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Hey what are you doing today?

I was planning on skipping school and just practicing the choreography

Great I was planning on skipping as well so can I come🙏🏻??

You already skipped all of last week! YOURE NOT SKIPPING AGAIN TODAY!

I'm not ready to see Somi yet

Yuna she probably didn't mean what she said and I doubt  she hates you

I'm just scared I really don't want to go today so let's skip together please 😔

Okay fine but you're going tomorrow even if I have to drag you out of your house

Idk about that 😕

I'm not kidding I'll physically drag you out of your house if I have to

But I'll stop by your house in like an hour and we can walk to the company building together

Okay I'll go get ready

I quickly put my phone down and hurried to get ready. First I took a quick shower and washed my hair. When I finished, I had to decide on an outfit. I wanted to look cute and feel comfortable because I was probably going to be dancing with Jihoon, so I got changed into a white T-shirt and a pair of black and white shorts.

I hadn't realized how long I had taken trying to choose something to wear because by the time I had finished getting dressed my doorbell began to go off and I had received a text from Jihoon.

I ran downstairs feeling a little nervous because being in Jihoon's presence naturally made me feel that way. When I was around him I always got this weird feeling in my stomach and my heart rate would increase. My hands would also get sweaty too, which was kind of bad because Jihoon almost always holds my hands when we're together.

"Hey" I said with a small smile as I opened the door. His eyes landed on my face and then scanned me up and down before a small smile appeared on his face.

"Oh hi, you look really beautiful today" he said and I felt my heart skip a beat. I don't think I could ever get used to him complimenting me. My face was probably changing colors and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Oh, uh thanks... I wish I could say the same for you, but you're wearing pink and green shoelaces again!" I said trying to change the subject to anything else but me.

"They look nice," he sulked as he stared at his shoelaces and then looked up at me with a pout.

"No Jihoon they don't. I've been telling you this since middle school, you look like a freaking watermelon exploded on your shoes".

"No, I don't ... let's just go" he grabbed my hand and we began to walk down the road towards his company building that was only a few streets away.

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