Outside The Lines Chapter One

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As I looked around the classroom, I noticed how most people were in some kind of group, except me. It wasn’t that they were completely separated into nerds, popular kids and jocks, I was just on the outside looking in. I don’t know why I was so lonely all the time; I mean, I had friends and I was nice enough, but for some reason I felt separated from the rest of the world. I often sat  at the back of the class, and always sat by myself. 

Just as class was starting, everyone sat in their pairs, whispering slightly as the teacher got started. I dreaded the times when she told us to ‘talk with the person beside us’. I tried to focus on the empty desk beside me, not because I was pretending to talk to my imaginary friend, but so the teacher wouldn't ask me a question, therefore drawing all the attention in the room to me and my loneliness.

I used to think I didn’t need anymore friends that the ones i had, but after four years of being in high school, possibly the most judgemental place on earth, I realised I was wrong. I'm not saying I don't love the friends I already have, it just seems like I would have got further in school if i'd edged closer to the cool kids. 

As my focus slowly rolls back to what I'm supposed to be copying down from the board, the blond hair catches my eye. How could i have been thinking such depressing thoughts when I had such a beautiful specimen of a boy sitting two rows ahead of me!? I silently sigh, wondering what it would be like if he knew me. Maybe if I was closer related to his 'group', i'd be able talk to him, maybe he'd know my name? Who am I trying to kid, he's way out of my league.

After an uneventful biology class, I quickly gather up my books and  leave the classroom in a hurry, trying my hardest not to collide with Ethan, the blond beauty.

"Yo, Sydney! My girl!" Oh crap. Crap crap crap. 

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