Outside The Lines Chapter Four

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Due to my incredibly embarrassing episode in English, my aim for the day was to avoid any contact with Ethan, or anyone else for that matter. What I really wanted, was a good old movie night with Will.

Luckily, or un-luckily, I can't decide, Will and I had lived next door to each other throughout high school. This meant I could walk home with him after school, when he didn't have choir practice, and see him every weekend. It was a blessing and a curse, because on a few occasions, Will decided to wake me up with a bucket of water, because he, and I quote, "felt like giving you a jazzy 'good morning'". 

Anyway, that day after school, I met Will in our usual spot at the front gate. 

"So, here's what I was thinking. Movie night at my place tonight, you bring the snacks, i'll bring the movies."

"Sweet! Only if we can watch something with topless boys". Will exclaimed, a little too excitedly. He claimed he wasn't gay, but everyone knew he was. I think he felt a little ashamed that he couldn't live up to his dad's expectations, but he knew I loved him the way he was.

"Sure. Zac Efron?"

"Oh you know me too well, girl!".

We continued a pleasant walk together, while we decided how to prepare for our night. "I'm thinking, mountains of pillows and your whole make-up draw?" 

Will had this weird obsession with doing my make-up, but I refused to let him do it before school. I was not turning up like a clown. Probably because I was scared of clowns, but that's a whole different story.

"Oooh! And I can pick something out for you to wear on Saturday!" 

I'm not lying when I say Will is far more excited about getting me ready for this party than he is about actually going. We'd talked about it again, and he'd almost given me a heart attack with his girlish screams and jumps of excitement when I agreed to go. He loved going to parties, mainly to check out all the hot guys from school, and because he couldn't resist a night of Will's Famous Cocktails.

"Meet me back here in an hour? Don't forget the snacks!" I left Will to walk up the path to my house as he blew me a kiss goodbye. Yep, he was definately gay, I thought to myself. I was happy for him. He was the only person who knew everything about me, down to the fine details. I didn't really feel comfortable being this close with girls, it always came more naturally for me to be myself around guys. I hadn't had that many boyfriends, I just knew how guys worked, and couldn't stand the drama that came with being friends with girls.

"I'm home!" I shouted, as I entered the house. I followed my usual routine of throwing by bag onto the ground by the door, kicking my shoes off and walking down to the kitchen to see who was home. And of course, to grab a healthy afternoon snack. Someday, I'll realise that brownies aren't a healthy afternoon snack, but for now I couldn't get enough. 

"Hey, Syd", my Mom greeted me as I walked into the kitchen. We had a nice house, fairly new, and big. The kitchen was huge. My Mom loved to cook, so she had to have plenty of space to work in. It had windows surrounding the whole room, a high ceiling with a fancy chandelier light, and a huge breakfast bar running through the middle of the kitchen. My favourite room of the house would have to be my bedroom. I got to pick the biggest room, which happen to be the one that over-looked the front yard and the street. I felt like a spy when I looked down onto the road, watching the cars drive by, people walk past. Sometimes I would just sit at the chair beside the window for hours, watching the world go by. It was what I did best. At school and at home. I was an observer.

I ran up the stairs to my room and did a swimmers dive onto my bed. This, was my pride and joy. I did all of my thinking here, mostly about Ethan, and where I loved to watch movies on my flat screen TV on the opposite side of the room. I set to work sorting out pillows, blankets and cushions, making my bed as comfortable as possible. I got out my DVD's and picked out a couple that I knew Will and I would love. Because he had requested it, I got out all the make-up I owned, and placed in neatly on my dresser. I sent Will a text, and got ready to relax from my day from Hell.

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