Chapter 3

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After chatting for a bit we walked to the van and Lewis was finally back with us, but there was no way he's driving after all it's still my van. I smiled as i started my van, we were soon back on the road again to get back home especially since it was late by the time we left. While driving i noticed a strange little blue tree plant on the side of the road but didn't think much of it, we did see weird stuff all the time and i could have been just seeing stuff. My eyes widen when some blue lady popped out of the ground. "WHAT THE HELL??!!" I screeched out as i swerved to the side of the road making the van start going down a hill, next thing i knew is that we were flung out of the van and i hit my head on something hard causing me to black out. I slowly woke up and felt some warm trickle down my head, I looked at my shirt and saw that fresh blood had stained my white tee. I stumbled up and saw that Mystery had completely changed into what seem to be a nine tailed fox? "Shiromori! You've got some damn nerve showing your face back up here after centuries." Mystery growled out as his tails flared up like a fire licking up a tree. "Don't think I've forgotten everything that happened those many centuries ago! We were finally gonna control these pathetic humans but they you go and betray for what?! That pathetic girls ancestor!" Shiromori's voiced leaked with anger and venom. Her and mystery had clashed together as i grabbed Vivi and Lewis moving them out the way before things got too messy. I made the two of them were alright and realized we were in front of my uncle's shop, I ran up to the front door and started to pound on it. "Uncle Lance!! Come on please open up-Gah!" I was swiped by Shiromori's butcher scissors as Mystery sunk hit teeth into her arm, her focus going straight back onto him. I held my side as i slumped to the side watching as Vivi helped Mystery fight her. I looked around hoping to see Lewis but i couldn't find him, i stumbled up as i heard a loud bang. I grinned when i saw my uncle had shot Shiromori dead in the face, he definitely wasn't  a man of violence but Vivi, mystery, me and Lewis were like his adoptive kids. Lewis returned with bandages and helped me get patched up after profusely apologizing for leaving in the middle of danger. We had to explain to my uncle everything that happened, he mostly just shrugged it off and said that we could borrow one of his trucks so that we could return home. Since the van was definitely out of commission for a little while, the windows were shattered and the whole front was smashed, i knew i was going to have to fix it after the weekend. I made sure vivi and Mystery were alright and hugged Lewis as a thank you for helping me with my wounds and for helping the other with theirs. What i didn't notice is that, the crazy plant demon wasn't as dead as we thought she was.

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