My Cinderella Story-One Direction Fanfic.

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Hi, im Tori.

obvisouly, by the title your going to think this is just another Cinderella story. I guess you could say it is.. but my version has a twist... actually a bunch of them. 

My mom had me when she was 17, not very smart. My dad ran off when i was 5 because apperently i was to much to take care of, so when i got older and my mom got older she got a new boyfriend. 

My mom is now 35 and is married to Steven Galiger, Steve had hes own two sons, that he basically brought into the family,ones 18 and ones 19. Jona is 19 and Alex is 18, there both pigs all they talk about it girls girls girls. its annoying and thats why i never talk to them.

Now your probably thinking oh thats where the evil mom and two stepsisters come in. I guess you could say that.. except there oppisite genders. I abosolutley HATE Steven. He acts like a total JERK when my mom isnt around. But when she is around he acts like im 'daddys little princess' but hes not my dad and if i ever hear him say that i might blow a fuse.

Anyways, Jona and Alex hangout with this group of guys.. there a band and there like REALLY famous. there called One Direction... ever heard of 'em ? So yah, theyve been hanging out for years now and Jona just introduced me a couple months ago. All of them seem super nice and SUPER cute.

My best friend Avery has the life i wish i could have. care free parents, that are never around leaving the house open for partys no sibblings or pets being able to be lazy not do chores for your step dad and just sleep. But she never takes it for granted, shes almost like a goodytoshoes but not really. She never wants to get in trouble but she has a little devious side to her.. and when she has a plan she has a plan and no one can stop her, thats why i love her shes so different but yet the same all at one time.

Every year my town puts on a fundraiser for the Sick Kids Foundation, what it is is 16 and up get to go to what is basically a ball and just have fun. You dress up nicely, eat dinner and then it turns into a humongus party.. from what i heard..

Last year my mom was going to let me and Avery go, we had gotten all ready and were heading out the door when Steven had to walk in.. i bumped into him and he asked where i was going, i simply told him the SKF bash. But he refused to let us out. He told me i was to young to go and get drunk and hook up with boys, i tried to tell him it was to help sick kids and there wouldnt be underage drinking but he wouldnt move out of the doorway until we went back upstairs changed into pjs and went to bed. of course while all f this went on my mom was out of town at a buisness meeting. She works with science and labritory stuff so shes usaully away... Which gives Steven more time to be an ass to me.

So i didnt end up going. But this year i made sure my moms schedual was clear and she wasnt going away on that day, so i would be able to go to the bash with my bestfriend and hit it off.

Anyways... Heres my story.

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