Outside The Lines Chapter Five

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The hallway was silent. I gripped my books tight to my chest, suddenly feeling a cool chill come over me. I started walking, slowly, towards the end of the hall, which seemed to be getting further away, instead of closer. I instantly became aware of the small goosebumps forming on my bare arms. I could feel every single hair on my body standing on end. The eerie silence was broken by the sound of my shoes clacking against the lino flooring of the hallway. As I got closer to the doorway, a noise behind me made me jump. Without thinking, I turned around. The image that I was greeted with was that of pure beauty. He had this glow about him, he was angelic. His skin looked as soft as a cloud. I refrained from reaching out and touching it. His hair was bright blond, and was illuminated by the shining light be ind him. He looked like a god, and my knees felt literally weak from looking at him.

"Here, you dropped this." His voice was as smooth as his hair looked. Was he talking to me? He must have been. I was quite obviously the only one in that hallway.

"Thank, Ethan." I replied, with a casual, non-shaky voice that surprised me, but not him. I expected him to be giving me a funny look, as if to say, "who are you and why do you know my name?" But instead, he was looking at me like a normal person. 

"You have beautiful eyes."

Did he really just say that? Strangely, my cheeks remained the normal colour that they always were, expect when I was around Ethan. They didn't turn bright red or feel extremely hot. Somehow, I was actually acting normal.

Then, as if I had asked him to, he locked eyes with mine, and slowly leaned his head towards mine. In my mind, I was thinking, "what is happening?!", but for some reason, my head started to lean forward, too. 

My lips were inches away from his, so close that I could smell his after-shave.

Suddenly, our almost kiss was interrupted by a deafening buzzing sound.

I rolled on my side, taking a moment to register what was happening. I was lying on my bed, in a tangle of sheets and pillows, and staring at a small red screen which was flashing the numbers 7:02. Great. It was a dream. And to make it worse, I have to get up, and go to school. Life really was great. Not.


After my uneventful morning of walking to school, sitting at the back of the chemistry class, and not speaking to anyone, I began my walk to the other side of the school for biology. In a way, this made me happier because I would be able to see Ethan, and wouldn't have any distractions from his girlfriend, Kirsten. Since my dream this morning, I had felt slightly happier about biology. I was glad to walk in early, because it meant I could hide myself at the back of the class before anyone saw me. Slowly, everyone started to file in, and I breathed a silent sigh of relief when no one sat next to me.

"Alright class, lets get started. Today we're learning about animal cells, as I explained yesterday. Who read the chapters I assigned for homework?"

My hand shot up at once, but came down just as fast when I realised I was the only one who did the homework. I should have been proud of this, but knowing my biology teacher, she would have made a fuss, therefore drawing attention to myself. Not what I wanted.

I sat in shame with the rest of the class while the teacher instructed us to read the chapters and answer the questions before we got started. Again, I was the only one doing anything, as my classmates sat around and gossiped. I managed to hear some of what was being said. Most of which was about the party tomorrow night. 

"So I was thinking i'll wear that tight red dress I got last week, with my black high heels"

Sure you will, skank.

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