Snake Sitting

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I was hanging out with Rebecca in the wardrobe trailer, helping with sewing, washing, and ironing.
"What does it feel like to have wings?" she asks.
"Well I have to be careful because they're delicate like dragonfly wings, but I've grown used to them," I say, "What's it like having a tail?"
"Well I've grown used to it too but I keep it tucked away so others don't step on it," she replies.
I hang up a shirt, "Thankfully I don't have that problem, oh, do you have any fabric that I could use? If I'm going to be part of the show then I want to have a costume, I'm already thinking of an act."
"Yeah, right over there," she says then points out the fabric, needles, thread, and other accessories.
I grab the light blue and deep red fabrics, "Hmm, which color do you think suits me? Darren says you have good taste in clothing," I say.
"Darren said that?" Rebecca asks.
"Yeah, he's a great friend, really easy to talk to unlike most people, though everyone here is easy to talk to. I usually don't get along with humans very well but I feel so welcome here," I smile and set the blue down, deciding red suits me.
"Well you're adjusting faster than Darren did, this is only your fourth day here," she says as Evra walks in.
"Hey, did you leave Darren with cleaning Wolfman's cage again?" I tease, my wings folded so they take up less space.
"Ha ha, very funny," he says, "No, I was actually looking for you. I was wondering if Bippo could hang out with you for the day since she seems to like you."
"No way, she tried to eat me last time we were near each other," Legs says from my shoulder.
"Well you did insult her scales, girls are sensitive, even girl snakes," I say to Legs then look at Evra, "Sure, I'll be by the tent in a moment, I just need a couple things."
I grab the supplies I need then bid Rebecca farewell before flying to the tent I'm staying in. Darren is in his coffin which is odd because he's usually up by now but then I hear faint music coming from his speakers. I sit in my area and Bippo slithers over to me, coiling up in my lap and I chuckle.
"Good girl, hope you don't mind me sewing while I'm watching you," I say softly so I don't disturb Darren.
"Not at all, I heard you're going to be in the show so you're making a costume," she says.

I nod, "Mm-hm, well it's a top and a skirt, nothing special," I smile.
"Do you still have that rude spider with you?" she asks.
Legs sits on my shoulder, "I'm still here, I'm not going anywhere because I'm Diana's best friend," he says.
"Okay, you two, no fighting, I'd like to sew in peace if you don't mind," I say as I draw out a pattern.

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