Jake. I clench my jaw and drop my hand from my face and glare at Jake.
  "I'm fine. I'll be fine." I say to Ollie as I grab Jakes arm tightly and start to pull him with me toward the locker room. "Mia take over for me please. Mason. Oliver. Get your butts over here." I hiss at them. Jake looks at me for a second then pulls on me and rips his arm out of my grip. I gasp holding my arm that he jerked and stumble a little still not fully functional after that hit. I gulp. "Jake! Locker room! NOW!!" I snap at him trying not to show my pain and struggle. He keeps his face hidden from me and growls storming toward the locker room. I turn to Oliver and mason. "You too. Go!" I say. I turn to the coach. "I'm so sorry. I'll figure out what's wrong with them. I'll take care of it." I say. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow.
  "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks softly. I not a little. He sighs and nods.
  "Look... please let me take care of it... he has a lot of anger built up from what happened... please... he needs me..." I whisper to him with a gulp. The coach's eyes soften toward me and he sighs. He nods.
"Okay... but let Jake and mason both know they are benched for the first game. And please see the nurse after you are finished. Or someone." He says. I nod.
"Thanks coach. I will. I'm so sorry..." I say softly. He nods and pats my shoulder.
"Don't worry about it, Alya. Just try and get him to control it." He says. I nod.
"Yes sir. I'll do my best." I say. He nods a little with a small smile. I smile back as best I can and then turn and hold my eye as I jog slowly into the boys locker room. I enter and ignore all the guys quickly covering themselves up as I pass. I uncover my face glare at Jake as I see him. Not even phased by the unclothed men around me.
"Jake! Get your sister out of here!" One guy says quickly covering himself. I ignore him and grab Jake by the ear dragging him with me.
  "Alya you're bleeding." Another guy says. Jake gasps and stands up tripping over the bench he was sitting on.
"Get your butt over here." I hiss at him completely ignoring all the guys. I look at Ollie and mason. "Sit down. I'm not done with you two." I growl.
"Alya! Let me go!" Jake says grabbing my hand that's gripping his ear. I tighten my grip and throw him into the coaches office and slam the door. I lock it and turn on Jake.
"What the heck was that out there?!" I yell at him. Using as much of the energy I have left on him. He gulps and looks at me.
"Alya..." He says as he sees the blood all over my face. I shake my head and put my hand up. I push on his chest and make him sit down on the desk.
"No. Don't Alya me. What was that?! Coach is pissed! You are benched the first game! You're lucky I'm the one in here talking to you and not coach! I talked to him and told him I could get you to calm down. He was about ready to kick you off the team. I got him to bench you instead. What's the matter with you?! And which one of you jerks decked me in the face?!" I snap at him. He gulps and looks down.
"Alya... you have no idea..." He starts. I clench my jaw and cross my arms over my chest.
"What. Happened?!" I hiss at him. He sighs and covers his face running his hands down it.
"Mason blocked me..." He says. Then pauses. I raise an eyebrow.
"Mason blocked you. So you started a fight? That's the story you are going with?" I ask. He gulps and looks down. I lick my teeth angrily and nod. I turn to the door and open it. I walk back out and go to mason and Ollie. They gulp and look at me.
"Alya!" A kid says covering himself up as he walks around the corner.
"Yes! I'm in the boys locker room! Yes. I am bleeding. No. I'm not leaving! Get over it." I say waving him off. "Ollie. Mason. Get your butts in here." I say. They nod and stand up.
"Yes ma'am." They say and walk past me going into the office with Jake. Ollie stops next to me and gulps. He gently presses a wet cloth to my face. He looks at me and I furrow my eyebrows.
"What? What happened?" I whisper softly. He bites his lip and looks at Jake.
"Alya... your brother isn't who you think he is..." he whispers. I furrow my eyebrows further and wince as the cloth rubs against my cheek. I look in the room and see Jake glaring at the desk in coaches chair and mason glaring at him from the chair in front of the desk.
"What are you talking about?" I ask with a gulp. He lets out a shaky breath.
"Alya... your brother is a vampire..." He says. My breath catches in my throat and I freeze...

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