Chapter 1

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I woke up in a cold sweat and my cold metal arm over my chest as i breathed out shaky breathes. The same nightmare again and again, all i see his is the pained look in his eyes as he fell into the spikes below. I looked over at my clock seeing it once again says three am, that day replayed in in my mind constantly. Me, Lewis, vivi, and mystery had come across a creepy cave and since Lewis and vivi are paranormal enthusiasts they demanded to explore it. I just wanted to sleep in the van but Lewis had dragged me along, which i wish he didn't if he didn't then maybe he'd still be alive. We started to explore the place and then i felt my body go heavy and then i was no longer in control, i had pushed him off the ledge into a pit full of spikes and could only muster up one thing. "LEWIS!" The memory leached to my mind and i could never forget after all it was the same day I had lost my arm. I got out of bed and decided to work on any kinks or glitches with my arm as Mystery woke up and snuggles by my foot. A bit later Vivi busted into my room breaking me out of my sleepy mind. "ARTHUR!" she said as she did her little dance she did when she was excited . "What did you find vivi?" I spun in my chair and looked at her. "I found this creepy old mansion we should go check out! It would be awesome research and maybe we could find a ghost!" She said smirking at the thought of finding a ghost for once. "Fine just let me get ready and check my van." She grinned and bounced out as I petted Mystery's head. We were soon at the place, the place looked really old and outdated but also the colors and darkened windows made it looked creepier. I walked out of the van feeling a cold breeze swipe past as i shivered and walked up to the building, following a still excited vivi and a scared Mystery following close behind. When we walked inside the building, the walls were covered with cob webs and creepy old paintings of what seemed to be the family that use to live there. We quickly got separated from vivi and headed into different rooms looking at everything. After walking into another room i felt the floor under me fall as i screamed, sliding down into a room lit by candles and at the end of it was a giant grave that almost seemed to glow purple.

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