Outside The Lines Chapter Seven

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The day of the party had finally arrived, and for some strange reason, I was really nervous. Me, Sydney Bell, was freaking out about going to a party. How did that not surprise me. It was only 10am, and I was already thinking through everything bad that could go wrong. Man, I really needed to get out more.

Will came over at lunch time, and was ten times more excited than he was yesterday, because he got to do my hair and make up, AND he was going to see James at the party tonight.

"This is going to be so great! We're gonna look hot, everyone will notice you!"

"Ugh, I hope not. You know I hate the attention, and I told you I hate talking to people." God I sounded so anti-social, but unfortunately that was me.

"I know. But Syd, you are my canvas, so please co-operate" Will replied with a smile. Sometimes he could be so authoritative, but I really needed someone like him in my life. When I told my Mom I was going to a high school party, she looked extremely surprised before looking really happy. I never really talk to her about how lonely I sometimes feel, but because its just us two, I don't want to upset her. She always tells me to go out and socialise, but I am honestly more comfortable sitting at home by myself. I think a lot of the kids at school would love to have a Mom like her, so I make sure to remind myself of this all the time.

"This is it Sydney. I feel like good things will happen for us tonight!"

"Speak for yourself. I'll just be your silent wing man." 


Later that day, Will came back over to my house to get ready for the party. I insisted that it was still too early, and that I didn't need 4 hours to get ready, but he was excited and I couldn't let him down.

"Okay, so i'm thinking smoky eyes and red lipstick?"

I groaned internally, but smiled so Will wouldn't get upset. "That sounds... interesting. Just don't make me look like  whore or a clown. Or a whorey clown."

"Fine. But I promise you'll look hot. All eyes will be on you babe!"

This didn't sound good to me. I didn't like having all eyes on me. Like the other day, I was walking down the street and every time someone looked at me I either thought I had something on my face, or they were making fun of the way I looked. Its just the way I am, totally insecure. 

Will set to work on my hair, spraying about 4 different products in 2 hours into my hair. I was surprised when I looked in the mirror and didn't look too bad. It was curled slightly, and I was amazed that my hair was actually quite long. 

Will picked out a dress for me to wear, and of course it was short and tight. It was lacey at the top and made my ass look great. Even I could admit that.

"Ho-ly shit. You look so hot! Too bad I'm gay."

I looked at the final product in the mirror, and for once in my life I didn't hate the way I looked. Maybe this party wouldn't be so bad after all. I'd just have to down a few drinks before I arrived so I wouldn't be so socially awkward.

After my Mom dropped me and Will down the street from the party, I began my attempt at walking in heels towards the house with the thumping music. I had actually gotten better at walking in these shoes, especially after those two beers I downed in the car.

"Alright Willy, game plan. You stick with me the whole night until I can tolerate these assholes, and i'll be your wingman until you're ready for your private time with James. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am! But can we hurry? I can't wait to see him!"

"Yes!" Even in my own head I sounded drunk, but I knew I wasn't drunk enough to make a fool out of myself.

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