Outside The Lines Chapter Two

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A/N: If anyone is actually reading this, i hope you're enjoying it :) i know its not great so far, but it's my first try and i promise to work hard on it for you guys!


I knew it was my best friend, Will, but it still scared me. Anything loud, public or embarrassing just wasn't my thing. Unfortunately for me, Will was all three. We had been best friends since Junior High, and i loved him and all, i just struggle to find the reasons why two people with completely different personalities can be such great friends.

"Sydney! I know you can hear me girl!" shouted Will. Oh dear Lord, why must you embarrass me in front of everyone! I turned around slowly, narrowing my eyes into my best attempt at a death glare. "What?" I hissed. I really didn't want to draw attention to myself, seeing as random people had already asked me if i was dating Will. Which i wasn't. And never would.

"Will, we've talked about this. People don't know me, and i'd like to keep it that way. As much as I love you, lets go and hide". I know he didn't exactly appreciate having to hide out with me every lunch time, but because we were best friends, that's what we did. "Syd, you're gonna have to start talking to people, you know, it really isn't that hard to make friends" he explained, as we walked away from class.

I had always struggled with this fact. I knew how to make friends, i just didn't want to. By this time at school, everyone already had their groups, and i wasn't going to be the one to muscle my way into any ones 'clique'. I was happy enough to sit by myself in class, do my work and go home.

"Did you hear about Ethan and that slut Emma?" asked Will, as we sat down at a table outside to eat our lunch. Trying not to choke on my water and reveal the fact that my heart felt like it was exploding, i casually replied, "Uh, no. Why would i care? He can do whatever he wants with that girl." 

"Why so defensive? I was just asking. She is your ex-best friend and all."

Will was right. We had been friends a couple of years ago, but when she decided to make out with my boyfriend at a party that I wasn't invited to, we kinda grew apart. "Yeah, why should I care about her. Shes a back-stabber and hes just a popular jock." This much was true. He was beautiful, smart, and funny, but he also happened to be captain of the basketball team, and had a reputation of being a player. In a way this made me feel better, because for those reasons I knew i would never have a chance.

I guess I should tell you about myself, so you know how horrible my situation is. I wouldn't say I'm pretty, but that's because i have intense self esteem issues. Will, creepily, tells me I'm hot, and that he'd "tap that" if we weren't such close friends. I have long, brown-red hair that i keep straightened at all times, and I'm pretty average height for my age. I'm slim, but not skinny, so I'm a pretty normal teenager. The reason my situation is so horrible is because I'm not popular. I mean, I'm not saying i want to be. I'm not really into getting wasted every weekend, having to look my best everyday, and being extremely fake. But if i wanted to be someone at high school, i would've had to get closer to the 'it' kids when i first started at this hell hole.

"Hey, why don't you come to the party on Saturday, maybe you can do an Emma to get back at her for what she did."

"Will, i'm not like that. I hate parties, you know that."

"Yeah, but you'd look hot in that new dress you bought the other week."

As much as would love to go to that party, walk in looking all hot, and steal Ethan, i didn't have the confidence to do all of that. So i replied, "Maybe, but only if you stayed with me the whole night. You know i can't talk to people as well as you." As i talked to Will about the party, i slowly convinced myself that it might actually be fun. I always have a good time with Will, and i'd take any chance to see Ethan.

"Sweet! So its done, youre coming. Cant say no now!!"

Just as the bell rung and i started to walk to my next class, someone walked into me as i turned around the corner.

"Oh! Sorry!"

"Whatever, loser. Watch where you're going."

Emma. How could she hate me? She was the one who stole my boyfriend in the first place.

As her and her friends walked off giggling, i tried to hide the fact that i was about to burst into tears.

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