Aftermath (Pt.5)

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"Mom, are you hiding something from me?"

I looked at her intently as we sit in front of each other. Because of my mother's constant absence in the house, I couldn't have the chance to talk to her until now. It was an opportunity I wasn't willing to waste.

"Are you not telling me something?" I continued to ask, wanting to hear the truth directly from her.

Mom has never been the one to entertain secrecy with me, so of course I had doubts with my conspiracies at first. I really didn't want to believe she was trying to keep me away from something.

But how she acts right now tells me otherwise.

"I'm 27, not a kid. You can tell me anything."

My mother sighed and avoided eye-contact. She's not giving in. Why is she so stubborn?

"If you insist then," I said before standing up. "I'll find it out sooner anyways. So what's the point of not telling m--"

"I didn't pass your resignation letter to JSF."


"I was supposed to postpone it. I thought I'd give you time to rethink about it first before I completely tell them you were resigning."

"You always love what you do, Yuzuru. So I believed your decision was just made impulsively."

Silence. I couldn't make myself say anything.

Why did she do that? Why did she decide for myself again?

"When you met Sena, I figured she would make you realize that it still isn't too late for you. I know you, dear. You aren't the type to easily give up on things you really wanted. And I know for a fact that your career is as important as your life, Yuzuru."

My mom knew it all along. So was I the only one fooling myself?

"I couldn't just let you tear that chapter of your life, Yuzu. Please understand that."  She explained as if she was the most dismayed among the two of us.

How could my mother keep that away from me?

Suddenly, the atmosphere was slowly suffocating me, inch by inch.

I can't take it anymore.

It was becoming hard for me to breath. As if my lungs were being contracted and there was no air coming in or out.

I need to get out of here.


To Sena:

Can I go over to your place?  Please.

- sent -

I was pacing back and forth around the park we first met each other. It was the only place I could escape and breathe.

From Sena:

Sure. Why so sudden though? Is there something wrong?

- received -

I don't know if it's the right choice to go talk to her. But it was the only thing I could think of for the meantime.

To Sena:

I promise I'll tell you when I get there. See you.

- sent -

I turned my phone off and hitched a ride to Sena's unit. It wasn't a long ride but it just felt eternity. After paying, I got off and noticed there was a very, sudden downpour.

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