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"Just wait here."
"Are you still pissed at me? I told you I'm-"
"Then why are you being so difficult?!"
"I'm sorry that being outside alone in the dark when some guy is going around killing people kinda freaks me out!"
"You'll be okay, Kiddo. Just lock the doors until we get back."
Eliza sighed, slumping into the seat of Belch's car, tired of arguing with her brother. Henry had insisted on sneaking out to hunt for his missing knife after their dad had left for the pub. To say Butch Bowers was furious, was an understatement. After finding out it was missing, he gave Henry a black eye and split his lip.
"Hey, El? Don't worry. We'll be back soon." Victor assured, smiling.
Out of all Henry's friends, she was closest with Vic. Him and her brother had grown up together and in her opinion, he was the smartest and sanest.
"But..." He grinned, "If something was to happen to you, I'd miss you dearly."
"That's not funny." She lightly giggled, poking his cheek.
He ruffled her hair before climbing out the car.
"See ya." He called as he jogged after his friends into the woods.

"Henry?" Eliza called as she leaned over the kissing bridge, "Henry!"
It had been almost an hour since she'd been left in the car and she was beginning to panic. Taking a deep breath, she stumbled down the slope, dirt staining her skirt and bare legs.
"Henry? Please! You're scaring me!"
She navigated through the menacing trees, stopping every so often when she heard a noise. It was almost pitch black and Eliza was struggling to dodge the sharp branches that stuck out from all angles. She called her brother's name over and over, each shout with no answer.
However, this time was different.
His voice was panicked and distant, an echo in the dark. The girl ran with no hesitations, desperate to ensure her brother's safety. Adrenaline had taken over her body, suffocating her.
"Henry? I'm coming!"
Her legs were scratched and aching but she pushed forward. She was not about to lose the only other person that mattered to her.
"Liza!" A rough voice called from the bushes.
Eliza snapped her head around, her eyes desperately searching. The voice was undoubtedly that of her brother's but there was something off. It was deeper than normal and didn't ease her like it normally would.
Her voice was merely a whisper as panic started to rise. Her skin became drenched in sweat. Her head began to throb and the painful ringing in her ears brought tears to her stinging eyes. Her heart thumped against her chest like a trapped animal forcing its way out its cage. The deadly silence of the trees played tricks on her brain and not even the twigs dared to make a sound under her foot.
"I'm down here."
All of a sudden, El felt something bump against her shoe. She jumped backwards in shock, backing up against a tree. She squeezed her eyes shut, too scared to look at what she had felt.
"Come on, Kiddo. At least take a peep!"  The voice laughed, even deeper and demonic than before.
She couldn't hold out any longer. Curiosity tugged on her eyelids like a puppeteer on strings and she was forced to look.
"Good girl!" It chuckled again.
Eliza screamed. She screamed louder than she ever thought possible. The decapitated head of her brother sat before her, grinning. Abruptly, the head began to shake, its features morphing into inhuman shapes. A neck and body began to sprout, sporting a white clown costume. The creature sat upright, clad in a sinister grin. Mustering all her strength, El propelled herself from the tree and into the dark, blocking out the creatures taunts. Her body was exhausted but she pushed herself to the best she physically could. Her chest felt as if it were on fire as she struggled to breathe. After running until she felt her legs were about to give way, she ran straight into something. Well, someone. She let out another scream and stumbled backwards, scared it was the clown, only to be grabbed by the arms.
"Richard?" She gasped, finally looking at the figures face.
"Eliza? What the fuck are you doing out here?" Richie yelled, shining his flashlight in her face.
"I thought I heard Henry screaming so I was trying to find him and then I saw his head but it wasn't on his body and it started talking so I started screaming but then it started to change and it turned into that clown that Bill and Eddie saw and it was chasing me-" She sobbed and Richie pulled her in for a hug.
"Hey! It's okay. Just breathe."
"But what about Henry? What if something has happened to him? Or what if he's back at the car and sees I'm not there and-" She continued, (unsuccessfully) trying to pull away.
"Eliza! Calm down. I'll help you look for him, okay?"
