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Fuck I'm only 10 chapters in and I've been writing this book for about 6 months 😂

"And why couldn't we go to the quarry again?"
"For the third time, Richard, because Bill called and said he had something to show us."
Eliza Bowers groaned as she and Richie Tozier were wheeling their bikes up the road to Bill Denbrough's garage.
"Oh god." Richie gasped.
"What?" El questioned, slightly panicked.
"You don't think it's his dick, do you?"
"Richard! Why would he want to show us that?!" She laughed, stopping and clutching her stomach.
"Good point. It's probably tiny."
"Smaller than yours?" She smirked, "I don't think so."
He huffed, "Fuck off. You're just angry that you'll never get it."
"I can assure you, Richard Tozier, that I'll never want it."
"That's not what you said last night." He winked, earning a slap on the arm.
"What did you say last night?" The voice of Stan Uris called from behind them as they parked their bikes.
"That you're infinitely more attractive than Richard." Eliza teased, wrapping her arms around the waist of the curly haired teen that had just appeared. Richie clenched his jaw and watched as the two friends joked around.
"Not as hot as you, babes." Stan winked, only partly concealing his grin.
"You flatter me, honeybuns." She smirked and the pair fell into a fit of giggles.
After a few minutes (or an eternity, as Richie would call it), Bill appeared from the garage door, "Are you guys coming in or what?"

It wasn't long before Eliza was greeting the rest of her friends, and after some persuasion from Bill, she was sitting in between Richie and Stan as he pinned up a map.
"So what's so important about this map of Derry then?" She queried, ending her conversation with Stanley.
Bill waited for Ben to finish meddling with the projector and for red lines to overlap the map, "L-Look."
"Is that the sewer-"
Bill pointed to a spot on the map and Eliza cut herself off.
"That's where G-G-Georgie disappeared." He moved his finger as he continued speaking, "That's the Iron Works, a-and the Blackspot."
Realising the pattern, El got up and pointed to a spot in the barrens, making eye contact with Richie, "I saw it here."
"See? E-Everywhere it happens, it's all c-c-connected to the s-sewers, and they all meet up at the-"
"-The well house." Ben finished.
"And the house on Neibolt Street." Stan pointed out.
"You mean that creepy ass house where all the hobos and junkies like to sleep?" Richie asked, studying the map.
"Gross." El grimaced.
"I hate that place." Beverly muttered, "I always feel like it's watching me."
Eddie took a puff off his inhaler, shaking, "That's where I saw it. That's where I saw the clown."
Bill took a deep breath, "Th-that's where It lives."
"'It'?" Eliza shakily laughed.
"What?" Ben questioned.
"Nothing really. It's just..." She briefly paused, smiling, "if we're going to name it, can't it be a bit more creative than 'It'?"
"There's a child eating clown terrorising Derry and all you care about is the name?" Richie snapped.
Whether it was because of shock or confusion she wasn't sure, but when she opened her mouth to reply nothing seemed to come out.
"Don't talk to-!" Stan defended but El interrupted.
"Stanley." She scolded, "Just forget it. So we've got Neibolt Street. Now what?"
"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." Stan mumbled.
Eddie suddenly leapt to his feet, making Eliza jump, "Can we please stop talking about this?! I can barely breathe!"
"Just try to calm down, okay?" She mothered, reaching out to grab his wrist.
He shook her off and instead ripped down the map Bill had pinned to the wall, "I'm having a fucking asthma attack! I'm not doing this!
"What the hell?! Put the map back!" Bill demanded.
He shook his head defiantly, "Nuh-uh."
Behind the pair, the projector slides began to flip round, displaying the Denbroughs' family photos, all featuring Georgie.
"W-What's happening?" Bill stuttered as the club began to notice.
As Mike fumbled with the device, a photo of the family at church froze onto the wall. Eddie backed away as the image began to flicker and zoom in on the youngest Denbrough, causing El to freeze in fear.
"Georgie." Bill whimpered, his eyes glossy.
The projector clicked again. This time rapidly and towards Bill's mother. With each frame, her red hair gradually began to reveal a face. A face which definitely did not belong to her. Eliza instantly recognised the sinister grin and yellow eyes she had seen in the barrens not too long ago and allowed Stanley to pull her back towards the opposite wall.
"N-No..." She stammered, "Make it st-stop.'
Panicking, Richie grabbed ahold of Eddie's shoulders, shaking him, "What the fuck is that?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!"
"Turn it off!" Bev instructed, shaking.
The projector continued and It grinned at the petrified children. Finally having enough, Mike booted it to the floor and the clown disappeared.

Before they could have the time to recover, the garage went dark. Stan winced as El's grip on him tightened, beginning to cause pain. However, it wasn't long before he completely forgot about the pain. This time It wasn't just on the projector image, it had leapt out of the wall and towered above them on its arms and legs, reminding him of the giant spiders in the pictures he'd seen at the Aladdin with Richie. It bared its teeth, charging towards them. They stumbled to the door as the changing projector slides illuminated the black in spontaneous flashes. Amongst the terror Eliza noticed Beverly trembling in a corner as the monster approached. In a sudden burst of courage, she ran to her best friends side. She tugged at the red head's arm but it was no use. It was like her feet were sinking into the floor, trapping her. Eliza kept her eyes firmly on Bev, knowing as soon as she caught another glimpse of It that she wouldn't be able to escape the fear any longer. But despite her best efforts, it felt like she was being magnetised towards the creature, and it wasn't long before she gave in. Her body went numb. It neared its teeth and El began to cry. Although, it wasn't the terror that made her cry, it was the thought that this was her end and she would never see any of The Losers' Club or her brother ever again.

Out of nowhere, the lights went up. Ben and Mike had managed to open the garage door, makimg the clown vanish. Beverly made her way to Bill and a silence soon followed. However, it didn't last long because Richie began to cry. It may have disappeared, but it took something - or someone - else with it.

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