Chp.1 - Our New Beginning.

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I slid the back door to my house open very quietly , trying not to wake up Steve and my mom. I attempted to tip toe up stairs but obviously that didn't work. 

As i started to walk across the kitchen tile, i made my way on the creaky hard wood floor just before the stairs, then when i shifted on my left foot a big old CREEEEK went loud through the house.

I suddenly saw Steven jump up as if someone where attacking our house he grabbed the closest thing he could find in our living room which was the wood moving stick for the fire place. He started to swing it everywhere, i ran to the corner of the stairwell and tried to cover my face, then my mom turned a light on.

"what are you doing Tori !?" she said angrily.

"uh.. getting a drink" i smiled.

"yeah, at 1:45 in the morning, in jeans, with a purse and loads of makeup on ?" Steven said smartly.

"what i cant dress up to get a glass of water ?"

"uh.. a normal person wouldn't" he rolled his eyes.

"whatever. why are you guys in the living room mom ?"

"we fell asleep watching a movie. But seriously where were you ?"

A long awkward silence went by, i didn't want to answer or i was going to be in big shit. I tried to avoid the question and look at my frayed jean holes, i pulled at a thin piece of yarn trying to act innocent.

"Tori Anne, im sick and tired of you partying with your friends and coming home at this time, i told you, you have a curfew and its 11 ! If you are ever late again you'll loose privaliges."

"sorry mom." i said quietly looking down at my feet. I turned up the stairs and headed to my bedroom. Then i heard my mom call my name, what now.

"yes ?" i said.

"we have some news for you when you wake up. get some sleep ill talk to you in the morning" she said and walked back to the couch. i watched from the top of the staircase as her and Steven cuddled. He looked up at me and said " goodnight sweetheart" with a wink. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing he was only saying that because my mom was there. Otherwise he would've said something like 'Get your ass upstairs" or "have a good sleep. & please don't wake up", he was a jerk.

I threw my hand bag on the ground next to my bed, i was to tired to get my makeup off or anything, so i just put on some sweats and a tanktop and curled up in bed. I was fast asleep within 9 minutes.



Damn i forgot to turn my alarm off for the weekend... I was to busy having a Friday night party that i left it on.. and now im awake at 7 AM on a Saturday, and once i wake up its impossible for me to sleep again. So here i am just lying awake in my bed , nothing to do.

I slouched downstairs, going to get myself an early breakfest, when i saw my mom and Steve sitting at the table with there coffee, newspaper and cereal.

"whats going on ?" i asked confused. They were never up this early, like never.

"i told you we had some big news" my mom said with a big smile.. It was obviously big if she was smiling that much at 7 AM. 

"alright... what is it ?" i asked slowly walking toward the table.

"well... Steve..." My mom said hesitating, looking back and forth from me to Steve, i honestly had no clue what was coming.

Then she whipped out her LEFT hand from under the table. Yes LEFT hand, with a BIG FAT GIANT DIAMOND ON IT.

My mom jumped up squealing like a teenage girl, something i would do.

"WHAT !?" i asked , both happy and angry, mainly angry because it was Steve, like Steve Galiger, the evil jerk that i cant stand. But i was happy to see her happy.

"were getting married" Steve rose from his chair, acting all manly and proud.

I looked at him with a glare in my eyes. He didn't love my mom, i knew it. He never really loved her truly for one second, He just wants the sex and to torture me more. Hes an evil man. I swear.

I gave my mom a big hug, and listened to the story on how he proposed, it was something like.. they were walking on the Kali fer Nature Bridge at our community park and right in the middle in the 'most beautiful sunset shes every seen'  he got down on one knee and proposed. It wasn't the cutest story i have ever heard, but my mom was satisfied and that's what matters. 

"Are you going to have some breakfest?" she asked as i started to get out of my chair.

"um... nah.. hearing this great news I'm just to excited to eat my stomach already feels full !" I replied trying my best not to sound sarcastic.

I was acting happy this whole time. Hopefully it didn't show, cause like i said, my mothers happiness is what matters.

Not Steve.

I walked upstairs and halfway there, i heard Steven call something to me.

"Tor ! The boys will be moving in Next Wednesday ! Jona is going to take me and moms room, and Alex is going to take the spare one. You all can share the washroom upstairs. As for us, we will be moving our bedroom to the basement" he said smiling hugging my mom.

"WHAT ?" i shouted.

"whats wrong?" my mom asked worried. Steven still smiling. He knew for sure i did NOT want to share MY washroom with the two biggest pigs in our city.

"uh- nothing-nothing," i murmmed as i quickly leaped up the stairs.

I closed my door and went an sat on my window bench, i stared out at the trees waving freely in the wind. I wish i was a tree. I wouldn't have to care about anything,  periods, parents, birth,boys,school. Just sit there and be a tree. The only bad thing that would happen in life would be getting cut down. 

i felt a tear roll down my cheek. 

i wiped it away and held back the others. I thought of Fergies song 'big girls don't cry'. I didn't need to cry about this. If Steven was planning on making my life hell, i would just have to fight back.

Steven deffiently doesn't know what he just got himself into.

Let the war begin.

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