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"We're trying to have a date. Why are you here?" Richie questioned, crossing his arms.
Beverly's jaw dropped before morphing into a grin. She was too stunned to respond with words.
"Richard, why is-" Eliza emerged from the bathroom to see the redhead in her living room, "Oh."
"Did I interrupt anything important?" Bev teased, winking at her best friend.
"Unfortunately, you just missed it. Maybe next time?" Richie winked.
"What the fuck?! No way!" El gasped, her face flustered.
"That's not what you said last night."
"I have a feeling I should grab my bike and head off before things start to get heated over here." Bev grinned, "You guys probably need some alone time to sort this one out."
"Oh, shut up." El pouted, "I'll show you where it is. At least it's another excuse to have five minutes away from Tozier. I've already pulled the toilet card."
"Hey! I'm still here y'know!" He cried as the girls laughed and headed outside to the back of the house.

"Spill!" Bev squealed, only to have her mouth covered by her friend's hand.
"There's nothing to spill. He invited himself over because Henry and my dad are out. Did you speak to Bill?"
"We're meeting up at the barrens tomorrow. Don't change the subject."
"Just the two of you?!" El questioned excitedly.
"I said don't change the subject! But, no." Beverly sighed, "All eight of us. Don't look at me like that! It was Bill's idea!"
"Sorry. I'm just disappointed." She teased, "Here's your bike."
"Thanks. Things didn't get too bad last night, did they? I mean, your eye is busted but could be worse, right?"
"I guess. Henry tried to intervene again and ended up with most of it."
"Shit, dude! I'm sorry. Is he okay?"
"I cleaned him up and helped him cover it this morning. It was just routine. I guess that's kinda fucked up."
"Tell me about it." Bev sighed as she mounted the seat.
"What time are we meeting tomorrow?"
"Half ten."
"I should get going now but I'll se you tomorrow." I sHoUlD gEt GoInG nOw
"Yeah. See ya, Bevvy."
"Enjoy the rest of your date!" Bev called as she cycled up the drive.

"Since we were so rudely interrupted and missed most of it, I vote we we switch off the movie and..." Richie began, "is that your yearbook?"
"Yeah..?" El answered uneasily," "Why?"
"Jesus, Eliza! How are we supposed to have a healthy relationship if you don't trust me?!"
"We're not in a-"
"Hush. Formalities don't matter." He winked, "I want to sign it. Lend a poor fellow a pen! Pip pip! Tally ho!"
El picked up a pen from her desk and threw it straight at his forehead, masking the smile threatening to form with a sarcastic grin instead.
"Ow!" He cried, rubbing the point of impact with his fingers, "What was that for?!"
"You asked for a pen." She stated simply, "Besides, British accents are kinda a turn off."
"Ah! Ooh la la! You prefer français! I see!"
"Just shut up and sign it."
"You really are pissy today."
"Yeah, you tend to have that effect on me." She muttered, flopping onto the bed and closing her eyes.
Richie bit his lip, only just grabbing the severity of the situation. He carefully sat next to her, taking a moment to study her delicate features. He found his eyes magnetised to her right eye. A purple-blue mark sat faint under makeup above her cheekbone and there was no denying the creeping red. Even so, Richie couldn't help but stare, hypnotised.
"You're really pretty. Like, really." He blurted and her eyelids fluttered open.
"Your lips; your nose. I could stare into your eyes forever. No matter how many scars or bruises cover your skin, you will always be beautiful. No matter what, I will always think you're beautiful." He rambled, building up confidence as he spoke.
Eliza lightly smiled and nuzzled into his neck, "That's cheesy."

The pair lay in comfortable silence for what felt like forever before Richie attempted to get the blonde talking, "Wanna tell me anything?"
"Like what?" Eliza hummed, playing  with his shirt.
"How are you? Really."
She took a deep breath, "I think I'm okay. Since the start of summer, things have begun to change, and I think it's for the better."
"You do?"
"Yeah. I think it started when we were at the quarry. It's weird. It kinda feels like the Losers' Club is some kind of cult with Bill as our leader. I just felt this click, you know? It sounds crazy but it's like our entire lives have been setting us up to be together. Like everything that has happened with my mum, my dad, is all part of some grand plan that's finally falling into place."
"It sounds crazy because it is, and it's crazy because it's true. I can feel it too and I'm sure the others. can too. I may have been friends with Bill, Stan, and Eddie for years but it's never been quite like this. It's sorta scary."
"Yeah. But I think we'll-"
"Eliza?" A voice called from the living room, startling the teens.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck!" El whisper-shouted as the leapt to her feet, "You've got to leave. Now."
Richie nodded and rushed to the window, swinging it open. Wasting no time, he swung his legs over the sill and pushed himself off, landing on the gravel. El scrambled to hide anything that could indicate another person was there before switching off her lights and clambering under her duvet.
"Liza?" Henry's voice called again, this time from her bedroom doorway.
"Henry?" She groaned, "Sorry. I fell asleep."
"It's okay." He mumbled, joining her in her bed, "We missed you. You haven't hung out with us for ages."
"Me and Vic will take you to the arcade tomorrow, if you want."
"It's Vic and I, actually, and I'm busy."
Henry gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her so she was facing him, "Have I done something?"
"Yes and no."
"You gonna explain?"
"It's all my fault. If I didn't stay out past curfew, Dad would never have hurt you."
"Fuck off." He grunted, pulling her close.
"I'm serious! I'm scared, Henry. He's gonna kill you someday."
He smiled, "There is no way in hell I'd let him take me away from you. You may be annoying but you're my little sis and I'll always be here to protect you."
"I hate you." She mumbled.
Henry stood up and trudged to the door frame, "I hate you too."
Almost instantly, her eyelids became too heavy to lift and her body fell into slumber. Her mind, however, could not.

I feel kinda bad that I've made you all wait this long just to present you with a piece of shit. Oh well. I'm praying I will stop changing my mind about the plot soon and I can sort out some action.
Adios m8ys ;)

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