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Ship: SugaKookie

Little: Jungkook

Caregiver(s): Yoongi

Additional ship: N/A

Additional little(s): Jimin and Taehyung

Additional Caregiver(s): Hoseok

Extra character(s): Seokjin

Extra Information: ANGST!

Part: 1/1

AN: Elongated One-shot. 500 words became 1,000+ words. Enjoy! 。^‿^。



I was super nervous! TaeTae and MinMin, even Seoki nominated me. They told me to approach that hot guy over there. That "hot guy over there" was my crush, and they all knew it. Even if I tried to deny it. I took a huge gulp of air, before I started moving. I took small baby steps towards my dream daddy.

From what I could see, Yoongi was talking with JIN! My school bully, no matter what I could NOT approach Yoongi now. "MinMin, TaeTae, Seoki, I really, really, REALLY can't go now. Jin is over there." Seoki was the only caregiver that was Kookie's friend. TaeTae and MinMin were littles just like me!

Seoki being the meanie panini that he is, shoved me in THAT direction. The direction that I didn't even want to look at. My nerves were eating me up alive. But what could I do now?

I collided with Jin head-first. Jin looked beyond pissed. Jin, he knew about my little crush on Yoongi. He grabbed me by the collar. "Faggot!" Jin screeched at me. I was so scared that I started begging for him to stop. With a smirk, Jin dropped me with such force that my tailbone broke. (Do Bong Soon Anyone?)

The pain was too much for me. I was sent into little space. I was wailing and sobbing and begging for it to stop. It hurt so bad. Mr. Pain is a meanie, just like Seoki! I clung to Yoongi by instinct. Jin continued to hurt me with his kicks and punches
I wanted Da-Yoongi to sooth me and get me away from Jinnie.


As soon as I realized what was happening, I tried to stop it. I caught Jin's fist with ease. When his focus was now on me, I dodged all of his attacks. His last attempted attack was a roundhouse kick.

I caught his foot with my brass knuckles, drawing his blood. In his time frame of complete weakness, a kneed him straight in the balls. He stumbled back and crouched, when the pain registered. Which was almost immediately. I smirked at the sight of him in pain and picked him up by his collar.

I looked him dead in the eye threatening to reveal his boyfriend to the school. He pleaded for me not to, Oh well! I don't really care about him. I dropped him rather abruptly with great force, he fell with a loud satisfying thud. He now cowered in my shadow.

I saw a guidance teacher nearby, It happened to be one that I was close with. I borrowed the megaphone with no convincing, since he owed me a favor. I stood on the table nearest to Jin and turned on the megaphone. I revealed his secret with triumph to the whole school. His head down in shame from the attention of the whole school, made me sadistically laugh.

AN: Yes, Jin is one of those homophobic gays. Therefore, his boyfriend, was a secret to the school.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook's sobs turn to sniffles. He was cowering from me. I whispered sweet nothings in his ear to calm him down and stop shaking. He gripped me a little harder, I took that as a cue to leave with him. It hurt to see my secret crush upset.

I knew Kookie was a little, I was sorta one too! (Switch) From my own experience, I knew that the little wanted my love and reassurance. I immediately cradled Jungkook's frail body. Almost instantly noticed the massive weight loss. Oh No! He's been throwing up his food again. I thought the voices had stopped. (>⌓<)

I picked Jungkook up princess-style easily. He was so light, he felt like air. I left school with no hesitation, it's not like the school could help Jungkook in any way. The nurse wouldn't do anything.

I walked to my house which was about 35 minutes away. Jungkook nuzzled in the crook of my neck. He looked so adorable. My parents won't be home anytime soon, so that's not an issue.

When we arrived at my house, we napped. I was sure to gently release him on the bed on his little tummy. (Jungkook napped on his tummy to avoid more injuries to his tail bone.) It seemed like the best option to me at the time.

Just before slumber claimed me, I made a mental vow: to make sure Jungkook will never ever starve himself and throw-up his itty-bitty salad. How does he only eat salad anyways? It's so small and not even filling. Not to mention, It's leaves! Ugh, stay on task!!! Also, to never lose him to death. He's everything to me.

~The Next Day~


I woke up startled by 2 rhythmatic short puffs of warm air against the nape of my neck. I turned around to be meet with Yoongi's face. His eyes were closed, but his face looked to peaceful and calm.

I was hesitant to wake him up. I shook him gently. "Fuck off, who the fuck do you think you are? NOBODY has the authority to wake me up. Except for ..." Yoongi grumbled in his half asleep state, mumbling the last part incoherently.

I halt immediately, eyes glazed in fear. "Y-Yoongi" I stutter. His phone's alarm suddenly goes off. He groggily shuts it off and yawns. He finally notices me. "I'm sorry, I thought you were my friend, Namjoon, whose a jackass. Anyways, did you sleep well baby boy?" He asks me. I blush at his pet name for me and hide my face in behind one of my sleeves.

"Y-Yeah, thanks Da-Yoongi." I correct myself. "Yoongi? Pumpkin, I think you mean Daddy." He looks directly at my eye while speaking. My face turns crimson, my face heats up quickly. He flashes me his sly smirk.

"D-Daddy." I attempt flustered. "Yes, bear?" Daddy responds. "Daddy" I try again with more confidence. I like how that word makes me feel. I really like saying it. "Daddy!" I say slyly with my new found confidence. Daddy gets up and locks the bedroom door. "Yes?" He whispers in my ear. My back arches, and chills caress my body. I smirked, taking Daddy by surprise.

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