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"You have to suck the wound before you apply the bandage. This is 101!" Richie exclaimed, stressing out Eddie.
"You don't know what you're talking about."
After checking out the sewers for Bill, The Losers' Club had decided to help an injured Ben Hanscom that had washed up near the sewer entrance. He'd had the letter 'H' carved into his stomach and the culprit was obvious.
"Holy fuck! Are you alright?"
"Yeah, that looks like it hurts."
Richie turned to face the source of the female voices and gulped. There stood Eliza Bowers and Beverly Marsh. Richie thought Eliza was beautiful. Although in honesty, two thirds of the boys in their school did. Her dirty-blonde hair was usually tied in a long braid and her blue eyes always glittered. She didn't wear any makeup: she didn't need to. Of course, nobody told Eliza any of this. In fact, nobody really spoke to her at all. Everyone was worried about what Henry would do if he found out half the school had a crush on his little sister. Richie chose to ignore the girl, the only time he spoke to her was when he was insulting her or making jokes about her and he hated that. He hated having to pretend that he person he had a crush on was just another subject for one of his jokes. And she probably hated him. Who could blame her!
"No, I'm good. I just fell." Ben fabricated.
"Yeah, right into Henry Bowers." Richie stated without thinking.
His friends began to scold him and he glanced over at Eliza. She was staring at the floor and his heart twanged with guilt.
"Are you sure they got the... right stuff... to fix you up?" Bev asked Ben.
"You know, uh, w-we can take care of it, Beverly."
"Sure. Maybe I'll see you around."
"Yeah, w-we were thinking about going to the q-quarry tomorrow if you wanna c-come"
"Good to know. Thanks."
Richie found himself looking at the blonde girl again. She was biting her lip and it was obvious she felt unwanted.
"You too." Richie blurted, causing the girl to look at him questioningly.
"You can, y'know, come as well... if you want."
He could feel his cheeks turning pink and mentally face palmed. He knew he was never going to hear the end of this.
Eliza glanced around at the others before speaking up, "Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to get in anyone's way or anything..."
"No! You won't! I promise..."
"...Okay." She slowly smiled, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."
The two girls left, leaving Richie and Bill staring after them.
"Good job bringing up Bowers in front of her.
Richie rolled his eyes, "She's not gonna do anything."
"Uh, guys? Are you forgetting the fact that RICHIE HAS A CRUSH!" Eddie screeched.
"Do not!"
"Then why were you so eager for her to come with us to the quarry?" Stan joined in teasingly.
"Come on, I can't be the only one who wants to see her in her underwear." Richie lied and Bill rolled his eyes.
"Oh yeah. I forgot you've got a thing for Beaverly. Don't worry, I'm sure it will be your turn soon!" He snorted, watching Bill's hand curl into a fist.
"B-beep beep, R-Richie."

Eliza collapsed onto her bed, closely followed by Bev. Her dad wouldn't be home for another few hours so they had decided to hangout at Eliza's house for awhile. Henry was in but she knew he wouldn't bother them.
"How do you cope?"
Eliza rolled onto her side so she could see her friend better, "Huh?"
"Having Henry as a brother. He's a complete asshole!" Bev ranted.
"No, he's not." Eliza mumbled, sitting up.
"What do you mean, 'no, he's not'! You saw what he did to Ben!"
"I never said he was perfect! It's just... he's been through a lot. Our family isn't exactly the most functional."
Hot tears began to stream down her cheeks as memories of good and bad flooded her mind; memories that had been concealed at the back of her mind for years. She almost jumped when she felt Bev squeeze her hand.
"Hey, El, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you." She frowned and Eliza shook her head.
"No it's okay. I'm fine." El fibbed, letting Beverly wipe her cheeks rid of tears.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Eliza explained everything. From her mum leaving to the abuse from her dad, no details were spared. It felt good. In the 13 years she had been alive, El had never opened up to anyone but Henry. And she told Henry very little. She struggled to talk about her feelings and that was what had led Eliza to music. So many emotions could be expressed in just a few words and to her, her mum's old walkman and her guitar was all she could ever need.
"I guess that's it really." She sighed after finishing her long needed speech.
"You know, we have a lot in common." Bev smiled comfortingly.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"My dad. He hits me too."
"Bevvy, I'm so sorry..." Eliza started but trailed off, not really knowing what to say.
"It's not all the time. Just for particular things: when I worry him. He used to hurt my mum too but... she died of cancer." Bev choked as tears began to fall.
El pulled her into a tight hug and the girls sat there for what felt like hours. It sounds cheesy, but the first time they spoke in the store, they clicked. Neither had ever felt anything that strong. It's going to sound even more cheesy, but it wasn't hidden that it was a friendship that could last forever. However, their peace didn't go undisturbed. There was a soft knock at the bedroom door. They pulled apart and Eliza wiped her nose.
"Come in." She muttered.
Henry gently opened the door and his face fell at the sight of his sister's puffy eyes. He dashed over to her and tucked her messy hair behind her ear.
"Who do I need to kill this time?" He joked, leaning their foreheads together and trying to cheer her up.
"I'm okay."
Satisfied with her answer, Henry stood back up.
He sighed, "I love you, kiddo."
"Love you too, big bro." She grinned before he left the room.
"Damn." Bev chuckled.
"What?" Eliza puzzled, redoing her plait.
"Sibling goals."

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