Cushioned Keys Part 1

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Ship: NamJinMin

Little: Jimin

Caregiver(s): Seokjin and Namjoon

Additional ship: N/A

Additional little(s): N/A

Additional Caregiver(s): N/A

Extra character(s): N/A

Extra Information: N/A

Part: 1/2

AN: If you don't enjoy or at least tolerate Ddlb, feel free to leave. If you only came to my book to send hate on ddlb, goodbye. The door's over there, to your left. Those who are experimenting if you like this topic or not, stay as long as you like.



I woke up feeling sick. I knew that I was sick but, I didn't want to tell Jin. I didn't want that scolding from Jin. My head was pounding, it felt like it was going to burst.

There was a distinct rhythmatic thumping from across the hall. Namjoon's room. Namjoon's noise was not making me feel any better. The opposite actually. I yelled with my hoarse voice at Namjoon to stop all the sounds going on.

Namjoon paused for five seconds before becoming even louder. The rhythm of the thumping becoming sloppier by the second. I rolled my eyes. Namjoon pissed me off. Namjoon knew that he wrote me raps too hard and fast for me. #•~•#

I guess it was too much for my body, I got sick. I think it's a fever, I don't know or care. I couldn't take it anymore, so I groggily got out of bed. Suddenly, a GREAT idea popped in my head. I tiptoed quietly across the hall to Namjoon's room.

I slowly turned the knob, but stopped when I heard explicit sounds. They must've heard the knob turn, and ceased all activities. As stealthy as a ninja, I ran away! I came across something, that I didn't want to meddle with. I quickly scampered off to my room.

My headache got progressively worse. After eating with Namjoon and Jin in thick tension, I decided to try to nap my fever off. I knew it probably wouldn't work. If I could go a few hours without pain, I'd be grateful. I fell asleep almost instantly.


I know how hard Jin takes care of Jimin whenever Jimin falls in little space. I wanted to try to help Jin wash the dishes. I wanted to help him out for once because I love him too much. Jin keeps putting stress on top of stress on himself. That's not good for his health, Is it bad to be worried about someone this much? I'm really head over heels, huh?

I tried really hard but, failed again. I ended up only breaking one plate and one pan. The quality of the stuff we brought must be cheap. Not MY fault. (Yes it was, God of Destruction) Then again, that was my only responsibility to clean. I got kicked out of the kitchen again. Why'd he kick me out again? I only wanted to help. Wasn't I being a good fiancé for him? How can Jin kick me out of a kitchen 136 times in ONLY 2 days.

Feeling a little guilty, I decided to go buy some groceries. It's the least I could do to make it up to Jin. I got ready, grabbed my keys and left.

When I arrived at the grocery store, I darted first to the cookie aisle. I grabbed Jimin's favorite cookies. It was practically Jimin's ticket to little space. Jimin hadn't been in little space for almost three weeks now. It really worried me that my prince was definitely stressed. I quickly grabbed some other snacks before paying and walking back home.


I swore to myself to NEVER willingly allow Namjoon near my baby again. Namjoon almost broke the marble counter tiles! We were by the sink, not anywhere near the kitchen island! He stresses me out to much!

After properly washing the dishes, I cleaned up the house a bit. There wasn't any specific dirt, but I wanted to use my new cleaning products. For some reason, it's reminds me of Namjoon. Maybe I shouldn't have screamed at him so loud. I'm such a bad fiancé. But I know just how to...

Original: make it up to him.

💯 hyuzie: make out with him.

I decided to make some chicken noodle soup, Namjoon's favorite and magical cure for Jimin. When Jimin was eating with us earlier, he didn't look very uh, healthy? Maybe It's because he just woke up? I'll make it anyways, It'll be good protein for lunch. It'll kill two birds with one stone. Just as the soup finished, I heard a loud crash followed by wailing.

I ran immediately towards the source of sound. I followed the sounds to the bathroom. The door was unlocked and I opened the door quickly. I realized that Jimin was finally little again. I found my Jimin face-planted to the cool bathroom tiles. My poor baby must of slipped. I cooed at Jimin that sunk him to about a head space of 1. After sufficient comforting and cuddles, I decided that now would be a good time to eat. Since it was about lunchtime, we should eat the chicken noodle soup.


I came home to the most adorable sight ever. My baby's in little space again!!! I dropped my keys somewhere between the cushions. I'll find them later, my baby's too adorable to put off any longer. I saw little Jimin looking very messy with soup dribbling down his chin and all over his grown-up clothes.

Third Person

Jiminnie greeted Namjoon as soon as he entered his vision. Jimin felt a little dizzy and tugged on Jin's flannel. "Mommy, Daddy, I don't feel very good."

Namjoon embraced Jiminnie and peppered his rosy cheeks with kisses while Jin was immediate to check Jiminnie's forehead. "It's really hot. Namjoon, can you get me the thermometer. I think my baby's sick." Namjoon came back quickly, almost dying from his slip when he tryed to be cool like the spy he saw from that English movie, James Bond. Namjoon failed miserably though. "Yah! Give me that!" Jin snatched the object from his hands. The process felt like hours but the reading was ready. The thermometer read 105.19°F.

Jimin groaned and complained about how he was really super duper extra super cold right now. Soon after his speech of discomfort, Jimin fell limp in Namjoon's grasp. Tears filled Jin's worried eyes as he screamed at Namjoon to start his car. Namjoon eyes filled with another form of worry. Namjoon completely forgot where he had put his keys. Namjoon was anything but swift. He lost his keys . . .

To Be Continued IF I Feel Like It

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