"But aren't your parents going to notice you're gone? Why are you even out here? And-" She rambled, but paused when she noticed the bag on Richie's back, "Why have you got your rucksack?"
"I heard you screaming so I came to see if you were okay." He muttered coldly, "And that doesn't matter. Don't worry about me."
"I'm so-" Started but the boy interrupted.
"I said don't worry. Let's just go find your brother."
Richie pushed her off and stormed away, upset by her questions. Although, his anger at her could only ever last for a second. He quickly slowed down so she could catch up.
"Let's start on the road and head to the car. Is that okay?" He suggested, his voice clear but soft, "Where was it parked?"
"The Kissing Bridge." She spluttered, still searching for breath.
They could have only been walking for a few seconds before Elisa heard a noise from the cover of the trees. Instinctively, she grabbed her friend's hand. Richie gulped but held her firmly, a wave of protectiveness washing over him. He wasn't scared. He couldn't be. Looking after the petrified girl became his duty and he was going serve it well.
"You owe me." He stated, causing her to raise an eyebrow.
Richie had decided that the best way to calm Eliza was with distractions, and if there was one thing (other than pickup lines) that Richie could do well, it was distractions.
"For saving your life. I think I should get something in return."
"Oh do you now?" She giggled, making Richie's heart flutter, "And what would that be?"
"I think another kiss would suffice." He winked and a blush crept upon El's cheeks.
"And you're sure that's what you want?" She mumbled, embarrassed.
"Well..." Richie smirked, looking her up and down, "Now that you mention it..."
"Richard! That's inappropriate!" She scolded, hiding her amusement, "Just one kiss, okay?"
He nodded and stood in front of her, leaning in. However, just before their lips could meet, Richie tripped over his shoelace and knocked them both over. Consequently, the geeky looking boy found himself hovering over Eliza's own body.
"Smooth." She choked out between laughs.
He quickly fixed himself, recalling a kiss from a rom-com his mother had been watching one evening as he cooked his dinner, "Y'know, this is kinda romantic..."
"Nope." She giggled, pushing him off before he could try anything.
"But-!" He cried but she cut him off.
"Sorry Richard but you missed your chance."
El pulled herself up and held her hand out to help him. Reluctantly, he accepted, growling, "I will get that kiss."
"Maybe someday, Tozier." She grinned, swinging their still interlocked hands as they continued to walk.
When they neared the road, voices began to emerge.
"I never should have brought her with us!" (The real) Henry yelled, punching what sounded to be Belch's car.
"I'm sure she's fine." Victor muttered, "She probably just needed a piss or something."
El dropped Richie's hand and ran to her brother and he enveloped her in a hug.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" He cried, pushing her back to look at her properly in the car's headlights.
"I..." She stuttered a response, "...I needed the toilet."
"Told ya." Vic sighed as he ruffled her hair.
Richie awkwardly stood at the bridge, not knowing what to do. He knew he probably should have left but he didn't want to scare El or make her worry by disappearing.
After a few minutes of interrogation from her sibling, she finally turned to look at him and smiled. He returned the favour and waved, turning back home. Unfortunately, his exit didn't go to plan.
"What's he doing here?" Henry's voice boomed from behind him.
He tensed as the older teen approached his back, spinning him round.
"Henry! Leave him alone!" Eliza pleaded, running to grab his arm.
"What the fuck were you two doing?!" He screamed, "'Needed the toilet' my ass!"
Richie squeezed his eyes shut and opted for silence, knowing that saying the wrong thing would be all too easy.
"He was helping me look for you! Please!" El continued to sob, "I'm fine! Just let him go!"
"Get in the car." Henry instructed to his anxious sibling, his voice stern and intimidating.
She hurriedly did what she was told, hoping that the situation would calm and her friend would be let go. She watched restlessly from the glass as her brother pushed the boy to the ground and returned to the vehicle. Vic and Belch quickly climbed in too, Vic taking his place by Eliza and Belch in the driver's seat.
"I'm sorry." The bleached blonde whispered as he squeezed her hand.
"Me too."

CYNOSURE | RICHIE TOZIERWhere stories live. Discover now